Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some dreams

All money procured! PLUS, and I don't want to count my eggs before they've hatched, I got ANOTHER housesitting gig for 2 weeks. Elation. I'm buying new clothes this weekend. It's happening. It's been a full year since I bought clothes that weren't emergency clothes. I will not feel guilty.

Going to dinner with a college friend tonight (Elisa). She asked to go to my favorite restaurant and thus I had to decide what my favorite restaurant is. I finally landed on Granville. Now it's official, I guess.

I had two nights of memorable dreams. I do know that no one cares about dreams except the person who had the dream, so this is for posterity.

The first was a sexy-ish dream with Josh Meyers (8th season of That 70s Show. I don't care. I love that character (also brother of Seth Meyers)). Although I was competing with two other women for his attentions, which was frustrating. I'm pretty sure I woke up winning.

Last night I had a dream that 3 people died. The first one was like... a chef or someone that I didn't know. The second one was an autistic boy named Bob from high school. The third one was Elena (my friend and former roommate). I had to get rid of all of the bodies (although I don't specifically remember the first two). I hadn't killed any of these people, and they were already pre-bagged in my room. I wasn't doing something wrong, but I was trying to avoid people because I didn't want to talk about it. With Elena, I already knew the drill. I just had to get her downstairs and to the water. Everyone was in the cafeteria on the first floor eating lunch and they asked me to join and I told them I would soon. I definitely had a half hour lunch and continuously looked at my watch, although I don't recall it ever moving (the big hand was always on the 3, so I always had 15 minutes to go). I dragged Elena, in a white plastic bag, out of my room (which was white, and hotel-like) and to the elevator without meeting anyone. However, on my way outside, I ran into either Mandy or Ali (twins from high school) (I think they kept changing throughout the dream) and when they started talking I fell to my knees, sobbing and choking over Elena. Then I woke up.

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