Very important information (although not about jobs, sadly-- please don't mistake this as a lack of effort on my part, because... I assure you that effort is there). VERY IMPORTANT!
Corina and I just saw the LA premiere of Nowhere Boy (she paid-- I feel inclined to say-- VERY grateful) and... it was VERY good! Much better than the cheese the trailer leads you to believe. It isn't really about the Beatles-- it's about John Lennon's young life and I basically knew... none of it, although I make no claim to be a Beatles scholar. The important part comes here: Aaron Johnson is HOT! REEEALLY hot. But for SUUUUPER real!

You. Are. Welcome!
It was a little disconcerting as I never consider the actual John Lennon to be super jizz-worthy (in looks, of course-- surely he's jizz-worthy in other aspects always). Fortunately, my lack of worldly travels allows me to assign a Liverpool-ian accent to The Beatles alone, so... I never forgot that I was watching a movie about John Lennon for long.
God, I really don't think the pictures even do it justice because he was a very good actor and had some looks that just sent waves of pleasure up and down your body (I say "your" because I know Corina agrees and... well I'm just going to assume everyone will and does).
The movie was good too...
Reminder: DON'T BASE YOUR DECISION ON THE TRAILER. In my opinion, it makes it look too cheesy and also it makes it seem way more about the Beatles and his bands in general.
Need to see Kick-Ass!
Also, I guess the other super important part was that AARON JOHNSON and the director (woman in her 40s, with whom he had a baby... ... and he was born in 1990! Guys!) did a Q&A and then John Lennon's original band did a Q&A and then performed. I wasn't able to watch all of the band's stuff, though, because I had to be out of the parking lot by 11pm. That was lame, but I got the most important part, and I have to assume they aren't GREAT musicians and they definitely weren't GREAT speakers. Although it was a little funny because they weren't kissing John's ass-- they were like "everyone thought he was really funny but that's just how people are in Liverpool."
In other news, procured a library card! I got Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Scarlet. I watched Hook the other night, and then I felt that I NEEDED to watch the Disney Peter Pan. And then... I couldn't stop. Thus beginneth a wonderful new obsession-- could take days, could take weeks. Hopefully I don't dip into Michael Jackson, but I have faith that I won't. I think I'll stop the obsession before I feel the need to watch the broadway version because... that lady who plays Pan scares me, I'm sorry to say in a purely superficial way.
Lastly, The Social Network was compared to Citizen Kane in two different reviews, and The Godfather in another. What? WHAT?! My mind needs broadening, apparently, because my brain cannot understand this.
Also, while not every review loved The Event, I could not find a SINGLE bad review of Jason Ritter. Gold. Well... I want his show to do well, so half-gold.
I am slowly devolving into my escapist nature. Soon I won't remember what IIII actually did in the day. Soon I won't remember that I am an individual and not just a sensory machine with the sole purpose of collecting other people's stories.
Let me know when you see Catfish.
And when you see "It's kind of a funny story"
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