Mitzvah update: 150 points last week. Which means that in the past 3 weeks, my average points is 160 1/3. Which I only surpassed for one of the weeks. What I'm learning is that this is why I have the game. The disparity between good weeks and bad weeks is craziness.
I've been helping my boss' mom out with some things recently and she always comments on how grateful she is despite my assurances that it's my pleasure to help. I mean... I'm doing it DURING work, so it's truly no skin off my nose. However she gives me little gifts anyway, which is awesome. However the other day, she gave me the greatest gift of all. She gave me the knowledge of something called a digital converter box. I vaguely recalled them (?) talking about these boxes when we nationally switched to digital, but... I didn't get it. I didn't connect that to why I couldn't receive basic channels without having cable. I thought the boxes were for old box TVs and that new TVs were fine by themselves. Nay. Digital converter box. The greatest knowledge bestowed upon me in... well time is meaningless. It's great.
But then she gave me an even GREATER gift. She actually BOUGHT me the converter box! I can watch The Office during broadcast time! I can watch the news... maybe. I mean... I haven't plugged it in yet, so I'm running wild with my fantasies. But this lady has one and she gets channels without having cable.
Pressing on...
I had the GREATEST dinner yesterday. Me and three of my friends sitting outside in the gorgeous, jacket-less LA night time. Making burgers on the grill. Making LADY burgers on the grill. I hate to discriminate, but these burgers were tiny, on toasted sour dough bread with spread goat cheese, microgreens, avocado, and caramelized chalets on it. I'm pretty sure those are lady burgers. And as a lady, I find them EXQUISITE. And we sat outside drinking sparkling white wine and eating beans and salad WITH artichokes and cheese in it and talking about movie production. And then cupcakes for dessert. I love being a woman. A woman with friends. A woman with classy, adult lady friends.
Kick Ass. I LOOOVED it!! 3 minutes in I started to worry that I already knew too much about the movie because the little girl cursing didn't affect me the way it might have had I not known it was coming. But there were still plenty of things that took me by hilarious surprise. Like the fact that I still think McLovin' is hilarious, even though I thought he was going to be a one hit wonder in my brain. And Aaron Johnson. O GOD Aaron Johnson!
Everything is Illuminated. Lame.

How could a movie with this cover be about the Holocaust?! Also, I don't want to be cheap about this, but nothing was illuminated. It would have been nice if I knew what we were searching for. If there WAS anything to be searching for. I don't feel like anyone learned anything. There were funny moments, but unless I'm being deeply DEEPLY and UNIQUELY moved, I don't need the comedy to be punctuated by the Holocaust-y.
I also watched Happy Endings, which I greatly enjoyed. WAY more than Everything is Illuminated but probably less than Kick Ass. But I have personally spoken at length with TWO of the actors in it (Jason Ritter, Eric Jungmann), which kind of heightens it for me.
1 comment:
Digital Converter Box - I'm getting one! I don't have cable and was wondering myself why I couldnt get basic TV. DIGITAL CONVERTER BOX. My boyfriend and I are looking into one now. Yes. Thank you!
Also, we just watched Kick Ass the other night. I also loved it. Thought it was grotesque and highly interesting. Very good. Also, I sort of remembered the thing about the little girl cursing too but I don't think it ruined anything for me.
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