Monday, November 22, 2010


I enjoy guests, but Natalya is the BEST guest. This might come off cheap because she'll probably read this, but you should trust my sincerity because I wouldn't just make shit up. I'd omit.

Natalya is the best guest because I have placed numerous restrictions upon myself based on where I live. Well... I've been given numerous restrictions and have self-imposed even more out of fear of restrictions. It's all irrelevant because the point is that Natalya is the most adaptable person I know. "Ummm, we can't go home between 9pm and 11pm. Do you want to... sit in this parking lot and chat for a couple of hours?" "Ummm, we can't use the stove or really any part of the kitchen. Do you want to eat these perogies cold?" "Ummm, we can't flush the toilet between the hours of 11pm and 7am." Exact response "I'll poop on your poop." Most adaptable guest ever.

Yesterday was lovely, but one moment in particular was pretty magical. We spent the day on the Venice Beach boardwalk and then we sat on the beach for a bit. Around sunset we spotted an enormous crowd of people. They were fairly close but we could hear nothing because the wind was so fierce. When we got closer we realized it was an enormous group of people dancing around 10ish drummers in a circle--some dancing well and others strangely, although the people who dance strangely are much more moving because they are clearly so uninhibited. My personal favorite was a short Russian/Jewish old man in a black suit with a black baseball cap dancing amidst the chaos. Part way through, Natalya suggested we go a bit away from the group and dance on our own (we had to put our bags down). It was heaven. And the fierce wind and the sun setting made it so surreal. We took one great picture at the end. Then the police broke it up.


Claire said...

This does not shock me in the slightest.

Why can't you flush the toilet during those hours, though?

Blythe said...

It'll wake up my roommate. That isn't a self-imposed rule.

Claire said...

Wow. Doesn't she ever have to pee in the middle of the night?!

Blythe said...

Ummm she may very well flush the toilet when she pees. Impossible to say because that would never wake me up.