For the past two days I've had a miraculously good sleeping schedule. Two days isn't a lot, but it's a start.
I tried to get some quickie jobs, but have so far failed. I'd really kind of like just a regular job now, but since I'm going away for the week and a half, I feel like it would be difficult. I went onto the job board and saw some jobs that would be easy as hell to get and immediately felt like a fool for not trying sooner. But... it's in the past, and I'm not sure it's so much at retrospect is 20/20 as much as that looking in retrospect, I can't clearly see my other reasonings. I'm sure that I made a healthy and smart decision. Whatever whatever. Plus there is the distinct possibility that I want a job now because I know I can't get one. But I don't believe that's true. I'm just acknowledging the possibility.
But as far as quickie jobs, I'll probably do a research thing in August (probably = they said that I could, certainly barring an extenuating circumstances like amnesia or death). I tried to give blood but they didn't need any new people. Although I felt guilty because I'd said that I wouldn't sell my blood because I feel that I should just GIVE it away. After all, it isn't market research. It's people's lives. But, I tried anyway. I didn't succeed, however, so I only have to feel bad that I WANTED to do it, and not that I actually did it. Although the day I tried to sell my blood, fitrec was doing a red cross blood drive, which I'd put in my calendar and everything, fully intending on doing it. And... I obviously didn't because I thought I was going to sell it. So... wah-wah.
I ended up talking to my grandpa and we went over the plan. They're going to come up on Wednesday and we're going to hang out. On Thursday we'll go to the art museum (AWESOME... I LOVE going with them... probably because they're the ones who trained me to love art museums to begin with), and then we'll go back to their place. AND we're going to the Wolber Open, and it'll be nice because my mom will be there. So my job is to make sure I do my laundry and clean the apartment (although it really isn't that bad at all) and read the driving manual.
I also discussed the matter of where to get the license with him and we agreed that PA would be the best place, and MA would be the worst. However, I told him how my mother seemed to really against me getting my license in PA and told me I should get it in NY, which I thought was ridiculous. He was really stuck on why my mom might not want me to get the license in PA, and even though we started talking about other things, he kept coming back to it. Finally he mentioned that maybe she thought that ERNIE (my step dad) would have a problem with me using the car. I thought about it, but even though Ernie hates me, probably (definitely) more than anyone else in the world, I don't think he'd have a reason to not want me to use the car. Whatever else he thinks about me, I don't think he has a reason to not trust me with a vehicle.
We ended up talking about it for a bit, and I just got really upset and ended up bursting into tears about him. On the PHONE! With my GRANDPA! Which was really embarrassing, and definitely uncomfortable for my grandpa. And me. And my grandpa had to leave right after it happened and I KNOW he must have told grandma. And we're all going to be together for like... 10 days and I'm kind of worried it's going to come up... but also I kind of want it to. I kind of just want to talk to SOMEONE, other than my mom, who knows what's happened. Who can understand.
(I know that was a little more personal than I usually am.. but... it's my blog and I felt like sharing.)
Regardless, my grandpa told me that he's going to try to teach me to drive-- we're gonna go out like... 2 times a day. And then my grandma will try if he's unsuccessful (although I don't know why he would be). And he said that worse comes to worst, he'll pay for me to have lessons with the local instructor. So no matter what, I WILL know how to drive by the time I leave. AAAAND as far as the license goes, he said that maybe I SHOULD get the license in New York because I can easily just get it changed over to MA or CA or whatever. My grandpa is always sooo generous to me. It's insane!!
Two other things I want to mention:
1. Last night I mysteriously went to bed at 10:30pm. I was exhausted. For no reason at all. So I'm in bed with a bra and pajama pants on, asleep, and then someone COMES THROUGH MY DOOR! I shot up, TERRIFIED! It was PAT! Moving in his stuff. He'd called but... I was asleep. I was trembling like crazy for the next... 15 minutes at least. They didn't stay much longer than that because he kind of had to emergency move in because the girl who was holding his stuff was going to move and he didn't get the message until recently. Something like that. So they came and left. But it was SUPER scary. And I think those things are infinitely scarier when you aren't wearing adequate clothing.
I THOUGHT that was going to keep me up, but nay. I fell right back to sleep. Miracle.
2. Unsurprisingly, I woke up at 7:30am ready to go. Like... couldn't have gone back to sleep if I tried. I looked up quickie jobs, but there were no new ones for today. Then I went to the gym... which was a little gross because the last time I did my laundry, I forgot to wash my gym pants... so they had/have a very .... disgusting feel to them. Anyway, as I was going back home from the gym, I came across some old ladies in front of the Planned Parenthood handing out pamphlets and rosaries, which, regardless of how I feel about their position on anything, I HAVE to admire because.... they have a cause and then they DO something completely generous and peaceful about it. Very sweet. And more than I can say for almost everyone else that I know (barring Natalya). I didn't take a rosary though, because even though they are pretty... I already have a rosary (which I told the lady) (and which I obviously don't use, but is very attractive) and maybe it should go to someone who doesn't already have one. She seemed delighted. Although, for all the work that I'm sure it takes to make a rosary and then get it blessed and everything, I wonder how many people will take one off the street and actually use it. I would have to probably say zero, right? Nevertheless, it was very nice. I chatted with them for a bit, came home, and... did this.
As far as the movies go, I'm off my shitty movie kick I think. I just ordered Angels in America, although I made a mistake and got only the second disk... so it's useless as of now. I am also getting the movie Loser, which is KIND OF bad I guess... but I really like it. And I got the first Lord of the Rings... so we shall see.
And what I watched:
David Cross: Let America Laugh. I thought it was a stand up show, but actually it was like... a pseudo documentary of one of David Cross' tours. It was interesting. I really love David Cross and I would LOVE to see one of his shows.
Also I saw Sophie's Choice. I knew it was going to be sad because it's always sighted as the saddest movie. And it was VEEERY sad... although III thought the choice was between the two guys, which I was sure would be sad... but not the saddest thing I've ever seen. I wasn't sure what the hype was going to be about. But... I actually don't know if I'm ruining it to say it WASN'T between the two guys... because that's probably what everyone thinks. But whatever. It WASN'T. And you'll probably never guess what is WAS between... but suffice to say that it WAS one of the worst choices EEEVER!! I almost had to pause to absorb. It took my breath away.
I also rewatched Spice World (with Katherine) and Superbad. Nothing really to say about them. If I didn't thoroughly enjoy them, each in their own way, I wouldn't have rewatched them.
Also, I've continued to read The Tipping Point, which is pretty amazing. It also has a chapter about children's television, which kind of discredits what I learned in television and childhood, which essentially told me that children's television is straight up bad (weird lesson for television students). Now I don't know what to think. Probably a little of both.
I WOULD be more inclined to trust a school book over a pleasure book, but the school book was written by someone my teacher knew and worked with personally... and comes off as a little biased. I disagreed with some parts... like how Disney movies hinder creativity, which I just can't see as being true. I even asked my grandpa about how creative children were when he was a kid, and he said that there are creative people and there are some not creative people. He said that he wasn't particularly creative. But I happen to believe that my best friend and I were literally as creative as you could possibly be (I'm obviously biased and I know it sounds arrogant... and I don't think I'm even KIIIIND OF as creative today, but I truly believe that)... and...I saw every Disney movie made (except Dumbo, mysteriously).
AAAND The Tipping Point is a hugely popular and hugely scrutinized book. But, you have to always be skeptical about books promoting media.
Basically, I just don't know. It's all just food for thought, I guess. And really I don't foresee myself working in children's television... although it is a reasonable possibility for me, certainly more likely than it is for most other people.
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