Thursday, August 27, 2009

Moving and Job

Today was Moving Part 2/3: The Hardest Part.

I went to bed last night at 10:30pm, which was quite lovely. There is something about sleeping through a whole night... with the lights out and everything. It IS pretty refreshing.

I woke up at 8:45am, 15 minutes before my alarm. Then I putzed around for about 3 hours until I could deny no longer that I had to start packing. I finished, probably in an hour. The longest part was when I had to put movies in their cases because I'd removed all the Dawson's Creek from their place in one of my big cases to make room for the 20ish movies that I wanted to take to Utica instead. As they couldn't move in a big stack, I had to find their places again.

Then I went to west campus to see if I could check out a blue cart. They asked me if I lived in west and when I told them no, they told me I couldn't take one out there. I was MILDLY unhappy about it, but it was a BEAUTIFUL day, so I didn't care TOO much. Plus, she was a student and thus I imagined she didn't really have too much control over the matter.

However, I was a little more pissed when the girl at south didn't ask if I lived at south. I mean... it obviously doesn't matter at all. ESPECIALLY since they have like... a JILLION carts and the people who live in west are usually freshmen, and they are far less inclined to move in on an early moving day. In fact, they might not be allowed. I don't blame the girl... but I want to know why this is the policy... because I'm a BU student... and I think they should be servicing me too.

Not to go on about this, because I honestly didn't really care too much (although clearly enough...), but according to google maps, from my apartment to my south apartment is 1.6 miles. And my apartment to west is .6 miles. So I had to go to south to get a cart, bring it back to my apartment to load it up, and then drag (verb choice because it was much heavier this time) it back to south to unload, and then come BACK to my apartment to clean... / I'm staying until 6am when Vanessa comes to get her keys (she would have waited but I told her it was more than okay since I can easily be up then.. possibly I already will be).

Regardless, in this scenario (the one that actually happened) I walked 6.4 miles. Whereas if that girl would have given me the cart in west, I would have only walked 4.4 miles. She (/the establishment, BU) cost me 2 miles! Although... I guess it was good exercise, and like I said, it was a GORGEOUS day. I even remembered to wear sunscreen.

Also, I had mixed feelings about seeing so many people on campus again. On the one hand, it was fun to see all the people dressed up a LITTLE better than you know they usually do because today wasn't just another day for them. It was BACK IN BOSTON day! Although not for me... I looked like hell today. Plus it's the off day for showering. So I look especially ripe.

Although I... didn't have ANXIETY per se about running into people I would know... but kind of I did. I just don't like when you encounter a 100 people and you have to come up with some sort of mantra to say to everyone so you can have that quick, polite small talk. This year, not to be pessimistic, is going to be especially bad because I don't really have anything to say for myself... and I'm going to have to laugh it off. Not that I'm ashamed anymore. I'm past that. But... there is no way I'm not going to be judged and I'm going to have to convince people, in a few words, that I'm just floaty and that I never DID have shame in my choices to begin with... that it was all part of the plan. Which... obviously, will be a lie. But who cares? They aren't really my friends anyway.

OOOO! I guess my technically important news is that Amanda got me a job at the Hillel dining hall, which will be especially great because it's a regular schedule... not a changing one... AAAAND they'll feed me. Now, because of this and my other job, it turns out my days will likely be packed solid from 10am-5pm Monday, 9am-6pm on Tuesday, 10am-7pm on Wednesday, 9am-5pm on Thursday, and 10am-5pm on Friday. Plus Chords from 7pm-10pm on Tuesday and Sunday, and lunches at Hillel on Saturday.

Now... I CONSIDERED that I might be stretching myself. But... I asked my mom and she said she thought it would be fine, although admittedly I think she cares more about me making money and doesn't consider me getting worn out to be a reasonable concern... although I'm just guessing (not in a mean way though... but out of sight...). Also, she was at work at the time, and I feel like that matters. PLUUUUS I have my evenings. And... I'm pretty sure it will be fine. And I have this blog, so if I start bitching a LOT about it, I'll hopefully recognize that I have to settle down. But after all, the work is only going to be about 18 hours I imagine, and in high school I covered more than that.

Finished Skins. Oh God. I LOOOVED it!! Buuuut the British are tricky with their TV and they don't usually follow the mold of making something go on as long as possible.... which is why their series' last like.. 2 seasons. Well for Skins, I think it's in it's 4th season, but they switch casts every 2 seasons... which means that I could break away pretty easily. They were only 10 episodes per season, about 47 minutes each. It was a medium commitment as TV obsessions go. But I specifically speak to Claire when I say, WATCH THIS SHOW (but no pressure... that's not sarcastic)!! It's on

Also, by accident (because I left Lord of the Rings in my other apartment (heh heh... I feel like a millionaire)), I started to re-read The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I basically almost completely forgot except that I remembered it was good. Oh my god! It's soooo good!! Thankfully it's short so I won't feel too bad about reading it instead of LOTR for a bit. I think it'll only take me another 3 hours.

Okay. Places to go.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I REALLY want to watch that show... but I don't understand at ALL. How do I find the show??