This week has been good (says I on Tuesday...)
First of all, let me show you these dogs that I've been watching.

Pula and Lobster.
I took this picture shortly after reflecting on the fact that they could easily kill me, but I fully trust that they won't. But... I'm basically sleeping with wolves here. I'm a daredevil (although after reliving an anecdote about Lobby daintily avoiding stepping on the moist grass, my actions didn't seem so high-risk).
I am LOVING the weather. It's sunny and light-jacket-y. But more importantly, it makes me feel warm and nostalgic which I attribute to it being the exact weather I experienced when I first moved here. Not surprising since my 1-year anniversary with Los Angeles is next Tuesday.
Also, I was given a WONDERFUL treat at work yesterday. I don't feel comfortable sharing exactly what it was, but I'll cryptically write "Emmy Consideration" so that I know what I'm talking about when I read this 5 years from now.
Tonight is my last night in heaven (with the dogs and the cable... and the freedom to be on the phone INDOORS. Miracle...). Lame. Plus it means I have to clean, although it's not like I destroyed the place. And they have a dish washer, so I'm in the clear.
Corina introduced the BRILLIANT prospect of us moving into a new apartment together. Joy of joys. Plus, Corina has an EXCELLENT film and book collection. Together we shant even need library cards and netflix subscriptions, although... we'll keep both options obviously.
When You're Strange: Johnny Depp narrated documentary of The Doors. It was fine, except I already watched The Doors and read No One Here Gets Out Alive and... this documentary barely included Pamela at all and it didn't really include the interesting details. I mean... not JUST the negative details, but even the neat ones like doing peyote in the desert. Not even him coming across the dead Native Americans as a child. Not even getting a blow job during recording. I think the reason is that the other Doors members heavily contributed. Killer soundtrack though (obviously if you love The Doors... which I do!). And all the footage was real, which was cool.
Mallrats: Hilarious! I REALLY loved it. It made me LOVE Jason Lee in a way I never have before. And obviously hot guy (Jeremy London (Claire is right- He and Jason London are indistinguishable!)). To me, Kevin Smith is the Woody Allen of the mid to late 90s. I stand by that. Funny, arguably pointless rhetoric. Low-ish production value. Stylistic without effect. Cult following.
The Princess and the Frog: Music was good. Prince was LAME. He was a half-assed character because he kind of loved music and fun, but I didn't know where they were going with that. I mean, I know most Disney princes are one-dimensional, but Prince Naveen had WAY more screen time than most princes. Tiana was good though. Although half-way through I was like "are they saying that.... you SHOULDN'T only work hard, but allow yourself to wish too? And have fun?" I don't hate that message, but it seemed a little off for Disney. Hated the alligator. Loved the firefly. Shmena on the Shadow Man, loved Mama Odie and her snake (phallic implications obvious). It was extremely hit or miss for me. I'm too spoiled by the never failing genius of Pixar that I've grown accustomed to.
I also watched a couple episodes of Strangers with Candy, obviously because of my love for Stephen Colbert and Amy Sedaris... and by default Paul Dinello since they, in my mind, come in three. Don't love it. It's got the essence of funny, but if I'm not addicted after 3 episodes, I'm not going to be.
WORK GOAL (excellent progress): I am going to watch the reels of each of our clients and try to think of as many actors that remind me of each client. I want this done by Monday. (This is obviously a personal goal and not an order. Otherwise, it wouldn't be goal, it would be an assignment.)
Lastly, my dad has been writing a blog, which I'm not going to share here because I want to respect his privacy. He's been in Thailand and India most recently. This is a 3 month trip and he an Asiana sound like they are being very bohemian and spiritual (which, to be fair, they already are well above average in both of those areas). Anyway, the best part is that my dad updates CONSTANTLY. I haven't known what's going on with my dad on a day to day basis... ever. It's beautiful. I pretend that due to our genetic connection, I can channel his zen through thought waves. I think it's working because I do feel a little more zen. Plus, out of every trip I've EVER heard of anyone going on, I'm most jealous of this one. If I got to choose wherever I wanted to go in the world, I would pick India. I'll take the dysentery (although Dad has mentioned no illness yet). I want the food. I want to learn about the only religion that I might understand. Elephants. Bright colors. Music. Yeah, that would be excellent.
Also, I have decided that Little Children is OFFICIALLY in my now Top 7 films. So in no order:
-The Princess Bride
-Fight Club
-When Harry Met Sally
-Moulin Rouge
-Little Children
Slumdog Millionaire is the next contender.
Those dogs are adorable and awesome. My dad wants a husky... imagine the look of horror on my mom's face hahaha.
I'm so happy you loved Mallrats, because it confirms my belief that we will always have essentially the same taste in movies. I hope. And I felt almost exactly the same as you about The Princess and the Frog.
What TV shows are you watching lately?
Your mom would HAAAAAATE the husky hair. I was eating hair for my entire stay. When I got back to my house and swept my floor, there was significant husky hair on the bottom of my swiffer, presumably just from coming off my pants!
There isn't a single person in the WORLD whose movie opinion I trust more than yours. Kevin is my number 2. I can't even think of a number 3.
The only shows I'm caught up on are THE OFFICE and 30 ROCK, but I really don't want that to reflect what my current tastes are.
At some point I'm going to work on WEEDS and PARENTHOOD and ALWAYS SUNNY. I'm toying with starting VAMPIRE DIARIES because we represent one of the guys, and I recently learned that Ian Somerhalder is in it! Sadly, I spent most of my cable time watching THAT 70'S SHOW and ROSEANNE.
Hahaha, there's no way my dad is ever actually getting a husky unless he physically moves out of the house.
I've been keeping up with The Office, though I keep forgetting to and then have to watch like five episodes in a row. Which I will apparently have to do tonight.
I started watching Weeds like... two years ago, and I liked it, but apparently not enough to not forget about it. I think part of me was just powering through the first two seasons so I could get to Mary Kate Olsen's part lol. But I did like that show. I don't think I ever liked a theme song as much as I liked Weeds'.
I watched all of Parenthood, and while it obviously (well, I think) wasn't like... revelatory, it was very cute. And I just watched the first two seasons of Always Sunny and they are super fun and funny, though I think half of me likes the idea of the show more than the show itself... just because it's so short. I own the first two seasons and it's like... wow, each episode is only 22 minutes? I forgot TV like this existed.
But I really only watch TV on my computer now and on The CW because that's the only channel the TV in my room gets. And I rarely leave my room. And I just bought THREE seasons of Californication, which was a ridiculous decision but oh well.
I'm sorry this is a letter, but I honestly can't imagine talking about this to anyone else.
a) I completely agree about the 22 minute thing. I'm ALWAYS disappointed with The Office when I watch it every week, but then when I watch them all in a row I love it. I'm pretty sure that it is IMPOSSIBLE to live up to my expectations in 22 minutes. I feel the same with Always Sunny... or any 22 minute show. They say our attention spans are shorter, but this seems to be extremely false!
b) I started watching Weeds for the Olsen incentive as well. But I stayed for the Justin Kirk. And Hunter Parrish, who is HOT! Parenthood-- definitely not revolutionary but... it's sweet and I have a soft spot for Lauren Graham (even though I never really watched Gilmore Girls) and Mae Whitman ("your BF's about to get F-ed in the B!")
c) You keep mentioning Californication which, I now have to watch based on your recommendation. I gave it a COMPLETELY unfair shot of 10 minutes at 5am once and I should not have left it at that.
d) if you are ever bored, and have the time I recommend the following:
1. Freaks and Geeks - It's SO good. So good that while Natalya was here, she voluntarily watched 9 episodes (and they are one hour!).
2. Skins season 1 and 2. It's instant watch on Netflix. It's AWESOME.
3. True Blood. It's like... vampire porn.
Also, Weeds no longer has the "Little Boxes" theme song. Or any theme song for that matter. Worst decision ever. Although in Season three, a different artist sings the song each time. It was AWESOME.
Also, Alanis Morrissette plays a recurring character in last season, and Zach from Saved by the Bell plays a character a few episodes ago who is VERY hot and VERY naked. I believe this is significant. (I'm not trying to super-pitch the show because I already made my recommendations, but I feel these are important facts)
1. Justin Kirk is awesome; I have this one scene saved on YouTube from Weeds where he explains masturbation to Shane, it is priceless. And Hunter Parrish is hot.
2. I love Mae Whitman, ever since I watched this really short-lived show called "State of Grace" that also had Maeby from Arrested Development. And they were like little kids. It was so cute.
3. I really like Californication. I like that it's set in LA, I like the main character because he's dysfunctional and a writer, and I think it gets better as you go. I didn't love it at first. But I'm not, like, super recommending it because I could see people not liking it.
4. I LOVE Freaks and Geeks, but it's hardly ever on TV so I've seen like three episodes. And I did really like Skins season 1, mostly because of Tony, but I sort of forgot that vol. 2 was on instant netflix. I tried to watch the third one with the new cast, but I didn't really like any of the kids that much. And I am dying to watch True Blood, but I have nowhere to get it. Technically I have Netflix, but I feel awkward about ordering tons of seasons of shows because my parents pay for it and they actually do watch movies like every night. So.
5. I am really disappointed in Weeds for getting rid of the theme song! The season where all the different bands sang it was THE BEST.
6. Can you tell that NO ONE likes to talk about TV with me?! The void you've left in my life....
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