Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Office Crisis NOT Averted!
So even though I had all of that shit I had to do, I actually decided to by the next episode on itunes. FORTUNATELY I fell asleep before it finished. Then I did what I had to do today (bake sale, class (with test)). Then I decided, fuck it, I'm going to buy season 4 myself!!! So I actually go to Best Buy and they don't have it. I HONESTLY almost cried!!! Then I came back home and decided that maybe I would just buy all of the first disk on itunes. But then I decided that that was stupid. SO I changed my netflix subscription to 3 disks at a time to make everything go faster!!! Then I watched the first episode of season 4 (SOOOO GOOD) and bought the second episode on itunes and watched that. HOPEFULLY I will not buy any more tonight.
Also, I might still look into buying it at Newbury.
Please understand that this is 54 episodes. In 6 days.
(I'm not trying to justify it, but that's really only 9 episodes a day on average, and thats really only like... 3 and 1/2 hours...)
Monday, September 29, 2008
OMG The Office.
It is 12:22am on Tuesday. I have a test at 1pm for which I need to read chapters 2-6. On Wednesday I have to have watched several episodes of Seinfeld (for real, I actually have to), read god knows how much for my quiz, solidly know the four story lines for our Sex and the City episode, pick out what I want to do for my HUGE documentary project (the final project for my scary class), and do something excessive for my talk show.
I have done NONE of these things.
However the REAL issue is, remember how I watched 29 episodes of The Office, leaving me at the end of season 2? Well, after my fun on Sunday ;) , I facebook posted on my friend who loaned me season 2's wall asking for the next season. After I posted that, I realized that I can watch season 3 in PERFECT quality online on netflix. After Chords, I watched about 6 episodes!! (Btw, I was EXHAUSTED and it was SOOOOO LUCKY that the Pam and Jim story wasn't progressing or I would have honestly never slept)! Then I got season 3 from my friend. I watched THE REST OF THE EPISODES TODAY!!! Which is a) embarassing, and b) INCREDIBLY irresponsible considering how much shit I have to do!!!
1) We have FINALLY hit what I've been waiting for with Pam and Jim-- SO CLIFFHANGER-Y THAT I'M GOING TO DIE!!
2) even though I have SO much to do, I would still watch this next episode on netflix if it was available... but it's NOT!
3) MY FRIEND DOESN'T HAVE THIS SEASON!!! So no MATTER WHAT I have to wait for the individual disks!!!
Hopefully I can take this opportunity to experience discomfort and thus learn to self control... because honestly, this is getting out of hand!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
29 Episodes of The Office
Actually, let me give you a little run-down of what I've been up to:
On Thursday I got my netflix season 1 of The Office (6 episodes). I also borrowed season 2 (22 episodes) from a TV classmate (I've got the hook up now, ya'll). I also had a miraculous reboost of obsession in reading The Host.
Between Thursday and now (very early Sunday)this is what I've done:
1) read over 300 pages of The Host.
2) watched an astounding 28 episodes of The Office on dvd.
3) watched the season premiere of The Office (so now 29 episodes)
4) watched the presidential debate
5) watched The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
6) went to all of my classes
7) completed 6 hours of work (the paid kind)
8) completed 1 hour of class (which is all I have)
9) had Amanda and Alex over twice
10) hung out with Jenn O
11) did a four hour video shoot (no exaggeration)
What I'm saying is... I'm actually BREEDING time. I don't know how one can do all of these things whilst eating and sleeping... but I can. I. Am. Amazing.
(but seriously... 29 episodes of The Office in 3 days???)
Also, the end of season 2 has left me at a cliff hanger... and I'm about to die. WAITING SUCKS!!! And I know that after I finish season 3 and 4 (which, at this rate could be before the next ACTUAL episode), watching the show once a week is going to be TORTURE!! I have, I believe, LITERALLY never watched a show weekly that I REALLY cared about. I only watched House, which I loved but never thought about really, Top Model which is alright, and Project Runway-- I can do without them all. Not so much with The Office.
That being said, this was my dream-- I did have the mission of getting into The Office.
Also, I am in love with John Krasinski, obviously, and have done my basic search that I do when I'm in love with anyone. IMdb for all movies, trivia, and ESPECIALLY personal quotes. Then see any interview with Ellen Degeneres and Craig Ferguson. Letterman next. (I'm not joking, I do this with a LOT of people... it's my test).
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Rodent Cat Marriage Dream
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The ACTUAL End of Brad
Brad: That's where I sent the e-mail--I will re-send it. Hmmmmm. And you didn't tell me whether I should add you as a friend or not.....
Me: I'm sorry, but I don't think we should be friends on facebook. Even though I'm sure you're a nice guy, I can't help but be uncomfortable giving my information to someone I don't really know (I've grown up in an age of extreme caution). But, I hope you're correspondence with my mom goes well.
Brad: You know what? Your mother raised you well. I always knew you would turn out great. Thanks for everything.
Netflix is My Personal Heaven
SO, I don't know if you know this, but I'm KIND OF obsessed with the amazon.com feature where the site recommends things you're probably going to like. So then I go through and say what that I already have it or if I'm not interested in buying it. You NEVER have to stop that game, btw, because they can recommend FOREVER! I've spent I bet, if I honestly had to guess, about 8 hours of my life looking through things amazon thinks I might like.
THAT SAID, netflix is EVEN BETTER and I'll tell you why!:
1) It's only movies. Amazon knows that I mostly like/will buy movies, but I bought 2 sarongs once and now it randomly thinks I'm into fabrics.
2) Because of the monthly fee, I can actually make these movie dreams come true! On amazon, the practice is just masochistic since I obviously can't buy said movies!
3) (and possibily the funnest part!!) Netflix actually GUESSES how much I'm going to like EVERY MOVIE based on a scale of 1-5 stars. Then I can go through and rate the movies the way I actually would! And the coolest part was that it wasn't ever off by much! Only by about a half a star usually!!! THAT'S SO NEAT!!!! Although I did think it was funny that they thought I would give four stars to the movie Blue's Clues: Blue's Big Band. That's a little awkward... I half believe netflix.
ANYWAY, I also decided to apply for my absentee ballot today. I know I ALWAYS write about this, but they do NOT WANT YOU TO VOTE BY ABSENTEE BALLOT! I don't know who "they" is, but I can never find what district and ward and municipality I'm in. It's SO annoying! I wrote the PA voting site and told them that they need to put that information, AND what's going to be on the ballot, on the site. Especially since the site tells you that it recommends you bring a list of candidates and issues that are going to be on the ballot TO the voting booth. I was like "ummm could you just GIVE ME what's on the ballot?" Especially since the questions are different for each state. ugh.
That said, everyone should vote!!! Also, Obama's voteforchange.com was really really helpful (it makes sense that Obama would put money towards making absentee voting easier! That could be a third of his supporters!)! Even if you're not voting for Obama, you should use the site!
Also, I got an A on my first production project where I had to do the 6 shots. He said "This is a good story, well written with a lot of nice detail. it shows a talent for inventing a story and filming it with intricate details."
Two days ago, I was looking through my camera case, and I found a check from this summer that I forgot to deposit for $287!!!!!! !!!!! That's AWWWWWWWWESOME!!!! It was my inspiration for netflix.
Also, I think I'm going to go to the Hanson concert in Providence, RI. It's in the works.
NATALYA IS STILL HERE!! We're having a shit-ton of fun!!! She just got a job for about $500 a WEEK!!! which she can start anytime between now and November. SO she might stay and get an apartment, or she might go to State College, or Polland... or Argentina. It's up in the air. I'll keep... my blog updated on that information...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Just Sayin'
Why do they need that many cars?????
By contrast, Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, only have one car to their name."
~Perez Hilton
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Most Hilarious End of Brad
No he didn't but I got this weird email saying that they wanted to have sex with me I figured it was spam and deleted it but then I got to thinking maybe that was him trying to be funny since he seems to have a warped sense of humor--anyway glad u like the pan and also that natalya is safe ttul, Mom
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday-- Movie Day
I realised, actually, that one of my classes ends at 12:30pm and the next starts at 3pm-- PERFECT for eating lunch and watching a movie!!! I watched D2: The Mighty Ducks 2 (I watched the first one a few days ago!)! After all of my classes and visiting Courtney and chatting with Caroline (who sadly had to listen to my life story and views on politics... again... ) I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley for the first time! SCARY movie! I almost had a heartattack. A lot like Matchpoint. I have to note that NOW when I'm watching movies, I feel a little bit like I'm studying for class. My life couldn't get any better!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sleep, Comfort, Chords
First: I have been getting SO MUCH SLEEP it's insane! This is possibly an adjusting period. I'm trying to compromise by love of nights with my new-found love of mornings. This is challenging since things happen in the DAY! I'm just all about siestas (I think). You can get your productivity done in the morning (a pleasure I'm learning to really love), take a snooze, and rock out the rest of your day.
Second: I was debating whether I would write this in my written journal (which is significantly more private (as I am the only reader (and I don't even read it too often))) or this one... but I've chosen this one. I am feeling VERY comfortable this year! I'm feeling like I think I did junior year of highschool... obviously besides all the stress of college. I just really like the path that I'm on, and I feel like I've been making the right decisions, and I didn't even realize I didn't feel like that before until now. I didn't realize that I hadn't come to terms with all that I've done. But also I feel like I'm doing a lot of activities that I love, and a lot of people know me, and no doors are really closed at all. I just know that when I was a junior in highschool, I really FELT like I could answer questions and take charge and be more assertive without being arrogant. I just knew how things went... or I had a good idea.
That said, I was wondering if next year will feel like senior year of highschool for me. I know that I remember junior year as being the worst, but I'm pretty sure that senior year was the most messed up. I just wonder if finding a job is going to be as crazy and overwhelming as finding a college was for me. I hope not. I'm not trying to be pessamistic. I just think that maybe I should prepare for that possibility. Start early. Make sure I have enough knowledge to get going, because I can definitely see the light right now. I'm just worried that my own insecurity or feeling of ignorance or sizing myself up to other people might get in the way as the time approaches. At least college turned out well. Hopefully I'll remember that.
In other news (third if you're still counting): We did call-backs for Chords today! It was pretty fun! Although we did the song that I solo in, and so it was surprisingly hard to listen to the girls and sing. But, I think we picked some good ones. I just hope that we actually get them, because they could get snagged by other groups. But I thought we were pretty fun. I would be hard-pressed to find a more fun group of ladies-- no joke!
Monday, September 15, 2008
More on Awkward Brad and some Critical Information
I just went through all my emails again and unless he used some other name or something then I rec'd nothing from him and I am so sory that your in the middle of this because it is weird that he keeps talking to you like your a friend of his or something when he's older than I am. you can give him my address one more time and if he can't get it right then just block him ok?! Thank you. Love MOM
BUT in other news, I finished my first video-ish shoot on Saturday. It looks hilarious, but it's supposed to look shitty so that's ok. But my actors (Caroline and Jenn) were very cooperative and wonderful!
Also, we had the preliminary try-outs for Chordially Yours (Chords (my a capella group)) which was KIND OF fun... but actually more tiring than you might think. BUT I have faith that we'll pick some gems out of our 60 auditioners. Tuesday is our call back!
It is important to note that I discovered (/was told by Rachael) that you can put pictures onto a disk (from ANYWHERE!) and bring them to CVS and they print them out like ACTUAL pictures for $.29 per picture. I've made 19 miscellaneous ones so far, but obviously plan on spending all of my money there from now on! It's just SO GOOD TO KNOW! I hope they never get rid of that feature! I've already made a new Chords poster!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I've Got Myself an Middle-Aged Man Pest
OK, I sent your mom an e-mail and she didn't respond. Give her a nudge for me will ya? Thanks, Brad
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Busy Busy!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Non-Relative 40-Year-Olds are Not Friends
Today we learned some very VERY basics about a camera so that we can do some shoots!! FOR TUESDAY!! I'm CRAZY excited. I just want to NOT do all of my homework due tomorrow and focus on making storyboards for my shoot. It's only 6 cuts... which isn't 6 scenes. It's 6 different times that you turn the camera on and off. LUCKILY I wrote a story with only 4 characters, all women, and only two settings. One is a dorm room. And my scene is in a dorm room with only two people! That was LUCKY!
In other news, I have jury duty tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited to do. I am all about my civic duty. BUUUT I really hope they don't make me do any long trials-- I'm a STUDENT! And I can't miss ANY DAYS! I'm already up a creek with missing this day. I think they should make the system better. That's right. I'm going to willy-nilly declare that the system should be improved whilst knowing nothing about how it works. I say, let's shorten this shit up! One day of trial. And you just sit in the damn room until everyone decides on a verdict. Like 12 Angry Men. EASY! No getting out of it. No picking your favorite jurors. Everyone just gets one day. We can even do it per year. One day a year you go. Done.
But actually, we'll just see how I feel after I've experienced the whole shabang.
On a completely side subject, I get a message on facebook from a 40-ish year old man entitled "Is your mom Rebecca?" which is my mom's name. The message goes:
When I was in Med school, you were a little kid, and your mom and I were friends if she is Rebecca. I always wondered what happened to the two of you. Respond if you get a minute. Thanks! Brad
That sounded perfectly legit. So I tell my mother about the message and she agrees that she knows him. I ask if I can give him her email address and she agrees. So I write:
Hi Brad,
Thank you for contacting me. My mother is Rebecca! I told her that you messaged me and she told me to give you her email address, if you want to talk to her directly.
(email address omitted)
Have a great day! My mother will be excited to hear from you!
We should agree that this should have been the end of our correspondence. But nay:
Gee, you couldn't talk her into making her own Facebook page so I could find her here?? Thanks for responding. Shall I add you as a friend?? Brad
Ummm... No 40-year-old stranger. I told my mom about this email and she said he hadn't emailed her yet. Awkward.
He obvs gets no reply.
Important date: Sept. 26-- Obama/McCain debate! Arguably the best part of elections!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Another Epic Email
sorry if these emails are annoying but you HAVE to know!
So yesterday I had my first day of the rest of my classes. My first class was 11-12:30 and it’s television writing. Im basically the MOST EXCITED IVE EVER BEEN!!! Which is lucky because I THOUGHT it might be my fave! I mean… I haven’t done anything so we’ll see.. but the final project is to write an entire episode of…
Does it get any luckier?? Also my homework for this weekend is to watch shrek (along with other things, obviously… but that’s AWESOME!!!) also, we have show-viewing homework… which is why I really needed a tv (forshadowing).
My checks cleared, so after class I HAD to go grocery shopping. It was like $90, but a lot of the stuff I won’t have to replace that quickly like mustard and olive oil and stuff. Plus I got shampoo and conditioner and facewash… so it all added up. I feel alright about it. But I got some frozen vegetables, canned vegetables, lunch meat, cheese, milk, bread… tuna. Not too much meat because I realized that I ONLY know how to make rosemary chicken and I didn’t want to get ingredients for that because who knows when im going to make it again. But I DID get granola bars because even though I don’t like them too much, if they’re in my bag when im out and hungry, they are INFINITELY more appealing!
Anyway, I ate a turkey sandwich and then went to my food anthro class. It’s my biggest class by far… with about 60 students. The woman actually cooked for Jackie O! also she wrote 2 cookbooks in the 70s. it’s SO good though because the class is only an hour and I have 2 three hour classes and 1 hour and a half one… so it was almost like I had no class at all. Im sure its going to be fun. There are lots of field trips too! So when you come to boston maybe I can show you some really fun places to eat. Also our final project is a cooking project that we bring in.. so it’s nice that I have a kitchen! Also, pat’s old roommate, Justin, is in the class.
After class I visited pat for a bit and ate a banana and read some of my book. Then I went to my 6-9 producing 1 class which I was REALLY afraid of.
So it turns out, the two girls who are in my other producing class, the anthro/tv majors are BOTH in this class, as is one of the girls in my group from my writing class. So one of the girls is in 3 of my classes! This makes me feel like I was making the right, logical class choices.
The lady was a little scary but alright. We have to REEEEAAALLY know current events. Luckily I don’t think it will be THAT hard for me to step it up a notch. But I have to read the NY times and the “trades” (which is like … variety or something) every day! It’s intense. Im glad I was already keeping up.. and also that I read perezhilton like… 3 times a day. He HELPS!
After class (which was let out an hour early), I went to visit my friend Lorna, and then saw Amanda and Rachael for project runway. Then I saw lorna again, with saswato and Lynda. And then I went home and ate a can of peas and carrots and went to bed.
Then today I woke up at like 11:20… which was pretty late, ate a turkey sandwich, and then went to my first day of work. basically it was VERY easy… I made copies and ran errands and stuff. But I felt very comfortable, which was nice. I might get spoiled by such an easy job.
Then I went to best buy and got a tv. With the cable for cable and a dvd player it cost me $308, which I can’t complain about it. Plus it was easy as hell to carry. I looked at the tvs for a long time because I was a little embarrassed by just picking the cheapest one… so I pretended that I was evaluating them closely… but really, after you can't see the different screens next to each other… it doesn’t matter which screen has the marginally better picture! So whatever. Im pleased with myself.
Im going to play cards with my friends tonight.. and then tomorrow im either going to go to a party-ish or see the drive in movie at bu which is the sex and the city movie followed by ironman!! So… we’ll see.
Sorry I had to tell you about all of that… but it was important.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
An Email to my Mother
i just wanted to tell you about my first day of classes... and i was going to call you but then i didn't and now it's too late.
background: i overdrew my banking account, as you know, and while i deposited all of my checks, they haven't processed yet so i can't buy anything (btw, in case you're curious, i overdrew because i transfered enough money to come home and buy all the crap i needed ($250 ish) but i FORGOT that i just bought my books so i overdrew by like $200 and they charged me about $200... so that SUCKS!!!... but i know it's in the past).
thus, i have NO FOOD!! i have $500 in convenience points, but i had to spend $35 on extra books plus i had to get folders... and then i needed mayonaise which was like $3.50 so i could eat tuna instead of pasta again! and i don't want to waste my meals because i only have 47 for the sememster... which is about 3 per week.
so this morning i woke up, didn't eat, took a shower, and went to see about this new job. now i got $1466 for work study, so i basically can only work like 8 hours a week. BUT the lady didn't make me have a recommendation or anything. and i get to work for like... a few hours at a time... so im working 3 hours at most and it's mostly just making copies and delivering stuff, and one of the days kelly told me you basically don't do anything. so that's GREAT!! and TECHNICALLY i could probably get another job because it's all during times that i COULD have class... so all my afternoons are free.
BUUUUUUT i would basically only get like $50 a week... which is like... JUST enough money to live on. so im a little scared. AND i don't WANT to get another job because i have chords and my classwork, which ill talk about in a second.
SOOOO after i got done at the office (10-12pm), i had to find something cheap to eat. i ended up getting a little $2 thing of hummus and crackers and a $1.50 tiny thing of tuna salad and crackers (im sure you know what im talking about) and a can of coke. it was actually filling though, and i sat outside. it's been BEAUTIFUL!
then i went to my first and only class of the day which is video production and it's from 1-4pm. so, i always get nervous with these television classes because i feel like im soooo underexperienced! BUT he asked us (about 20 in the class) how many had experience with cameras and like... 1/3 raised their hand. then my professor told them to try and forget that stuff because it's harder when you already have experience and that he works as though everyone is brand new to it. it made me feel SOOOO good!! and then he went around and asked everyone where they were from and what they were interested in, and everyone seemed just as unsure as me. AND we're all juniors. i just felt OVERWHELMINGLY good.. like maybe everything is going to turn out fine with my future career and everything... because i can just work really hard and then people like kelly will recommend me to a great position and that's how ill be fine!! it was SOOOOO GREAT FEELING!!!
then he started talking to us about terms and important stuff about film and cameras and i already knew a lot of the terms... and everything he said about this film he showed us, i THOUGHT!! i was ELATED!!
we also got a 15 minute break, and a girl came over to me and asked if i was in her sex and gender class last year (which i was), and then we started talking and shes double majoring in tv and anthro!!!!!! which is what i want to do!!! so she was telling me how i should do it, and then the girl across from me came back from the bathroom and overheard what we were talking about and SHE'S ALSO MAJORING IN TV AND ANTHRO!! it was SOOOO LUCKY!!!!!!!! PLUS the first girl is in my tv writing class too!!
PLUS, im taking TWO production courses this semester, and the other one im pretty scared of because the professor got REALLY bad ratings on ratemyprofessor.com and i tried to avoid her but the other professor quit so i got her. BUUUUT i think that even if i feel like i dont' have a lot of experience in her class, at least i feel comfortable in this other class and ill be getting experience from there.
after class i went to get the rest of my ocs checks and i actually had 3 instead of 2 so that was GREAT!! then i deposited them!
then i ate at hillel with rachael because amanda started her job there tonight.
then i did all the pre-work for my production class... i discovered that there was a south campus computer lab!! AND it has recycling so i can bring my recycling when i need to print something!!!
then i hung out with caroline!
it was a GREAT DAY!!
BUT im really worried about starving... running out of money. i have 5 video projects for my producing class, 4 with a group.. so that's OBVIOUSLY going to be a lot of time outside of class, PLUS i have a whole other production class. and writing is going to be weekly assignments... and anthro has field trips!!! (it's about food!). so i basically can't get another job, i don't think. PLUS i NEED a tv because my writing class has watching-tv assignments! so ... i for sure can't get the comforter i wanted... at most i can get a shittier one even though i wanted it to be like.. my investment. but tvs cost like $200 at the LEAST because they only sell hi-def now.. i mean $250 is the cheapest at best buy... and i don't know where else i could go.
im pretty excited by all of this money pressure... even though im also worried.
i hope you had a good day too!