Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I forget how busy life is (I know that sounds like... some sort of flat exaggerated open-liner... but I am SERIOUS!)!!! A jillion people to see, a jillion things to do, and a jillion places to be. It's overwhelming!

In fact, I can't even list everything I've done every day (thank god for you) because there's too much (or more likely, my brain has lost the ability to retain even slightly large pieces of information). I'll just give you an example instead.

Yesterday I got up to go to Splash (the activities fair thing... the main attraction, in my opinion, was the hamburgers, which I talked about excessively up until the point where one was in my mouth... oh and also to promote Chords and get people to audition). I was intending on being at the Starbucks outside at 9:40am... but because of chronic-early syndrome, I was there at 9:30am. That's EARLY (in my opinion). Yadda Yadda hamburgers (THREE) yadda. There was also excessive screaming.

ANYWAY, then I went to help Caroline move for the second day! Now she lives four flights up ... a trip which leaves me winded when I go up ONCE with no intention of coming back down within 3 hours. Which is why ANTICIPATING moving her is torture. And she's got a LOOOOT of stuff... including a bed and futon!! Crazy. But actually it isn't AS impossible as you'd imagine. I don't know how, but somehow the stairs, while definitely painful, don't become AS awful if you're making 7 trips up and down. I don't know why. Although this fact certainly doesn't seem to diminish the back pain the next morning (today). I considered the two day activity as my body's physical warm-up before it plunges back into regular activity. I considered the screaming at Splash to be the vocal warm-up. Get used to talking again!

After that, I came home (with so many martini glasses that Caroline gave me that I can make martinis... and smash them to the ground after every drink and probably still get pretty off (a practice I definitely wouldn't recommend... being drunk around smashed glasses)). Elena and I had tea and apples and soup. Then we went to a bingo/ice cream/ Tiffany's and Coach prizes night, for which we left at 9pm, although it started at 10.
Bingo is HIGH anxiety. I have no idea why it is intended for the elderly. Also, after I was over the anxiety because there was no way I was going to win, I got really sleepy. Plus, the guy calling out the numbers started sounding REALLY annoying to me. I was not alone it ANY of these feelings. Everyone at the table seemed to go through all those exact emotions-- anxiety, sleepy, and then pissed at the caller. He WAS really annoying though. He seemed to get really pissed off at all the people and then he just lost enthusiasm completely. We were like, "Jesus! This isn't THAT hard of a job, here! Settle down!"

Then I went home and passed out.

That's far too many activities for one day! I feel like I could spread that out over 3 weeks! And all of my days seem to be scheduled like that! Where are my three days in a row of neither seeing nor talking to anyone, watching movies all day long? Gone? Gone for the rest of my life!? Yeah...

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