Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Ok, here is the NEW situation.
So remember how I had all of these money problems? Then I deposited my checks and got a check from my grandpa and I counted all my change and then I had SOME money.
Well... I semi-fucked it up... but I don't have regrets. BUT I spontaneously bought Britney Spears tickets (and am CURRENTLY buying her new album) for March 16!!! NO regrets!

So I bought TWO tickets... and it's actually really was annoying because I couldn't decide who to ask or who would be offended if I didn't ask them. Plus I was worried (a smidge) that maybe no one would want to go. I hope it works out. I'm SURE it will!

In OTHER good news, that paper that I STARTED writing at midnight the night before it was due without reading ANYTHING for it-- I got an A-. FUCK YEAH! I'm pretty super pleased with myself. Although I do need to make sure I don't fuck up that class still. It's funny that you're hardest classes you end up doing the best in... and it's the easy-ish classes that give me paranoia at the end of the semester because I have to catch up (bullshit) so much.

I'm a LITTLE nervous about the next... 9 days. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Claire said...

WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WANT TO GO TO A BRITNEY CONCERT?!! I am overwrought with pure jealousy.