Favorite fictional character.
Which means that if I forgot my password, I would have to rack my brain to think of what or who my favorite fictional character was in 2001. Not too much for foresight, nearly 8th grade Blythe.
So yesterday, I watched Loser, which I REALLY enjoy. Truly. It's KIIIND of lame, and I'll take that, but.. if I was still buying movies, I'd buy that one. I'm sure that wasn't the last time I'll watch it. I just really like Jason Biggs. I don't understand why people don't like him more.
Then I decided to start a new painting and thus had to pick out a movie. I was in the mood for EVERY MOVIE I OWNED! It was almost impossible to decide what I wanted to watch! It's equally great AND torture when that happens. I finally landed on The Last Kiss, which is truly a gem. Like... if I REALLY thought about it, could possibly be in my top 10 movies! Which is huge (in my mind)! Especially because I officially already have a top 6. I just think it's INCREDIBLY real. And it makes you want to die, but you can REALLY understand it all. And one of the coolest things I noticed when I first watched it, was that it made me crazy for one reason. Like... one thing stuck out the most to me as being... just awful and telling and terrifying. But then I asked the other people I watched it with, before revealing what bummed me out, and they both said DIFFERENT THINGS. But they were REALLY upset too. Isn't that weird? My mom couldn't even finish it because she got SO upset! But then it isn't even like... well I don't want to give it away. Gem, though. I love it and would recommend it to the people I consider to have the BEST taste in movies (which is, of course, subjective).
As far as the painting goes, it was crap so I'm not going to finish it. I scrapped it 30 minutes into the movie.
ANYWAY. It's been incredibly rainy in Boston, but I kind of think it's pleasant to take a walk in overcast weather, which is what I did yesterday. More accurately, I walked to the esplanade and then sat on a bench by the water for LITERALLY over an hour, staring into space. It COULD have been closer to 1.5 hours. And I didn't listen to music. And I didn't read. And I didn't text anyone or talk to any strangers. It was VEEERY nice. The weather kind of reminded me of an overcast day at the beach, which are kind of my most pleasant memories of the beach. Like, when it's 7pm and you already ate and you're all clean from the salt and sand and everyone is back in the house watching TV, but grandma wants to come and have a walk with you on the promenade.... and it isn't very crowded and it's pretty windy and the waves are really high and turbulent and only loyal joggers and people walking their dogs are out... not so much with the hoochie baby 8th graders. And you don't have to worry about the sun and you're not all sweaty and you don't feel like you SHOULD be with your family in the ocean. That's the best.
Anyway, I'm sure it's good for the mind to spend a good hour staring into space. One of the things I thought about were ducks. I ended up writing out some questions I had. This is what I wrote, verbatim:
Questions about ducks
1. How long can ducks hold their breath?
2. How do they tell where they are on the river? Do they look at buildings? The bridge? Trees? Underwater things? Do they even care?
3. Do they have "home" areas? Do they have to get places at certain times? Are they ever in a rush (barring if something's chasing them)?
4. Is it easy for them to paddle up river? They always look so comfortable.
5. Do they go underwater for storms?
6. Why wold a duck be alone? Why would only 2 travel together (females)?
After I finished writing down my questions, I wondered if the people jogging past me thought I was writing something really profound, like notes for a novel or something.
Then I got some curry, which I probably shouldn't have done, given the money situation. But I was craving curry like WHOA. I don't know why... but I feel like it's relatively rare when you just really want ONE specific thing. Especially curry. I hardly ever even order curry when I'm at a place that HAS curry. Very satisfying. Plus it came with rice noodles, which I ADORE.
I also need to mention that upon leaving the esplanade, I came across this on the pavement:

This is just the epitome of fun. What I mean is, whoever made that handprint MUST have been having the BEST time. There is no other way. Look at how many colors! Awesome.
After the esplanade, I hung out with Matt and Elena watching America's Best Dance Human or whatever (I'm sure I know the name, but I don't feel the need to look it up or plug it or anything. You already know).
Then I went home and fell asleep immediately. I dreamt that my sister (Meredith) and I were in a room with a bunch of cool people, not like celebrities, but cool people in my life. I can't remember a single person there anymore. But they were all supposed to be organizing something, I don't remember what... like a presentation or a song or something... it was gonna be awesome.
So my sister and I were put in a corner with someone else, don't remember, to exterminate pests. So my sister looks onto some wall and she freaks out because she sees some ants (which I don't think she would freak out about in life). And I tell her that we're probably not supposed to get ants. Like... who cares about ants? (probably not how I would feel in real life... I'm not afraid of small ants, but I do consider them pests in life). And then I see a mouse and I spray it and it dies. And then the other person with us goes like "here's the problem" and these bright orange and black striped spiders that have big bodies like bumble bees... like they look furry but they are also spiders with small pinchers are crawling all around. So he (whoever it was, maybe Saswato?) takes this tiny bottle, like an eye dropper, and pours it on one, inside it's pinchers which were open, and it sizzles and steams and then turns into a dead mouse. So this stuff is obviously some sort of acid. And then he gives the bottle to me because he has to leave, but he kind of drops it and it goes under one of the spider-bees (they don't fly though) and I get scared... but finally reach under the bug and pour the acid on them. And some acid gets on my fingers and nothing happens but I briefly wonder if that's going to be bad later and tell myself to not put my hands in my mouth or eyes (dream logic). Then my sister and I are mysteriously in a mansion on the first floor-- no one is there but us. And then I wake up.
Anyway, I woke at 9:28am, which was awesome because my alarm was set for 9:30am and I didn't have to be frightened awake by Tears for Fears. So I woke and looked for quickie jobs. Not successful yet, but we'll see. I went to the office to get the referrals and on my way back, got some fire balls, which I paid for in quarters. I bought some a week ago and it was so nice having something to suck on (ha) when I got hungry. But when they ran out, I went to the grocery store and the only hard candy they had was jolly ranchers, which I usually can't eat because they LITERALLY hurt my teeth, which I think is very weird and also probably a sign that I shouldn't eat them. But I got them anyway and they WEREN'T hurting, but then I brushed my teeth and they were very tender in one spot. So that's why I've switched back to fireballs.
I also bought a pot because I'm REALLY about making chicken noodle soup. And I saw some pyrex bowls for $2 so I got them. That way I don't have to buy the tin foil things when I want to make breaded chicken or chicken parm. You can't really reuse those, even if you REALLY want to. When I got home, however, I decided to make food with ingredients I already had (which is almost NOTHING). I finally landed on au gratin potatoes. Here's how they turned out:
Not bad at ALL!! Very delicious. And cheap as hell. And I'll probably make it again for the 4th of July potluck. So what if today my diet is potatoes, cheese and fireballs. It's just good I take vitamins....
Then I went to the gym... and I think that's it for today. I DID watch Stewart and Colbert from yesterday and the day before, catch myself up. I gave this clip to Elena because she's taking a politics in the media course. I don't know if it will help her... but if you have some anger in need of direction here ya go.
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