However, I PRAY they don't make Danny McBride the new boss!! TERRIBLE idea. I hope they make it Harvey Keitel-- I don't know why but it just seems like it might be good. I'm torn about Will Arnett (as the new boss, not as a cameo, which I whole-heartedly support). I KNOW I don't want Danny McBride though. I'm gonna see Your Highness. I really am. I do NOT want him in The Office.
My phone charger stopped working in almost the identical vain as my computer charger did a few months ago. It still WORKED, but I had to hold it in. Learning from past errors, I went to buy a new one relatively quickly (to be fair, it happened on Thursday, which is lucky). I obviously avoided all calls in that time because I wasn't sure when I could guarantee my next charge.
I'm going to tell this next part out of order chronologically (possibly) out of respect. You'll see.
I ended up going to the Verizon store, which was actually pretty miserable. I don't REALLY care, but when I got there, there was 4x more employees than customers EASILY. Five, literally FIVE, employees were surrounding this small round table with computers, playing with their phones and ONE -- in a semi-annoyed tone-- took my name and told me to wait. The environment made me really uncomfortable -- I think because I'm growing increasingly afraid of phones and when I watch people in groups playing with their phones it makes me feel sad and panicky. Plus, I was already aware that they were going to try and sell me a new phone. They did, although I assured them that I didn't need it. I hate to say I got a little teary and panicky when I got back to my car. I didn't realize that my annoyance but overall acceptance of internet phones as devolved into fear. I know that it's going to be part of my job eventually to be on my phone constantly (top 5 biggest future fears-- seriously), so I don't like to advertise this fear too much... but I can't help it. I'm exploding with concern over the mental health toll that being available 24/7 can take.
Regardless... charger procured and I have no more internet than when I arrived.
Okay, let's turn back again.
So a friend of mine, Becca, from Chords called whom I possibly have never spoken to on the phone before (not that I discourage this behavior). I ignored because of aforementioned charger issue, but she texted me to call her ASAP. It turns out, another friend of mine, Cayla's, father died. He was shot. It's just terrible and it obviously shook me up.
Elana called me the other day, but I told her I'd return her call when I charged the phone. Then Claire texted me saying to call Elana ASAP. I guess because they both had the call and then text with the acronym "ASAP" that made me jump to the conclusion that someone in Elana's family died. I was so panicked as I called and I couldn't make proper conversation until she told me what the ASAP was for.
MIRACLE OF MIRACLES, Claire and Elana are going to visit California!!! I almost exploded from the huge jump in emotions. I couldn't be more thrilled!! THRILLED!
I am SO sorry that my ASAP freaked you out! I put a little smiley face in there to signal it wasn't anything bad... but I should have said it wasn't an emergency.
Regardless, I am UNBELIEVABLY excited to see you!!!! I can't even begin to express it, I really can't, so I won't even try.
You do NOT have to apologize!! I obviously overreacted, but it almost made it WAY better, because it feels good to SKYROCKET from panic to pure pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!
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