Basically, I get to take the job of my supervisor for a little bit while she's away and THEN they're going to try to transition me into doing something for their new film (like a PA!!!) and then they are going to TRRRYYY and keep me at Present Pictures!!!!
I could DIE!
And on a related, and also incredibly important note, this means I'm going to stay in LA!!! I already told my grandparents a few nights ago (since I was clearly about to explode!) and they were so pumped! Then I told my mom today and she said she kind of already figured... further proving why she doesn't get to be my first call in these situations.
Also, they are taking me out to lunch on Tuesday! I have to make sure that I consolidate all of my questions for them! And one question from my grandpa, which was actually a good one.
So in other news, I did my Chords recording for "Torn" with my friend Devon's dad. Her dad is the COOLEST!! He worked with Michael Jackson AAAAND he worked on The Princess Bride!!! Which means he's actually MY dad, I'm pretty sure. Do you understand that those are like... my two favorite pieces of entertainment?! Brilliant! Plus, recording was awesome. He taught me a lot about how things get mixed and mastered and altered. AND I'm SOOOO happy that this all happened, given how devastated I was when I lost my voice before. I'm just so glad it worked out!
Plus, amazingly enough, it was VERY close to the store I wanted to go to for clothes shopping! I got like... 6 shirts and a pair of pants and a bra and a NEW BAG!! The bag shopping was a little rough though. I never really buy bags, so I was surprised at how expensive a lot of them were. Plus it's important to get the right type of bag. For instance, I need to be able to fit a book into my bag. Plus, I really wanted a special pocked just for my keys, phone and wallet thing (cigarette holder full of cards and occasionally cash (mostly $1 for parking)). It was tricky business, but I finally got one that I'm pretty sure I like. It's purple, shmancy (compared to the Blythe bags) and only $18. Plus, I've discovered the key to not wearing t-shirts all the time, which is to NEED to dress up. I even wear my nice shirts on the weekend because... they're there. What I'm saying is that I haven't worn a crappy t-shirt in WEEKS! Which... hasn't been the case for possibly my entire life.
I also bought new underwear, although if I had to be honest with myself, it may have been a ploy to avoid doing laundry. I'm adequately ashamed of my motives. And I also got some more mini-sock-things for my flat shoes and they are AMAZING because they have a rubbery heel so that they don't slip off your feet while you're walking. I consistently forget the miracle of new things.
And actually, I've rediscovered the miracle of these tweed-ish pants that I bought before I came here. They are soooooo comfortable, and when I wear them, I kind of feel like I'm in the 70s, which gives me great pleasure. So... great!
I talked to my dad the other night, which was nice. Although it was only a 17 minute conversation, which was a little disappointing. Yes I do check the amount of time that I talk to people, although the most satisfying numbers come from my chats with Kevin. I'm not sure how the billing works, but I'm pretty sure nights and weekends are free across the board. I guess the phone companies don't anticipate that 90% of my phone time is spent between 10pm and 12:30am. Awesome.
Lastly, Pat did an AMAZING painting of Brooke Shields the other day which I feel compelled to share!

I think the time has come for me to do another painting. Preferably before I wash my sheets (because I paint on my bed... to be clear).
So in summation, I am such a grown-up, fully on my way to becoming a whole real person. Driving, wearing nice clothes, having a job, making my own food with ingredients (although... the ingredients are still almost exclusively for guacamole... but still!).
And Pat is a brilliant painter.
I really don't know what else to say. I am elated. :-D
OMG! BLYYYTHE! I have been missing from the blog scene for far too long. OMGOMGOMGOMG I am so happy for you. And it makes me want to come to LA to see you EVEN MORE! It seems like some magical far away place where it's always warm and there are jobs available. I'm also somewhat overwhelmed with school/work/other activities and the crap-tastic weather that is the east coast so I'm looking for tropical magic.
I think this looks just like the painting you do:
You should be famous!
Blythe!! Congratulations, I am soo happy for you. I am also extremely excited to see you NEXT WEEK!
i love you and i love that you advertise for me!! :p
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