Forgot something ish-important. The other day I woke up and I looked at my hair and I was just disgusted by the death I saw. So at the end of my shower I decided to cut it, which really isn't a far leap from having someone else cut it (like a roommate...) but... it is likely a little less even. Anyway, I cut about three inches off and it curls more when it's healthy, so it looks pretty significant. After I finished, I patted my own back for being spontaneous, and also for putting more action than thought into that problem.
However, those feelings were soon trumped by the fact that NO ONE has noticed yet. I mean... I told my roommates, but NO ONE noticed on their own. This doesn't bother me on like... an aesthetic level per se, but it's just weird that when I look in the mirror I see this huge difference, when in reality, clearly no one is even KIND OF looking at my hair. I'm not complaining at all. Just reflecting.
One more thing, but today I got to go to a photo shoot with Stacy Haiduk and Peter Bergman. It was AWESOME. I got to listen to a reporter interview them and it was just heaven. Then I asked the reporter about a jillion questions about her job. Then later we talked, essentially, about how we're all going to die because of ritalin, the pill, cans and plastic. It was actually awesome since I happen to be very interested and relatively knowledgeable about all of those subjects. Very cool!
Also, how unlikely is this!

You can't judge a felon by his or her handwriting, it seems.
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