Friday, April 15, 2011

Miracles (My Most Common Post Title... Maybe.)

Some miracles.

1. I am OFFICIALLY off on the Friday of Memorial day weekend!! That's not TOO much of a miracle because I was EXTREMELY confident about that one. I guess the miracle is that I asked about it in a timely manner. And that means the miracle is that my boss took us out to lunch, which is inarguably the perfect time for such a conversation. I really do have a great boss.

2. I DON'T HAVE TO PAY TAXES!! Apparently, I'm so poor that the government was like "Ooooo, our bad. You can keep your money. You're gonna need it." I seriously SERIOUSLY thought I was going to have to pay 15% of everything I made... which would be hundreds. I think the real reason is that I was taxed on a significant amount of money before, and I've made so little since then, that the rebate from that tax went towards what I owe. And I think you owe less if you make a pittance. I think I even have a $159 credit for next year. That's how little I make.

3. I failed to mention that I discovered my bank's rewards points. I discovered them because I got a letter in the mail saying they were canceling the debit reward system, but they wouldn't erase your existing points. Then they listed the site. Turns out, I had points! And they were worth $50 in money!!

I knew this a week or so ago and already picked out my self-gifts, but I finally got the actual card yesterday. Below is what I got:

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Black Swan
Annie Hall
Pineapple Express
10 Things I Hate About You (my old copy got lost in the shuffle (loaned and never returned) so I will use this opportunity, when I'm not spending my own money, to replace it)

I KIND OF wanted to get Mysterious Skin but it seems like possibly a movie that I like but would accidentally never watch like Crash or Vanilla Sky. I cannot bring myself to EVER watch them. Plus, I may use my Joseph Gordon Levitt budget on Hesher. PUMPED about Hesher. Although I'm glad Natalie is pregnant because if I see her in one more movie, particularly one that looks like crap (ie: Thor), I may start to lose some reverence for her. She's so lucky that she did Your Highness and No Strings Attached while she was still riding the miracle of Black Swan. But I think she'll take a couple of years with her baby and then win another Academy Award. And that's exactly what I want for her.

For your viewing pleasure:

I'm feeling an obsession with Elijiah Wood approaching. I'm SO PUMPED about Wilfred.


Claire said...

Yaaaaaay! On getting Friday off! I'm SO EXCITED.

I'm also really excited for Hesher. Though not nearly as much as I am for California. Well obviously.

The Lady Me said...

I love spending money that isn't mine! The best kind of money.

(other) Claire said...

Yay for gift cards! Although I'm sad you don't make enough to be taxed, it's awesome that you don't have to pay taxes!!!

The Lady Me said...

Ok, so I already commented on this one but I'm commenting again because I just saw Thor this weekend and I liked it haha. But then again I like action superhero movies. And you are a much more thorough critic than I - however - I liked it! And the guy is hot. Haha. Natalie Portman is annoying in it but I think it's just her character that's annoying. Which I think is true of ALL women in those super hero movies. Regardless of whether they're smart, dumb, tough, whatever - I usually end up finding them annoying because they all have this annoying air of self-importance about them.

The Lady Me said...

and I used the word "annoying" about 50 times in that comment - I'm sorry.

Blythe said...

Agreed on the annoying ladies in super hero movies front. When Rachel died in Batman, I was like "thank god!! I'm so over this character!!"