I cannot be certain about this, but I'm pretty sure I'm slipping into a Jim Morrison obsession. Now, obviously I have frequent obsession false alarms. However, I watched the second half of The Doors with my roommate and nearly died of intrigue. Then I bought five songs, which I have been listening to during all of my spare time. Plus I have been thinking about him non-stop. And at the very least, even if I don't become obsessed, I'm going to have to read a biography. Too interesting. Crazy interesting. Obviously I will also have to watch the first half of this movie as well.

Based on my almost zero-informed opinion, I kind of think this photo shoot, and maybe this picture alone, embodies his story. If you look at a lot of other pictures, he seems kind and gentle. But in this photo shoot, his eyes are so scary and his face is so chiseled and he looks like a god. A god of crazy. In a really intoxicating way.
(I can't even talk about the picture without using words that I imagine EVERYONE uses for him.)
Also, I don't want to seem stupid, but even though I've heard The Doors before, I had never connected the music with the band in my head. When I was watching the movie, I noticed that the music sounded like... somewhat strange 60s soft dance music, which was disconcerting. I ALWAYS thought Jim Morrison was early to mid 70s, presumably because that's what he looks like. However, I guess they are a mid to late 60s band.
I just need to know more about this, that's all.
I am a TINY bit lamenting that I don't get to see Havertown in the spring. It really is super quaint. (non-segue)
My oldest friend (in terms of amount of time I've known him, not his actual age), Cassidy, is in LA with his girlfriend this week. We decided we would go to the beach, which was great since I was just there.
Unfortunately the LA Marathon was happening on Sunday. And what is really stupid is that I KNEW it was happening and very briefly looked to see if going to the Santa Monica pier would be a good idea. Unfortunately, I have no sense of maps. In addition, I FORMALLY had no fear of being patient in traffic and thus I didn't really worry about having to sit through a little extra traffic.
Combined, those personality traits caused me to drive for 2 hours to a place that my GPS told me would take 15 minutes! And even worse was that when I arrived, most of the streets were shut down because it seems the marathon ended there! And since Cassidy and his girlfriend had to be somewhere later, we determined that parking would be completely impossible and that we should meet another time. So without getting out of the car, I turned around and drove ANOTHER 1.5 hours home. And that is essentially how I spent the WHOLE Sunday.
Luckily, I had charged my ipod recently and decided to spend a lot of that time catching up on This American Life, my favorite radio show (/only one I listen to). It was pretty heavenly. Thus, I consider Sunday to have been an exercise in the least energy efficient way to listen to This American Life. Problem solved.
Present Pictures is getting much more intense, in a good way though. Today I had a list of approximately a jillion things to do and I'm almost positive I didn't get to any of them. There were constantly more pressing matters. I came home pooped.
Speaking of which, I am now addicted to The Young and the Restless. Who could have seen that coming? Sometimes my supervisor tells me that I can go and sit in on the shoot for a while, but more often than not, I just continue to write the synopses because I NEED to know what is going to happen next. I read like... 2.5 Y&R scripts a day now.
I watched Grosse Point Blank and High Fidelity with my roommate Diane. I never really underestimate my love of Grosse Point Blank, but I still enjoy surges of appreciation when I watch High Fidelity. I LOVE that movie! Even though John Cusack always does pretty much the same character, he does it SO WELL! And in High Fidelity... I don't think ANYONE could have done better than Cusack. Great film!
I also watched two work films, which I both enjoyed and felt good about since it was an accomplishment. However, I got two more yesterday. I think the cycle is unending. And I am pretty pleased about that honestly.
1 comment:
I have been listening to This American Life and NPR's Culturetopia while walking lately, and it is GREAT! Somewhat better and more satisfying than listening to music on a long walk.
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