Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Creek-- Hardly Mentioned but... I'm in It

Got sucked into the Creek again. Damnit Pacey!

Bought myself a fish. I think it's because after I decided against the CA license thing, I was craving something to attach myself to this place. The reason I never got a fish in Boston is because I never knew where I would be 3 months from any given time. Although it's possible that I will move again very shortly. But... I think my fish can take it.

The best thing about picking out a fish is that... it's a perfect, finding-your-chi, moment. Out of all the fish in the store, I picked this one. This one called to me. Very powerful... or... at least medium powerful. Or maybe it's just kind of cool.

I saw a one-woman show yesterday. It was FANTASTIC! I don't think I'd ever seen one before, but she was amazing. It wasn't about her life-- it was a little play and it was HILARIOUS! My former (wah wah) supervisor invited me to go with her. In fact, I'll just call her Saralyn now. At the reception-ish thing at the end, two separate people told me that I had the best laugh. I LOVE hearing that. Not to sound self-aggrandizing, but I remember my more theatrical friends telling me that all the time in high school and it makes me feel great. My purest pleasure giving others pleasure. Fantastic.

My dad is spontaneously coming to visit next week. I may have overreacted about thinking he was pissed. In fact, I strongly suspect that I got a bloated head from how kind everyone has been to me in the past few weeks. Maybe anything less than innumerable gifts and kudos left me oversensitive-- not a good place to be. Although I do think that it's weird that there was no note attached to my birthday gift. But... I'm over it.

I really hate not working. All of my tiny anxieties get pushed to the front line. For instance, I got anxiety about the number of messages in my voicemail, which I don't mean to sound cool because there were only 3 and it was over SEVERAL days. One of which was from my dad about whether or not he should visit. I called him like... 6 days later, which is lame and unacceptable.

I got another work check yesterday, which was AWESOME because I forgot that I still get a check for my last week of work. I REALLY have to get on the job stuff. I'm helping out for 2 more days on the production I was doing before, which is awesome. Also, Saralyn's husband told me that he wrote me down as someone to call about the next production he's doing. All good work. Starting Monday though, I'm getting my damn resume out to the agencies and looking for temp places. I don't want to get in a rut.

Lastly, after all the STELLAR reviews of Toy Story 3, I HAD to see it. And I gotta say, it was pretty great. Although, I'm not positive that I would rate it higher than the first one. Also though, at some point during the film, I became so grateful that I knew this was a Pixar film and thus would almost definitely end happily. I got nervous about it on many occasions.

I also watched Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, directed by John Krasinski. It was actually VERY good. Very thought-provoking. I would definitely recommend if you have the time... instant viewing on netflix. Plus, I'm glad I've been using netflix because when I don't for a while, it makes me feel guilty that I'm paying for it. I've had Good Hair, the documentary by Chris Rock for like... MONTHS. I should really watch that instead of Dawson's damn Creek! Pacey!!


Claire said...

Ashamedly, I just finished season 5 of Dawson's Creek. I usually put something like DC on in the background while I'm doing boring work (which is what I do most of the day.....), and since I work in my room which has a TV but no cable, I ran through it pretty quickly. Sadly, it's the only show I own seasons of, which I why I watch it so pathetically often.

Anyway, I understand. And I clearly need new shows.

The Lady Me said...

You do, by the way, have the best laugh. And I hope I was one of the more theatrical friends you were referring to haha. If not, oh well. I still agree! I'm slowly trying to catch up on your blog by reading most recent to least recent so I only half understand what is going on but I'll get there!