Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mostly My Least Favorite Demographic...

Let's see...

1. I literally did NOTHING over the weekend. I don't really care though because Saturday was Valentines day so... there wasn't really much TO do.... and then I extended the sloth to Sunday. I DID watch Some Kind of Wonderful which is EXACTLY like Pretty in Pink except that John Hughes is more sensitive to the female Duckie. Also, that guy is REALLY attractive... but if I saw him at BU, I would assume he was gay. AAAALSO it was nice because I got a wee cold so I was able to really relax. Although to be honest, it wasn't (/ is not) really bad at all... although it SOUNDED (/soundS) like death with the scratchy voice. AAAnd there was (/is) a lot of nose dripping (I didn't want to use anymore precious toilet paper on my nose, so I started using this bandana and I gotta say... it's DISGUSTING! But also I felt good about being both economic and environmentally friendly).

2. I have a list of things I HAVE to do!! One of them is to MAKE SURE I work on getting an internship THIS WEEK!!! I talked to my mom over the weekend and she made me really nervous about it. I have to say, it's definitely a CONFIRMED weakness of mine. It's perfectly easy living life day to day. But thinking really far ahead... making decisions that affect more than a few days of your future... HARD. So I went to the office today and they told me to get in touch with this lady, but the earliest I can do it is Thursday. I just can't be THAT late. Like... I'll definitely get SOMETHING, right? Even if I don't, I'll work with OCS and then I'll have to reconfigure my plans for next year. For instance, maybe I WILL go "abroad" to LA, get an internship there, and see if it turns into a job. And that will involve DEFINITELY getting my license next winter break. So that is my definitive plan B.

3. I had to get the money from my account balance so that I can make my housing deposit THIS WEEK! Plus, I'll probably be getting my new computer this week. I KIND OF want to do it tomorrow, but I can't go until like... 7pm and I don't really want to take the subway with a new computer after dark. Plus I should probably go with someone else, because I am so easily manipulated that I might accidently buy more than I need. But I guess I AM getting a mac. Maybe I'll try to go on Thursday.

3b. Middle-aged white women are my least favorite demographic. I can't help it... they are always the most annoying people I encounter. The other day (like... 2 weeks ago) I was in line at Subway and this middle-aged white woman was in front of me. Now, the people there are really nice college students and it is a SUPER CROWDED place at lunch time because you can use points for the food and it's in the center of campus... and it's quick. So this is how the conversation goes:

Old Woman: Can I have a large Pepsi with ice?
(The worker brings out the large cup)
Old Woman (cont'd): Actually can I have a small?

Worker: Pepsi?

Old Woman: With ICE.
(aside to me, with a look)
Old Woman: I thought that's what I said.

In my head I was like "are you KIDDING me? In what universe are you the victim here?"

I'm also biased from working in a grocery store for three years... where food shopping is the most INTENSE MOMENT OF THEIR LIVES!
Also, I remember reflecting this time when the fire alarm went off in the movie theater I worked at last year. It was Saturday at like... 9pm and it was REALLY raining! So like... 5,000 people filed out and then they all went right back in... and they were MOSTLY not that pissed at all. Do you know why? No middle-aged white women. They were all college students and some black families. I'm not TRYING to be biased (except I obviously am), but you have to admit if a fire alarm went off in a theater full of middle-aged white women, you'd NEVER hear the end of it!

The reason I bring this up is because I a) wanted to after the subway incident but forgot, and b) because today I went to the financial office to get my account balance. I go up to the middle-aged white woman at the counter and I say "Hello. I have a balance on my account and.. uh... I would like to withdraw it?" And the lady goes "Yeah, this isn't like a bank. If you're an undergraduate you have to go to the fourth floor and get a withdrawl slip." She said it in this really snotty way that made me feel REALLY guilty even though.. it's my money! Plus, it's not like it's a routine thing. How else was I supposed to address the issue. And how much different is it REALLY from a bank? How insulting could that statement honestly be? Instead of working with a variety of people, she works with the money of college students.

I have more examples... but they're a little more insulting to some ladies a little closer to home. I'm just saying... this isn't an issue I take lightly. AND I'm sad that I will become a middle-aged white woman. I just hope that it's a product of like.. the time they were raised... OR maybe it's just that they are menopausal... because the monthlies certainly aren't a laughing matter... so I guess menopause could be a ... crying matter... Although I honestly think that at least BLACK women are a lot more understanding... and at least WISER than some of this entitled white women bitches! BUUUUUUT luckily, OLD white woman are kind and wise too... so there's hope.


AAAANYWAY, as far as school goes, I have to:
1. Come up with a children's program idea for TOMORROW. I only have to give like... a half a page fact sheet... but it's hard. It has to be somewhat educational. If I come up with a good one, I'll write about it tomorrow.
2. Come up with an idea for a 15-minute movie idea for Thursday. I really want to come up with a good one! It has to be SHOOTABLE though... which is key. Not too many actors and not too complex of a location!
3. I have to read a Twilight Zone script and think about which part I want to do.
4. I have to finish writing my draft of my short script (not a big deal unless it's not long enough) by tomorrow
5. Read. A lot. Some by tomorrow. Some not.
6. Chinese anthro exam next Wednesday. Next Tuesday is going to be a HUUUUUGE bitch! Wednesdays are alREADY rough!

That being said.. my life is PRETTY COOL. To reinerate, I'm super-excited about my future!! Even if I get the SHITTIEST job in television, it'll still be awesome, I'm pretty sure!

By the way, I just finished watching season 5-10 of Friends... and that show IIIIIS awesome! It is STILL my favorite show! I honestly think it was brilliant from beginning to end... and I don't think I've EVER seen a show as captivating and witty... and after watching them, I have to officially withdraw my love of The Office... I know this seems sudden... and I DO really love the earlier seasons... but this season is ridiculous. I can't keep recommending crap. Although I obviously won't stop watching... because I can't.

Also, today I was supposed to get my new Bob Dylan documentary (the first disk, anyway) called No Direction Home. I didn't get it and I WAS pretty upset... but now I think it was lucky because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to resist and I would watch it tonight... and NOT do my work. So thank you, netflix. You know me so well!

Also, even though I DO really like Bill Mahr... I like Colbert and Stewart better. Bill is a little holier-than-thou... And Stewart and Colbert are more sensible.

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