There is too much to even say!!
First, know that I am OVERJOYED!
Point 1: VAST overreaction to Davida situation.
Remember, this is 25 solid days of INTENSE anxiety. I'd clarify how intense, but I don't want to sound more melodramatic than I already do.
I got a text from Davida on Thursday night which stated she was going to check my room that night to see how much I owed. I could have vomited. I got home, I told her I'd be ready at 10:30pm, at 10:15pm, the place was SPOTLESS! Spotless like... I used Q-tips to clean room corners and window panes! I had basically already decided to give her $40 (I just HAD to) so I put the cash, my parking pass, and my keys in an envelope and waited. She walked in, looked around a TAD, looked in the envelope and asked
Davida: Is this $40 for cleaning?
Blythe: Yes... ...
Davida: Okay
We parted with her giving me a hug and saying "You had a great time here." To which I replied "Yep."
That was it. That was IT!
I tension laughed for the next 15 minutes. In the grocery store at 10:45pm.
I NEVER have to speak to Davida again!!!!!!
Side story: When I got to my new apartment that night (kind of unexpected and I had to swiftly prepare (mostly mentally) for sleeping on the floor.) My new, Davida-less relief was my cushion, I suspect), my fire alarm kept chirping. I immediately thought of Phoebe in that episode of Friends. First I tried to press the little button on it with a hanger, but it went crazy and I realized that was a test button. Whoops. I knew that the chirping initially started after we turned the power on the other day, so I tried to cut the power. Still chirping! So I tried to find something to stand on amongst the scarcity of stuff in the apartment. I ended up standing on a box of books as I furiously tried to get the battery out of the fire alarm. I couldn't find it for the life of me and so, because it was late and I had work the next day, just tugged it down. The light turned off and I set it on the counter only to hear... MORE CHIRPING. Finally, I took down a bag of hats and stuffed it, Russian doll style, inside each of them and left the bag in Corina's room. Solved.
Point 2: One jillion things for free.
This whole move has been serendipitous in that it seems to me, everyone and their mother is moving and thus giving shit away. I received the following things for free:
1. Bed
2. Couch
3. bookshelf
4. bedside table
5. one jillion tables including an outdoor one, a coffee table, a table that I'm using for my new fish... (when I get one)
6. one jillion tea cups. We have more tea cups than regs cups.
7. A tea kettle
8. Lamps. like... at least 3 lamps (probs more)
9. a stool that I'm obsessed with
10. Bedspread and matching sham covers and a blanket (I didn't formerly OWN a bedspread!)
11. a jillion little things: vases, dishes that you put on tables to hold crap (like shells...), dish towels, regular towels, coasters, pot holders, utensils, big utensils (like spoons and vegetable peelers), pots, flower pots, flower pot stands.
And that's not even including the stuff that Corina brought with her, like a toaster oven, magic bullet, microwave. We already have a dishwasher! More pots and pans and dishes and silverware and, of course, tea cups. Colander, cookie sheet, pyrex pans. We were offered at least 3 separate blenders!!
I have only paid for ONE thing. A mattress pad. Do you understand!!?? I entered a house with NOTHING and only paid $10 for a cheap mattress pad!!!
Side story: I decided to actually take a look at the lamps and noticed that one is super pretty and thus mine! So I grabbed it and put it on my side table only to notice that the pretty lamp clashed pretty hard with my change holder (or what some might call a year-old aquafina bottle with the top hap-hazardly cut off with change sticking out). So I decided to go through some boxes of crap that we have because I really don't even know what these boxes have. I found like... 4 alternatives for a change holder. I'm classy by default, y'all!
Point 3: The move.
If I was writing frequently during this process, the move would have been a huge entry on it's own. However, I don't have internet at home yet and I'm not in the mood for a play by play right now.
The move went well. The couch WAS the biggest issue, but I didn't have to drive the truck, so that was huge. We had plenty of help and we were finished around 3pm - ish.
FYI: Refrigerators are SUPER easy to find in LA.
FYI 2: I moved crap for 4 days! Two days involving large furniture and many locations. 2 days were preceded by sleeping on the floor. And if you know me at all, you know I was a fucking beast during the move (must brag because I'm extremely un-lady-like when moving). ZERO back pain. I had a slightly sore left arm the day after our final day, but that's it. MIRACLE.
Point 4: Everything was broken, but not anymore.
We quickly built up a long list of crap that didn't work.
a. My drain, which was going crazy slow and thus leaving grime behind. I had this problem during the summer of junior year, and it's an unpleasant one. However, I didn't want to bombard our manager on a holiday weekend for that.
b. Hot water on the sink. It was a problem we addressed, but we weren't feeling hasty about it.
c. Fire alarms - 2/4 were messed up. I couldn't care less.
d. dishwasher. We don't plan on really using the dishwasher, but we wanted to clean all of our new, free stuff at once. Plus we loaded it all up, so that was disappointing.
e. The stove. That was important so I made the call.
He came in and did EVERYTHING. I felt so bad for being so annoying, but he was so nice about it. It turns out, the cleaning crew unplugged everything before we came in and he didn't realize they didn't put it back. He also fixed things I didn't care about, like the spraying shower head and the blinds-opener on Corina's window (Corina cared, obviously). Now everything works!!
Point 5: The Little things
I am NOT over the fact that I have a refrigerator. I bought a bunch of food at once and then I could just EAT IT when I got hungry. My sodas were cold!! I had yogurt! And milk! I made my lunch today!! I can bring home leftovers!! I can eat pasta and eggs for cheap again!!
I'm SO much closer to work. I left a full half hour later than usual today, which gave me time to sit on my balcony and make breakfast. I am going to try really hard to continue waking up at 7:35am every day. It's easier to wake up in my room, because the sun makes it pretty uncomfortable right around 7:50am. If you keep the blinds open, which I do.
Yesterday, I sat on the balcony (I am ALWAYS on the balcony) and drank cold beers with Corina while 3 big firework shows happened around us. And the neighborhood did fireworks in the street. I couldn't have felt more peaceful.
Due to a lack of internet and a complete disinterest in leaving my new haven, I watched like... 6-8 of Corina's movies. Two movies I'd never seen: American Psycho (loved) and The Cell (not Corina's and I wasn't really obsessed.) I also started a new book that I'm liking so far, although I can't remember the name. I do not know how I got this book, but it said it was a NY Times best seller and it doesn't seem to be a mystery, so I'm down.
On our first day at the apartment, Corina and I walked around looking for food until we found a place that has the most delicious pupusas! We got 3 enormous ones for $6. I need to learn a LITTLE Spanish, though, before I feel good about ordering.
I can light incense and sing in the shower! Or in my room. Our walls are sound proof. Even with the bedroom door open, I can't hear Corina from the living room!
Preliminary pictures for your pleasure:

Living room. It's actually messier now than it was when I took the picture. Also, we stacked some boxes and put my TV up which looks TINY when viewed across the room from our full sized couch! Hilariously tiny. Like.... tinier than a youtube video would be if you're looking at your laptop.

I was going to make the bed, but I knew that it would be the one and only time it was ever made so I don't care. Also, the bed cover and shams aren't there because I doubt I need anything beyond a blanket until October or November. And I really don't foresee having shams...
Looks so cozy and sunny. And you get to flush the toilet... whenever! Congrats.
So excited for you!! The apt looks really nice!
This is so exciting!! Ahh! I'm so happy for you!
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