I was looking through movies I can watch instantly and I decided to go for the independent genre. One of the first movies I saw was called Cashback and the brief synopsis sounded VERY much like a short film I'd seen in screenwriting. So I put the movie on and it starts with a narration and I was like "wow, the guy in the short was British and youthful just like this guy sounds." And then the guy comes on the screen and I realized that it was indeed the same guy. So then I had to rack my brain. Was the film I saw actually feature length? I distinctly remembered the guy but I didn't remember the exact scene, which... I don't think I would forget a scene... especially not so quickly. So I wikipedia-ed it and the writer/producer/director made the short film and then made it into a long film more than a year later!! which I think is pretty amazing. So I grappled over whether I needed to watch the long version if I already saw the short one.
I did and it was WORTH IT! I really loved it. Better than the short... kind of by a lot. Although the short was good. But it was a little creepier as a short. But what's amazing is that, to my recollection, all of the short is WITHIN the feature... and it's unbelievable because it's the same actors and it's... brilliantly the heart of the plot still so it's completely seamless. Unless I'm mistaken, you would NEVER be able to tell that parts were done before the feature was even written. Amazing. I'm so impressed. And very clever. Ooo I loved it!
Plus.. this is like... the cutest kid in the world (Sean Biggerstaff). Like... seriously seriously. He played Oliver Wood in Harry Potter and I remember when people were first fussing over Robert Pattinson and they were saying he played Cedric Diggory and how attractive he was, I agreed because I got confused and thought they meant this guy (I find Robert Pattinson... well I don't want to be rude about him or anything... but he doesn't particularly catch my eye. But maybe if he were very kind...).

The second one is him in the movie. I don't necessarily want degrade the movie by making him the selling point... but if you look at that face and don't want to see the movie... I don't know what to say.
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