I'm the luckiest lady in the world. Seriously. Here's why:
1. I GOT A JOB! Well... kind of. The producers of my last film offered me $50 a day to help them out for a week, although I'm not sure what a week means when I started today (Thursday). BUUUUT there are many best parts of this tale.
a. They do primarily post production work, which is AWESOME because now I'll get to learn more about that side of the biz. I have to build up some questions.
b. I am no longer draining my account which is... very key.
c. They are in the same office as Present Pictures (a piece of the same lucky that allowed me to work on their project in the first place)! It feels like home. Plus, and most importantly, I get to see all of my Present Pictures people! AND Clyde (the dog (who was ill today, unfortunately))!
d. I'm so happy that they wanted me! SO happy!
e. Now I can call my grandpa. I don't like calling him when I'm not making myself proud. I also don't like waiting weeks between calls. It is a regular problem for me. Especially because when I'm making myself proud, I don't often have the time to call. Plus the time difference... ugh.
2. WEEDS!! August 16! I saw the billboard today and almost wet my pants!
3. TRUE BLOOD!! I blasted through season 2 in ... perhaps 36 hours. So good. So good it's amazing that I'm writing this when I could be watching True Blood. If I had a TV with channels, Sunday and Monday night would be AWESOME.
4. Found a dollar. I gave it to a homeless person today because... gotta regulate my karma. Very important in these lucky times.
5. Found my glasses! I lost them a while ago and while I lamented, I don't really want to wear my glasses on set anyway (too much shit on your head-- headset and sunglasses is enough of a juggle). Thus, I decided to postpone my concern until I was back at a desk. Miraculously, although somewhat reasonably, I found them in my computer bag. It's the first time I've used the bag since I was at a desk.
6. Lastly, because of the accidental-throwing-away-of-all-shoes fiasco (back in May), I bought these shoes for $7 a few weeks ago. They are my FAVORITE shoes! I'm obsessed. They are pointed, gray, suede-ish flats. Corina actually already owned them and I would admire them all the time. So lucky!! Also, I'm such a poseur...
END OF LUCKY (braggy...) LIST
1. Pay parking ticket. Laaaaame! It sucks because on Tuesdays they street clean so I have to park on the other side of the street. However it's almost impossible for me to remember, particularly because I work MOST Tuesdays. I'm going to have to come up with a system, I guess. Or always work on Tuesdays. I'm liking the latter.
2. Clean out my car. I had a blizzard-in-vehicle situation during my struggle to take the snow machine back to the special effects place. It was kind of hilarious though.

I was truly driving down the highway for 30 minutes at 11am on a bright, sunny day (aren't they all) while my car was trailing snow. Lucky they disintegrate in liquid. Unluckily, I was a little sweaty and they were working their magic on my body.
And while it has nothing to do with my goals (but... I don't care because it's my blog and structure is overrated), let's just re-emphasize the feather extravaganza of last week.

Get it?! Except that room was WAAAAAAY bigger than this picture let's on. WAY bigger. And covered in feathers.
Back to goals-->
3. Clean room... and/or have someone over as a motivator to clean the room. This goes hand-in-hand with laundry. I think I'll go for Saturday.
4. See both Inception and The Kids Are Alright. This is important. Everyone is talking about Inception, which is particularly hard to deal with when everyone I know is WAY more into movies than your average sampling. The Kids Are Alright is important because it was an independent picked up from Sundance. Gotta support. Plus it's a lesbian comedy with Annette Benning. Pure gold, I'm sure.
5. Continue job hunt. In fact I need to update the resume. I don't think I've ever had to update my resume so much in such a short span of time. Awesome. This could've been in my lucky list.
Enough chatter. It's True Blood time!!
(By the way, Kevin's side of the deal has been just as successful as mine. In just a couple of weeks, Kevin is 3/4 finished with the 4th Harry Potter book. HUGE. We're so good at deals!)
1 comment:
girll.... ive been secretly reading/not really. but i love the blizzard in your car. total hilarity!
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