Monday, July 21, 2008

A Comment on Sleep

In my non-summer-in-Boston life, I tend to sleep irregularly with lots of naps and staying up really late. I do it on purpose because I don't like routines and I LOOOOOVE the night when everyone is asleep. It's my alone time. I can do work or watch movies or clip my nails or talk on the computer or read blogs... whatever I want. BUT, when I took on this job, several of my skeptics suggested that I would not be able to maintain that kind of schedule. I'm sorry to say that they seem to be correct. I woke up at 10:25am today (my day off-- usually I wake up between 7:12am and 7:16am). I pass out around midnight to 12:30am every night. But, to my surprise, I kind of enjoy it. Now that I have my own room, I can practice my alone behaviors whenever I want (I haven't had a room to myself since 5th grade), and waking up in the morning makes me feel like I'm not wasting my day away. So hurray! This is just another way that I've tried to live my life now. I'll call it Standard. As opposed to No Sleep (highschool), Nocturnal (freshman year), and Siesta (Last year). The point is, I'm pleased that I (so far) cannot be contained by sleeping schedules. I shall sleep how I want.

1 comment:

Claire said...

My sleep habits have also been SORELY tested with my job this summer. As you may know, I tend to get at least ten hours of sleep most nights at school, and on the weekends I'd say I average about 12 or 13. So, living on five or less hours of sleep a night has been interesting. I call this schedule "Major Coffee Time."