Seeing famous people is awesome and a neat perk to working in Beverly Hills. A NON-perk, however, is seeing SEMI-famous people whom you can't place. It can make you CRAZY trying to figure out who they are. I guess the purpose for finding the name is ultimately so you can brag to others... and they never really care anyway (although I accept faux enthusiasm with open arms in these cases). I JUST had one of those moments today walking back from lunch.
O God. He has red hair. He speaks in an accent. He's worried about something. Maybe a machine is not working? O God. Now Eric Jungmann is popping into my head. Get OUT of there, Eric. Maybe if I type Eric Jungmann into google images, someone will have mistaken the two. O no, o no! Now Eric is SOLIDIFIED into my head. Okay, just let it go. It's fine. You don't NEED to know the name of this actor.
Yes you do.
So, because of some access I have, I decided on a whim to look up the clients of the agency he was walking towards. Note, there are a JILLION agencies in Beverly Hills and him walking TOWARDS one means pretty much nothing. Did it anyway and FOUND HIM!!
Alan Tudyk. A Knight's Tale. Nailed it.

Hey guys, guess what? I saw Alan Tudyk on my way back from lunch today!
I love that guy. Of course, I had to check imdb for the rest of his filmography (Dodgeball, 3:10 to Yuma). And we can eagerly anticipate him in "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" in 2012.
I'm PUMPED about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter!!!
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