Monday, November 9, 2009

I Welcome You to a Brief Procrastination

I don't know where everyone else is, but I know that I've reached the point, as I do every SINGLE semester without fail, where I am in a constant state of catching up. Fortunately, after nearly 16 years of this, somewhere in my mind I know that everything will be fine. Starting a paper at 2am, missing a class or two, completely neglecting what I'm choosing to call the "preventative care" for the only class that doesn't have many concrete due dates-- save that pain for the big catch up, or "major invasive surgery," in December. Today I cried TWICE... for almost no reason at all (both were in class in response to videos--lame)!

There are two things in the back of my mind:
1. I vaguely hope that I can keep my body in good enough shape (mostly sleep-wise) so that I'm not too susceptible to illness-- a worry for which I completely blame the media.

More importantly, 2. I can't believe I will almost never have to go through this part of life again. Sure there is next semester, although I kind of believe that classes aren't going to be as emphasized in L.A., a luxury that not everyone will get (in fact, I can't even be sure that that will be true for me... I just kind of assume...). I just can't believe that these ups and downs, this cycle of my life which has been happening forEVER is going to calm into a drone.

At 2am, when I'm starting a paper, it's a kind of relieving thought. But... weird.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I am in total catch-up mode, too... at least with one class and, more importantly, with my thesis. Oops. But next semester I only have TWO classes, which is aaawesome.