Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Over the Moon Still

I continue to be smitten with my life.

Fish. This time I got TWO fish because I learned that lady betas can live together. Fish brothel. Their names are Ladder Phoenix and Chair Beverage. I'm so happy they can have a buddy. I sensed that the best part of the day for Pavarotti Pizza-Pierogi and Hootenanny was when I came home, if only because they had something to look at that moved.

Margaritas made. They were delicious, although I made them with zero tequila taste. Plus, it could have used more ice. They were strawberry flavored. And they WERE in margarita glasses that we bought at Goodwill for essentially nothing. We also got an iron, mixing bowls, and Corina got Almost Famous (I already had it...)

And then we made a dip out of chili and cream cheese and cheddar cheese (extra sharp). And then some sour cream. It tasted GREAT but it kind of did a number on both our systems, although Corina actually vommed.

More free things! A chair, side table and trashcan. ALL things that I wanted. The chair broke though. I don't care. It was free.

Taco Ticos! Pillsbury (or generic but the brand kind of defines the product in this case) croissants with a concoction of cream cheese and taco flavoring. It's happening tonight hopefully.

Got another housesitting job!! Starts this weekend and I LOOOOVE these dogs. LOVE. Huskies. Beautiful, well behaved huskies!

REALLY intend on arranging "Head Over Feet" by Tears for Fears to jump start our a cappella group.

Saw the midnight screening of Harry Potter 7.2. I enjoyed it more than 7.1 and INFINITELY more than 6. There was one part that infuriated me, a couple parts that were annoying, but mostly it was okay and there were a couple parts I loved (ie: Helena Bonham Carter playing Emma Watson or the misguided gratuitous shots of Dan and Rupert without shirts -- the very VERY pastiest bodies I've ever seen).

I also KIND OF feel like I was tricked into liking it because:
a) It was past my bedtime and I was already feeling a little funny (which I love) before it even started.
b) It was a midnight screening so it was packed with so many costumed fans. It's hard not to get excited in the middle of all that positive energy. Although hilariously, the guy sitting next to me merely had a stick in his pocket. "Eh... it could be wand..." Hilariously half-assed.
c) I still had work the following day, so I BOOKED IT out of the theater and spent my drive home trying to clear my mind, not thinking about Harry Potter, so I could fall right to sleep. I didn't dwell like I usually would.

Anyway, it was good for me, but I don't really care. What I REALLY want is to read them again, but if I don't finish the book that I'm reading now, I never will. Must have self control.

Also, I haven't seen ANY new True Blood or Weeds and I rented Inception and I haven't gotten to that yet either. I've got some pleasures ahead.


Claire said...

So much awesome! Corey is going to have his own apartment this fall... I hope we can find a ton of free stuff, too!!

Claire said...

Also, I'm EXTREMELY jealous of everyone with their own apartment...

Blythe said...

I wish you and Corey a bunch of free stuff too!!

It IS awesome to have your own apartment!! But it took me 13 months of being tortured to finally free myself. It's hard to actually do, is what I'm saying. But do it!

(other) Claire said...

Totally agree with your HP comments. Couldn't have said it better about the pasty bodies. I'm re-reading the 7th book now because I know they changed a lot (it was bothering me in the back of my mind but I couldn't remember everything). Also I'm so happy about your apt! It sounds great!