Here is how ridiculous I am with time.
So last night, I'm watching Colbert and I know that I need to write about 7 pages of my SATC script, fix the old parts of the script that I have notes on, and slightly alter the formatting. But then I flip to Letterman at midnight. And then at 12:30am I decide I'm going to watch Ferguson and THEN do my script. So at 1:30am, I obviously have a wave of sleepy (the kind that comes with nothing left to procrastinate with) and finally decide that I'm just going to wake up early and do it.
Side note: I'm not saying I fully recommend this method, but I do think it has some huge advantages. The biggest one being that you actually almost WANT to do your work when time gets so crunched. Also, I find that things take me about HALF the time to do in the morning, because at night I'm distracted by things. ALSO, I'm pretty sure I'm cleverer in the morning and/or when I'm scared about time (I'm not sure which). The point is that doing things in the morning isn't necessarily a bad idea if you can time manage.
So I set my alarm for 6:30am for my 11am class. I get REAAAALLY scared that I'm going to oversleep, so for the first time, I also set my iPod alarm which is all the way across the room (which isn't long but is full of many obstacles (no joke; there are literally 4 chairs in my tiny room-- not to mention more clothes than I feel like I own, books, papers, magazines, folders, etc.)).
So I wake up at 6:30am and as always, when I do this stuff, I count the hours in my head. "7:30, 8:30, 9:30 for a shower, 10 is when I want to leave... 3 hours is a LONG TIME. I can cut it to 2.5."
So I reset my phone to 7, get up to turn off the iPod alarm, and then turn off my regular alarm. Then at 7, since I hardly remember my last head conversation, I recount "8, 9, I don't need a shower, 10 is when I want to leave. 3 hours is a long time. I'll cut it down to 2.5"
So I reset my alarm again to 7:30am. And then at 7:30 I reset to 7:35. At 7:35 I reset to 7:42. At 7:42 I recount. "9, 10 is when I want to leave. Crap! I need to get up, get an energy drink and start!" Then I get up, mentally griping about how the EXTREEEEME heat in my room is making me so sleepy. I put on the fan, get my shoes and sweatshit, grab the miraculous $20 and keys on my desk. I get out and it's freezing and windy, but it's such a relief from my room. I get my energy drink and $17 in change. As I start getting back to the door, I go to take my keys out and the money, that I hadn't put in my wallet but actually had just stuck in my pocket ALL came out and started FLYING down the street. Thankfully I was able to identify which bill was the $10 so I ran down the street after it. Then I came back looking for the other money. I found the $5; I had to run after that too. Then I found a $1, which I only KIND OF had to run after. And, as I was picking up the bill, a man, who was watching me, found the last bill, gave it to me, and said "mmm bad day." I was pleased that he was so sympathetic, but I actually thought it was extremely lucky that I got every one of my bills back. I was actually really satisfied when I just got the $10 and the $5.
Then I went back into my room that was a more satisfying temperature because of the fan. Plus I was energized from running after bills, AND I had my energy drink so I was set. I wrote about 4 scenes and then my computer died and I had to rewrite all of them, which was lame. But it was way easier and didn't take that much time. Plus it might even be better this time, which is nice. Then I finished, miraculously found the button I'd been searching for earlier that slightly reformatted my script. Then I went about making changes to the first part, saving a LOT. Then 10am rolled around and I wasn't done. So in my head I was like "that's okay. 10:15 is fine." Then at 10:16, I decided I was over it and wanted to email it to myself. Then my computer shut down. Thankfully nothing was erased. But Then it got to be 10:25 and I started getting really scared. I finally got it emailed at 10:29 and hustled to the computer lab.
At the computer lab I printed my stuff out. Then I felt like I still had time so I wrote an email to my daddy about winter break. Then I went to class.
I got there 5 minutes early.
And we didn't even turn the scripts in.
When I write it out it kind of sounds like the day is leaning in the bad direction.. but actually it seemed kind of lucky at the time (which was like... 4 minutes ago). hmmmm.
IN OTHER NEWS, I have a field trip today for anthro. Then I have a meeting about my documentary which SHOULD go fine. The REAL issue is that I have this anthro paper due on Friday. It only has to be 5-8 pages long... but it's like... the ONLY GRADE! Also I haven't read ANYTHING for the class. Also, we're supposed to get sources from the Boston Public Library etc. So tomorrow I'm ONLY doing my paper. I'm going to honestly wake up early, go to the library, get what I need, and read all afternoon. Plus I can stay up all night because I don't have class until 3pm on Friday. I'm just nervous about getting enough of the class reading in there because I think I want to do my paper on local food, but it's a subject that is hard to spot in the TITLE of an article unless it's specifically about that. I just feel like she could be like "we read about your topic in this and this too. Why didn't you mention those sources?"
Whatever, 5-8 pages is nothing. I should be grateful.
So this weekend I have to make my very final draft of my Sex and the City script. It's essentially done except I need to add 3 pages which might be a real problem because it's all about being concise. I also have to write a script and storyboard for our final project for video production. That will be taxing but fun.
Also, I want to do these things before the end of the weekend:
1. Watch at least ONE of the two movies (V for Vendetta and Bourne Identity) that I've had for like... a year.
2. Clean out my email box. Getting Variety, TVweek, and New York Times via my regular email was kind of dumb.
3. Pick out a new computer.
4. Deposit my checks.
ALSO we screened our projects yesterday and ours was great, albeit the most dramatic of the bunch. I think we did well. PLUS we got our tests from a LONG time ago back. I remembered not feeling very confident about the test and was relieved when everyone said they were worried. I mentioned that I was worried to, but I didn't want anyone to see my grade because if I got like... a 70% and everyone else did better... in my major! that would be really embarrassing. BUT I ended up getting a 92% which was definitely one of the better grades! I was honestly very surprised... and I felt like a douche for complaining before... except mostly I'm just glad I did well.
CABARET THIS WEEKEND. Plus, Jeremy Lloyd is coming to Boston for some singing thing!! So I'm going to see him on Friday! ALSO Twilight is coming out!!! I'm seeing it Saturday.
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