Friday, October 28, 2011

Anticipating November

November is shaping up to be awesome already, I think!

Next Wednesday, I plan to attend a comedy night. The reason this makes headlines is because it came SUPER highly recommended by a producer friend of mine who said "This is one of those 'I SAW THEM BEFORE THEY WERE FAMOUS' shows. This is probably the best, most original character-driven comedy I have ever seen." I have no idea what it's about, but I don't think I can miss this. I must know. I must have a riotous Wednesday evening.

Then, upon reading my daily dose of, Dan O'Brien convinced me to go to my first ever comic book convention called Comikaze. It's only $12 (I'm only going for one day). Read this and tell me you're not super jealous of my choice!! I already bought my ticket for Saturday, so if I have any readers that I know who live in LA and want to join me, there is a 40-50% chance I'll be going alone (unless cracked is as persuasive to Corina as it is to me). And while I usually LOVE doing things alone, this might actually be kind of sad...
Still, I'm SUPER pumped!

Lastly, I just signed up to volunteer at the LA Food Bank with people from Present Pictures (the people who gave me the gift of The Perfect Family) on Nov. 19. Absolutely r-excellent!! There is nothing better than a crisp, fall morning of volunteering, followed by some snacks and a chat with people you haven't seen in a while. It's a feel good activity on almost all of the possible levels.

Of course, Thanksgiving also occurs in November. My dad will turn...41? 42? on Nov. 16. Amy will turn 24 as a married woman on November 30. Natalya's birthday is Nov. 27.

Whatever. That's all about November.

Also, this is my 498 blog (on this website...). Maybe I'll make a special one for #500. Probs not, though.

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