I've only calculated for two days, which any scientist will tell you is not enough observation draw any real conclusions. So far, I actually DO think it's inspiring me to do more. Yesterday, instead of spending my final hours exclusively watching Roseanne, I finished Catcher in the Rye. Hard to say whether I did it for the points or because my David Sedaris book, Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk, came in the mail and I promised myself I wouldn't start it until I was finished with Holden. Plus, this one has illustrations and while flipping through, the first illustration I saw was a picture of an owl next to a huge rhinoceros anus and looking concerned. The title of the piece is called "The Weeping Owl." This at least DOUBLED my urgency, obviously.
Plus, this morning I woke up late (first time in a LONG time). Like... 45 minutes late. But actually everything went amazingly smoothly. So smoothly that I was still 5 minutes early for work! But in the car, I was thinking about the things I skipped and concern for the points I'd lose danced across my mind. Only 1 point. No lotion regime this morning.
Even if it doesn't NECESSARILY mean that I'm DOING more than I was, the points do make me feel better about the stuff I already do. And feeling good is really the point. Plus, while my office partner, Jasmine, lighthearted laughed at my game (ie: why do you need a point to brush your teeth if you already do it?), Kevin thought it was brilliant and is going play with me.
Lastly, this week and possibly next are going to be a trial run to see what my average is, etc. In this time, I'm trying to decide what the points amount to. As I can't really REWARD myself as spending my own money isn't REALLY a reward, I think I'm going to make a minimum amount of points I have to achieve per week and if I don't reach it, I have to do something unpleasant but good for me, like not drinking soda for a day. (Note: soda addiction and other such vices are not being eliminated in this game. If they ARE eliminated, they do have a point value, but it's not really the aim at the moment. Those are going to be individual adventures and I have bigger priorities right now. I'm not trying to torture myself.)
ANYWAY, Catcher in the Rye was okay. Honestly, the reason I read it is because people are so passionate about it, but it also has a kind of suicide-y stigma. I just wanted to know if I judge the people who say it's their favorite book. I don't.... but... well near the end I thought that if people are being suicide-y with the book, then they didn't get the point. But then there was a SLIGHT twist, I guess. And then the end seemed like Salinger was just over writing it and quit. Maybe I need someone to explain why that isn't the case. I bet I would have understood more if I actually read it in high school (I POSSIBLY did... impossible to say). I WILL say that I couldn't go straight to Sedaris after Salinger. I had to level the mood with some Roseanne.
I liked Catcher in the Rye... but I don't remember it terribly well, so I guess I didn't like it that much. But I enjoyed it at the time. I think I would judge someone a little for saying it was their favorite book, though... because I feel like I just wouldn't truly believe them, and so I'd assume they were saying it to sound cool or something. But I'm probably overthinking this.
I remember liking it too though, as with Claire, I don't remember much about it. Maybe I'll reread it some day. Speaking of high school books, I actually remember liking the dreaded Jane Eyre while we were reading it but I never finished it because things with the Spring musical got hectic. I have a copy sitting on my book shelf waiting to be read. Another long one... sigh.
Yeah I definitely didn't HATE it... I LIKED it... but I wasn't obsessed. I was just hoping for a point at the end.
Monique- Just want the new movie with Mia Wasikowska. I think it's in theaters now.
I don't remember Catcher that well either, although I for sure remember reading it for Hackett/Harrison. I don't think I could judge anyone for saying it was their favorite because I don't remember it well enough. Jane Eyre was ok, although I specifically remember Mullen going on and on about how to pronounce St. John. What is up with that?!
I remember that too!! Every time I see the name St. John or think about Jane Eyre, I can picture him talking about it!
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