I just gave Hootenanny (my fish) a huge scare!
Everyone (one person (Saralyn)) told me that I shouldn't keep my fish on the floor in case I trip on the bowl. Hootenanny sleeps at the top of the water and even though barely any water splashed out (I'm not exactly sure of the physics as it was dark), he flew right out. I rescued him pretty quickly but... he's acting a little stunned, although visibly alive. I contend that a life of getting to see the sun and the outdoors, even if it comes with a little risk, is better than a life of darkness on my dresser.
We'll see how I feel if he's dead tomorrow....
Money situation is still rotten. Superfresh Blythe is much more difficult, although thankfully not impossible, to maintain on a diet of bread and bananas and severe reduction of caffeine. At about 7pm today, I felt a Hulk-like change approaching and had to bolt ASAP, lest a more tyrannical Blythe make an appearance.
Part 2 of the money situation is that I've obviously been spending a lot more time on craigslist than usual. I find it hard not to get distracted by all the kittens people are giving away. I'm DEFINITELY not getting a kitten... but... it's distracting. (Double paws!)
I think I'm going to look at a new place this week. $500 a month at the Park La Brea (where I used to live) with a young lesbian couple. I'm not getting my hopes up though, because if there is a deposit involved, it's a no-go. Samesies with any sort of lease situation.
Davida procured another roommate. Her name is Katheria (Kah-thee-ria (I ran to get a piece of paper and spell it phonetically minutes after I met her so I wouldn't forget)). I've seen her twice. She has a chihuahua that actually looks like a chihuahua, unlike any of the other 3 half-breeds that live with us. I met her twice. Her boyfriend is objectively hot. This is all I know.
Hung out with my longest-known peer friend Cassidy the other day which, as always, cemented the knowledge that our lives are completely parallel. Both raised by single teenage milf nurses, with step-fathers later on. Both moved a jillion times and weren't in the same school for more than 2 years until middle school. Both have a much younger brother and sister (I have an additional sister, but as I never lived with her, that doesn't change my similarities to Cassidy). Both majored in film and moved to LA after college. We're both pretty easy going. We both own a JILLION movies (he might even have more than me... but only by about 40). We both watch the same movies over and over and OVER again. We both have a tendency to stay up until 4am if our life-styles are at all permitting. We're the same.

Cassidy and Kim (his mom)
Me and my mom.
It's too bad I don't know where my favorite picture of him and me is. We were cute as hell, if I may be so immodest for the both of us.
Finished The Lovely Bones. I'm sure no one is keeping track, but I never got to finish No One Gets Out of Here Alive, the Doors biography, because I lost my bag that contained it a while ago. Thankfully that was essentially the only thing in there, but the real tragedy is that the main reason I got that book was because I wanted to know how they interpreted Jim Morrison's death and I never got to that part. The rest of the book was... not boring, but not really great or enlightening so I don't really want to buy it again (not that I could right now... but hypothetically speaking). I guess I'll have to get a library card. Maybe it'll be a blessing in disguise.
Regardless, The Lovely Bones was pretty great. Although I would be interested to see how they made the movie since it seemed like it would be far too anti-climactic for cinema. Now I'm reading American On Purpose, Craig Ferguson's autobiography. Love it. Love Ferguson. Plus interestingly enough, Craig Ferguson and Barack Obama make me feel more proud of being American than... anyone or anything else in the world.
That's all.