Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring In My Step

First things first, Pat and I are LIKELY going to share a room this summer!! One problem solved!

Second, Perfect Fifths came out, which I knew was coming but the actual catalyst was it's advertisement on facebook. I got it... maybe this morning or something and ... it's alright. I was OBSESSED with those first two books, but I really remember even less of the other two than I thought. In fact, I THOUGHT the last book ended with the two main characters together. Turns out, not so much. ALSO, I don't remember the form that the last ones took, but I know the first two were in diary form. This one is in third person and I feel like it makes it a LITTLE more stale. Also, I'm on page 106 and the location hasn't changed. 

Today was marathon monday/4/20. I KIIIIND of celebrated last night... but today I woke up at like 10am and was like "okay... do I want to 'celebrate' by watching people who trained for months and are in better physical condition x 2 than I will EVER be (and that's pretty much a fact... and not one that I'm all that sad about) while I scream at/with them with people I see every day whilst being wasted out of my mind... OOOOR would I like to sleep in?" The answer was clear. I woke up at 1pm, read my book for a few hours, went BACK to sleep until like... 6pm, and then SEMI got groceries. 

When I say "got groceries" I mean that I got SOME food so that I don't spend soooooo much money eating on the go. I haven't really used my refrigerator in several weeks (note: now is a good a time as any to mention that having a mac makes my spelling infinitely better because it spell checks everything. For instance, why have I always thought that "refrigerator" had a dg instead of just a g in it?). 
ANYWAY, I put my stuff in the refrigerator, which kind of has a smell to it now, and go to read or watch TV or something. Then, about an hour later I go back to get some food and see that our refrigerator is, in fact, not cooling things. The ice is water. Gross. I called emergency buildings and grounds but the ORL just has to replace it. We'll do that tomorrow. BUUUUT I think all of my food is going to go bad before that. I only spent like $25, but still... lame that I LOST instead of SAVED money. And LUCKY that I can just CALL someone about my refrigerator instead of having to deal with it on my own. 

ALSO, this weekend (this entry is not in order), I saw Songs for a New World, which Matt directed. Apparently they had a lot of very unfortunate occurrences-- what I heard was that one girl got a trestle dropped on her and broke both of her legs, something else, and had to get reconstructive surgery on her very disfigured face. Another person got a piece of wood in their eye, scratched their cornea, and had to go to the hospital. AAAAND three hours before the show, people came and told them to change the set because it violated fire codes and if they didn't change it they would be shut down!
You never would have known, however. All of the people were super talented and I really enjoyed the show! 

Also, I had a great time eating tapas for Amanda's birthday. Very fun. 

CHORDS CONCERT IN PHOTONICS AT 5:30 THIS COMING SATURDAY (25th). GET TICKETS AT THE LINKS oooor from me directly as I must unload 5 tickets. 

My personal goals for the week: 
1. Get my resume to at least THREE places. 
2. Fix refrigerator. 
3. Clean room-- I'm serious. It's out of control.
4. Campaign to get my stuff back from people I loaned to. 
5. Start devising a plan on what to do with me AND my stuff between May 13 and June 1 / Let my mom in on the plan. 
6. Make sure I remember to think of something to wear for our concert. 
7. Finish rough cut of my movie. 
8. Work on my children's show, screenplay, and chinese anthro paper so that I don't have a heart attack next week. 
9. Get new pants. (Although, the leg problem is basically solved. I still FEEEL it when I walk... but it doesn't KILL thanks to some helpful advise... I'm a fool when it comes to taking care of myself.)

The last thing I want to say is, other than today, the weather has been so beautiful and I'm very grateful! It's spring-in-my-step weather!

(Added 2 seconds later: Since I bought my new computer around February 19th, I've played freecell 1048 times. I won 599 times.
And lost 449 times...
That means that I play about 17.2 games a day. I win 9.8 games a day. 
And I lose 7.4 times...)

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