Monday, January 31, 2011
Only Movies
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Bright Star
From Jan. 26
This is from Jan. 26, but my internet wasn't working then.
They do NOT play enough Bob Dylan on the radio. When I have ANY disposable income at all, I REALLY want an ipod. I haven't had a working ipod in... months and months and months. I listen to my talk radio in the morning, but at night I listen to music-radio and I have heard "Maybe I'm Amazed," "Stairway to Heaven," "Somebody to Love," and the occasional Doors song too many times. And these are the songs that I really like. More BD please!
That being said, I went to the Apple store with Amanda for the first time in a while and EVERYTHING was touch screen. It made me feel sick the way facebook made me feel when I first used it. It took me months to be able to use it for longer than 15 minutes without getting nervous and frustrated. I'm not archaic, but I'm slow-ish to adjust and embrace.
Also, I know I barely talk about my job at all (on here. Kevin gets an ear full), but for posterity, I want to note that I do NOT dread going to work, which is kind of a miracle. Every morning I wake up (and not even too late because I miraculously start work at 9:30am. Can't complain about that!) and I first think "Crap! I have to be alive again." But even before I finish my shower, I feel perfectly content about going to work. I appreciate that.
On a related note, my boss is really a great boss. She is so kind to me, which is important, but also she gives me more responsibility incrementally, which is really good for my self esteem. I just wanted to make sure that I mention this because I'm grateful.
I think my fish is anorexic. I feed it but I've never seen it eat. Hootenanny ate right away (until the last week... wah-wah). Also, while I'm glad that Pavarotti Pizza-Pierogi has a plant, I think it makes him more of a recluse. Hootenanny adjusted to me quickly and we could just stare at each other for minutes at a time, and maybe that's because he had nowhere to hide. Pavarotti races behind the plant when I come close and I have to be very still and wait for him to emerge gradually.
American Skins is lame. I'm terribly terribly biased, but I'm pretty sure I'm right about this. That being said (I'm so self-conscious about that clarification after watching the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm in which they comment on the expression, "having said that." Damn your hysterical hyper-criticism, Larry David!), I'm committed to watching it every Monday with Corina until it's conclusion. I HAVE warmed (understatement) to UK Skins (or "real" Skins) season 3. It took me a while, but now I'm shocked every day that I don't go behind Corina's back to watch it faster. I'm clearly maturing, because I've never succeeded in waiting for others to watch a show in my life.
My book is great, but I BARELY read it because I'm now eating with the new assistant (I didn't eat lunch with the old new assistant). I'm not sad though, because this girl is pretty awesome. If you go by the High Fidelity theory that "it's about what you like, not what you are like," we're besties. She's my exact age, experienced Harry Potter the same way was me, knows about Marianna Palka and Good Dick and I AM I, remembered the TGIF show Teen Angel... and surely more things. Plus she's super nice and is chatty at all the right moments (a VERY hard balance to find, in my experience). Her name is Jasmine, for future reference.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pavarotti Pizza-Pierogi
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Amanda's Visit

Friday, January 14, 2011
And Some Optimism for Mental Recovery Post Ticket
SO PISSED (About Something That Happened a While Ago)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Brief Update
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Back to Work

Monday, January 3, 2011
Some GOALS!!