Ok... so I think I deserve to do this because it's been SO LONG and in my old blog I would do them all the time!!! What's funny is that I just went through my old blog in 2005 when I used to do these a LOT and came across one like... every 3 entries... buuuuh. Anyway, here is one I picked out. (I'll put the answers from Oct. 2005 in parenthesis because I think they're fun)
1. What time is it in one hour? (do they mean "will it be"? because in one hour it will be 10:08 pm) It'll be exactly 5am in an hour.
2. Name as appears on your birth certificate? (Blythe Elizabeth Wolber) Obviously still applies
3. Nickname(s) (blydy, blythe-a-bell) Caroline, and I think I've noticed some other people, call me Blythe-bear a lot. Caroline REALLY does it though. I actually love it.
4. Do You Drive?: (should i or do i? haha no i don't.) yeah... still applies
5. Single or taken?: (single) still
6. Chinese zodiac: (dragon) still
7. Hair color: (light brown) I would say it's regular brown... but I'm pretty sure the color hasn't changed.
8. Eyelash color: (hmmm dark brown) I mean... dyed black from the eyeliner
9. Height at age 12: (i don't know... 4 ft +/- 2 feet) ha I would bet 5"
10. Shoe size : (BIG haha.. no but woulnd't it be cool if that meant anything for girls. i think im 10 or something tho) Yeah same.
11. Glasses, contacts or neither?: (neither) I do have glasses that I'm supposed to wear for an hour a day because otherwise my one bad eye will get lazy... but really I can see very well without them.
12. Braces? (never) still true
13. Wished Piercing/tattoos?: (kind of ... but i don't know where) ummmm not really
14. Birthplace: (st josephs hospital, syracuse ny) true
15. Current residence:(htown) Boston
16. Siblings name and age: (meredith-11, matt-7, indigo- 5) now they are 14, 10, 9 -- just remembered I forgot Indigo's birthday for the third year in a row!!!! I SUCK)
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Gotten super wasted? (no) yes
18. Gotten so drunk you don't rememember? (no) yes... but no complete blackouts
19. Drank 5 liters of beer in 2 hours?: (no) I don't think so
20. Had an Irish carbomb: (no) still no
21. Skipped school by peer pressure?: (no) no but I skip because I don't feel like it occasionally
22. Bungee jumped?: (no) still true
23. Kissed someone not related to you 30+ years older than you on the cheek: (no) still no
24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?: (on the cheek again? yes) still true
25. Made out with more than two people in one day: (no)
26. Hit your head somewhere and been knocked out?: (no)
27. TP'd someone's house? (no)
28. Won something of value?: (money value? i dont' think so) I won a pass to the tomb at college fest. I don't know... sometimes I win things
29. Asked a stranger out?: (no)
30. Been rejected by someone?: (no)
31. Been in love with someone who didn’t know it?: (no) well... I don't know
32. Been to over 5 funerals? : (no)
33. Used a lighter?: (yes)
34. Been on stage?: (yes)
35. Pasta: (linguini... actually anything but regular pasta... im bored of that) Ok my new answer is Chicken tequila fettucine from California Pizza Kitchen!! I LOOOOVE that shit!
36. Ice cream flavor: (double fudge brownie) my new answer is chocolate with peanut butter
37. Store for clothes: (kohls) I mean... I don't really buy clothes. So mostly kohls or urban
38. School subject(s): (right now? all but sr proj) Ummm... television and anthropology
39. Breakfast cereal: (cheerios or golden grahams) I would add rice crispies to that
40. Number and why: (3 ... it is my birthday but im not sure thats why) Yeah... i don't really have a fave
41. Book and why: (second helpings) that, Harry Potter books, David Sedaris-- not in that order
42. Horror Movie: (the ring) still true although I'm still scared of Dark Corners
43. Candy: (toblerone) Have to say ferrero roche
44. Black soda: (cherry pepsi) cherry coke
45. Color: (red, indigo) funnily enough, I officially changed it to blue, specifically blue-green
46. Vacation spot(s) that you like: (colorado) still true, although on a radio show I told a lady that I would get a house in Seattle
47. Sport to watch on T.V.: (celebrity poker) still true
48. Sport to play: (softball... or frisbee) and wiffle ball
49. Fruit: (huh... ummm ... raspberries...) and pineapple and tomatoes
50. Sound: (tenors) i guess that's still true
51. Fast food restaraunt: (taco bell.. i can't help it... sometimes i just want refried beans in a wrap) I do still agree, but I like uburger better
52. Cartoon Character: (peter pan... or sebastian or flower or lumiere) and Wall-e
53. Holiday the first half of the year: (ew... i can't even think of any other than easter which is my arch nemasis holiday) agree... can we count Oscar day as a holiday?
54. Name for a boy: (darian, jesse) miraculously, still true!!
55. Name for a girl: (vada, avalon) still true with vada, I've changed avalon to scarlett but I might change again because now it's too much like scarlett johanson
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?: (chocolate) definitely still true
57. Boys or girls?: (boys) still true
58. Long relationships or one night stands: (long) yep
59. Dogs or cats or horses?: (horses to pull my stuff... dogs to be my bitch, cats for the attitude) haha I think I'll just go with dogs... but I bet I'll get a cat first (probably one of my 4 existing ones)
60. comedies or scary movies: (comedies) def
61. Silver or gold?: (both) agree
62 Croutons or bacon bits?: (croutons) def
63. Potato: (hybrid pot with tomotoes) potatopus
64. Tomato: (mom yelling that ive eaten them all) truth. I could eat a tomato right now!
65. School: (partay if you've done your work... which often i have not) glorious!!!
66. Grass: (smelly)frozen
67. Cow: (my wedding when instead of a feast i bring in a live cow and tell people to dig in) wtf!!! I don't know why I said that!! ummm stupid and unfortunately bred to be that way
68. Canada: (oh canada) michael cera
69. Mouse: (tactic to meet girls in 100 girls) tried to steal my rolos
70. Hand: (plaster) thing from the addams family--I was discussing that movie with my mom
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? (heck yes.. 2 EASILY) nope, upstairs the tv is being used for wii and downstairs there is no vcr. but tomorrow we're having superhero night, I hear.
72. Talked on the phone?: (yes) true, I talked to Katherine
73. Cried?: (hmmm... close but i would go with no... definately in the past 72 hours tho) yes, I've been reading a lot of Harry Potter and I've gotten to be unbearable sensitive
74. Threw up?: (ew no!) no but I did a LOT a few days ago!!!!!
75. Drank a glass of water?: (more than one (which isn't actually the norm but soda is making me ill)) hahaha! yes I have
76. Gone to the bathroom?: (obviously) still true
77. Read a book or magazine? (no) I've read 1.5 books AND a magazine.
78. Watched tv?: (friends on dvd? yes... anything ON TV... no) hmmmm I was on the computer while my sister watched Full House, but I haven't sat and watched tv, no
79. Looked in the mirror?: (hahahahahaha! looked, sang to... ) yes
80. Taken a shower?: (yes) still true... although not in the past 24 hours
81. Taken a picture?: (no) yes. I took a picture of the turtles
82. Listened to music?: (yes) true
83. Hugged or kissed someone?: (yes) true
84. Done your hw?: (no... seriously i haven't) winter break, don't have any
85. Told someone you loved them?: (yes... probably more than 25 times total) yes... my sister asks me like... hourly if I love her... I mostly say no but I'm sure I said yes at some point.
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******
86. Heaven?: (no) still true
87. A one true love?: (no) still true
88. Aliens?: (not the intelligent kind (refering to beings not on this earth) but possibly like... the equivalent of plant life) yes I definitely believe in aliens... but they probably won't get to be here. but statistically there definitely are basically
89. Fun for the entire family?: (MONOPOLY!! HECK YES!!!) or trivial pursuit
90. Freedom of speech?: (yes) definitely!!
91. Love?: (yes) still true
92. Magic?: (no but i do a lot of things and follow a lot of my own superstitions that revolve around me believing in magic) hahaha still kind of true
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres?:(march of the penguins) Milk, probably
94. Are you listening to music right now?: (no) true
95. What color shirt are you wearing?: (westgate blue) gray
96. Do you like your middle name?: (ummm... it doens't really affect me much) true but I like having so many "th"s
97. What is the best thing since sliced bread: (sliced onions!) internet!
98. What color is your backpack?: (my NEW backpack?????!!! RED!) haha same backpack. although now I have a purple Blythe bag and a black Vogue espana bag
99. Is there somebody you want to perfrm sexual acts on?: (wow! heck yes!) still true