Tuesday, November 4, 2008



I was going to wait until I had coherent thoughts about why I'm sooooo happy!!! But whatever!!! I'm SOOOOO HAPPY WE WON!!! I'm sooooooo happy we have a black president!!!!! I'm so glad that the WORLD IS HAPPY about our choice and knows that the American people are making changes and understanding that we need to change the direction of our country!!! I'm SOOO HAPPY that McCain emphasized his support of Obama and our country... and how he REALLY wanted his supporters to do their best to make our nation UNITED! That Obama is going to have a diverse cabinet, NOT in race (although probs) but in ideology... TRULY representing our country! I'm SOOO HAPPY that my peers voted and are involved and are excited about our country and our future!!!

It's such a beautiful day for America! And tomorrow is going to be so bright and beautiful and optimistic! I'm so happy!

THANK YOU! President elect, Barack Obama! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!

"To those whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voice. And I will be your president too."

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