Thursday, October 9, 2008

HUGE Rant on Politics

So I talked to my grandpa today and it's been WAY too long! I trust him more than ANYONE in the world about politics... I would basically vote for anyone he told me to, which I think is a perfectly legitimate way to go. I watch what I can and I understand what I can, but ultimately I trust the way he thinks and his wisdom and his priorities. This is above my mother or father or other grandparents.

So this is the first time I've talked to my grandpa since Wallstreet burst into flames. I told him that all I understood from the crisis was that it was REALLY bad, and that it had to do with subprimal loans (and I do vaguely understand what that means). I told him that I am getting nervous, but my anxiety isn't aimed at anything because I'm not sure what to worry about. Ultimately, I feel glad that I don't have any money anyway. Even if they took my $1000 that I have saved... my life won't be altered at all...

Anyway, my grandpa told me that I can't really worry about anything and that it might make a difference when I'm trying to get a job, but time is on my side. (I'm not scared of being poor (although I know that I should be))

I also wanted to talk to my grandpa about this conversation I had with a friend who is fiscally conservative. My grandpa told me a while ago that ideologically he is fiscally conservative and socially liberal also. So my friend was talking about the trickle down policy and I just thought that it KIND OF makes sense but it also doens't at all. I think that the idea is to avoid being socialist-y. Like, you give all of these tax breaks to the rich so they invest in their companies and then that creates jobs and then the middle class and poor can get those jobs and earn their money instead of being given money. But here are the things that I think are silly:
1) Why do we assume that the rich will invest in their own companies? I mean, obviously some will but especially in the age of huge corporqations, it comes down to individuals it seems. Also, the people are always still really rich, so I have to argue that they aren't putting a TON back into their companies.
2) Taxes to not make the rich poor or even middle class. Or even upper middle class. They are still very rich ALWAYS.
3) If poor people get the money (and I'm not talking about welfare, I'm talking about tax cuts), they have no where to put that money except back into the economy. And a ton of people buying a computer is better for the economy that one person buying a computer. And a better economy still means money for the rich.
4) If all the poor people DIE or lose all of their money, there is no economy. There are NO businesses.

Another thing my friend and I discussed is welfare. She said that when people are taken care of, they don't do anything. Now, I've definately SEEN some actual circumstances where that happens. At Superfresh, I've seen several people who have completely manicured nails and velour outfits and pay with foodstamps. My mother told me a horrifying story about a woman who was a great grandmother whilst having her whateverteenth baby in order to keep receiving welfare until she gets social security. And even worse, she inadvertanty (or maybe purposely) taught her children that this is the way to live. So yes, welfare could be improved BUT it's still important because
1) If people go broke... you can't just let them die. End of story. If you disagree, you are coldhearted unforgiving asshole!

The thing is, I think one of our hugest issues is that people have such a sense of entitlement. I feel so strongly about this that it hurts. And it's the reason why I absolutely WORSHIP Natalya for being an anti-consumer and REALLY trying to do her part with the environment and education about our earth and the people who live here. So what I'm saying is that we don't DESERVE to have everything that we can possibly get. I know this is kind of a stupid example, but why do people try to take the T without paying? The subway is a BEAUTIFUL service for us. It takes a lot of people and taxes and work to keep that system running. I don't DESERVE to get a free ride because someone wasn't looking. I should WANT to pay. How else will this service continue? Do I want to walk or need a car?

I know that is a silly thing to get upset about but it reflects an attitude that is SO HUGE that I feel is causing MOST of our problems. When people think about the shit that they buy, they think about it as "I earned this money and therefore I deserve to have this shirt." The only conflict is that you might want to save your own money. And I'm not saying buying a shirt is bad, but you should recognise the ENORMOUS amount of work that it took to get the materials (what that does to the environment) and make the shirt (long tedious work) and ship the shirt (shit ton of fuel going into the air). And I understand that it gives jobs, but if we didn't demand to have so many fucking shirts (which we ABSOLUTELY don't need), we could pay a bit more to buy locally made shirts that are made on an individual level which takes skill (which people ENJOY doing as a job because they can be creative and proud) and so could the people in their own places the way they did pre-globalization.

And the same goes TEN-FOLD for food. Individual farms can still sustain people and farmers can take care of their land and be more proud of their work. And if only local food is available, then people will be able to charge the right amount for their food. And in a farming village, the people would then MAKE enough money to buy goods from other people.

It obviously isn't as clean-cut as that, but these huge corporations encourage so much consuming that we're DESTROYING everything!

And possibly even MORE importantly and MORE easy to change (and I think we're on the way) is that we need to understand other people who act differently than we do. Every individual should realise that they would be the EXACT same as any other person if they were raised in that position. If I was raised in Mississippi by conservatives, I would be a republican. And I believe my ideas of how the country and world should be understood and worked is the best for everyone, but they believe in their ways and there IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG! Because there is no impartial platform. And this is the same with EVERYONE! Even those suicide bombers. They believe they are doing what is best for everyone and they AREN'T WRONG, we just disagree. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to convince them and I definitely believe that it is the most misguided attempt at helping the world that could EVER EXIST, but they are people. They were raised to believe things. And we should respect everyone. EVERYONE. And I don't want them to die. And I don't want people to die trying to kill them! And I understand that that is way too idealistic, and I'm glad that I'm not in charge of those particular decisions because it would break my heart. BUT, I do need us to at least TRY and preserve these lives! and I NEED us to get the FUCK out of places that aren't even threatening us! The number one goal should be saving as many people as possible. I really don't believe we have a clear sight on that goal!

I also need to say, that when I hear about people making their decisions based on raised taxes, it makes me CRAZY! Especially the rich people. Because people NEED to have their healthcare! People NEED to be educated. They need homes! And we NEED alternative fuel!!!! And what about roads and the FDA (whom I hate but would love if they weren't corrupt) and the police force? and even our military?? I want all of these things for EVERYONE. I do not feel so uncompassionate as to accept my own healthcare and let everyone else fend for themselves. I WANT to give my taxes to go towards these things. And I think that would make me feel more connected to my community (which I know isn't a solid fact that you can campaign on... but I think it's true. I think people would have more loyalty to their government if they were protected by it). And no matter what, I do not think that Donald Trump DESERVES his 15th vehicle while tons of people don't have health care because he EARNED IT! People have talents, but also people are lucky. And I don't think anyone ANYONE has so much extra talent or whatever that they DESERVE sooooo much useless shit that benefits NO ONE in any concrete way, that some people should have to die or nearly die physically or psychologically.

I think the worst thing is the people are SO CONVINCED that we can't change. That what I want, and what a lot of people want, is such a huge change that it's impossible. Our nation is a consumer, capitalist nation. But it HONESTLY used to be more self-sufficient. And even more importantly, we've made HUGE changes before. Women in the work force? That's HUGE! We're still working on racism, but see how these changes CAN happen!? And it just takes understanding what is the best for us and making it happen! And teaching our kids our new knowledge! I mean, changes were made for the depression too. The catalyst was terrible... but it definitely proves that huge and necessary changes aren't out of our reach. But don't people see all of this consuming and ASSUME that things have to change or we're LITERALLY going to die? It definitely seems likely, if not INEVITABLE, to me!

Um... not to go completely back, but my grandpa told me that being fiscally conservative just means that they don't want to have a huge deficit... which is the opposite of what the republicans HAVE been doing. The republicans in D.C. right now are NOT being fiscally conservative.

Also, my grandpa said that as far as the election goes, McCain used to be his favorite repub. When he got elected to be the republican nominee, my grandpa was very pleased. He said that since then, McCain has sold his soul to the devil and allowed the terrible republicans to take over his campaign. Grandpa said that the worst decision was to get Sarah Palin who only appeals to the far right. He said that OBVIOUSLY the far right were already going to vote for McCain-- never Obama-- and that McCain needed the swing voters who are totally turned off by Palin. But even worse is that Palin is appealing to the crazies! The other day during a rally, Palin brought up the William Ayers/terrorist thing and one of the people cried "kill him!" My grandpa thinks that it's really easy to appeal to these crazies and riling them up is EXTREMELY irresponsible as a leader. Which I believe is totally true. We all know Obama is not a terrorist. And we should all know that McCain is a national hero and does care about our country.

Anyway, Stephen Colbert had a guest who referenced that EXACT incident and commented on the same thing about the crazies and McCain becoming a douche-slave to the far right repubs. And let me tell you,
grandpa + Colbert = truth in my book

On a completely side subject...
Saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
I really enjoyed watching it and, as always with Cera films, I considered it a great, positive reflection of youth today. That said, it wasn't quite as amazing as Superbad and really wasn't as good a Juno... but it was still very good!! I just really love those movies, and those plots are SO flawless to me... especially Juno.

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