Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This Post Took Me 3 Days to Write

Every day when I look at my blog (yes, every day), I'm infuriated that I let my last two entries be dream descriptions. Even I don't want to read them. Even III don't want to read them! Must remember!

ANYWAY, the main news is that as of last Friday (a week ago), I am COMPLETELY, back to back booked with housesitting until the end of SEPTEMBER!!!

Pros (3 different places, but these apply to all):
-get to live with dogs
-closer to work
-laundry (I may or may not have brought my actual sheets from home to launder at someone else's house)
-can loudly sing because neighbors can't ever hear (the only advantage of house ownership that I actively envy)

Cons (I guess it's complaining-- but only MIIIIIIIILDLY):
-Now that I LOVE my home, instead of experiencing the glory of being out of my annoying house, I experience frustration with things I have at my house that I either didn't think to bring or felt was inconvenient to bring (ie: lotion that doesn't close properly, pot stickers, popsicles etc).
-Different dog schedules can be MILDLY annoying. Some, for instance, wake me up earlier than I'd prefer.
-In many cases, I have no internet access and limited phone service. As I always say, this is bittersweet. I would say I peaked in bitterness last time when I couldn't figure out how to order a pizza without internet. I miraculously found a phone book, but without google maps, I couldn't tell which places were within a 3 mile radius (that's the pizza radius, right?). I never succeeded on this mission.
-Since all of this is more long term, I have to find an ideal grocery store and gas station.
-Fish arrangements (ie: the reason ALL pets are inconvenient)

In other news, I watched several episodes of Melissa and Joey a couple of nights ago. It's actually a real treat. I feel completely nostalgic, but the references are current. This is the joy of cable-- there is no way I'd go through the trouble to find Melissa and Joey online, but I'll take it if it's in front of my face.

Part 1 of my bridesmaid dress came in the mail. Now I know the fabric and what it will look like (I saw a picture before, but it was on my cell phone and it was a picture from the magazine). Also, I started fantasizing about my speech... assuming I get to do a speech...
I got an awesome gift for my sister Indigo. I'm bringing in the bucks and feel confident about my financial ability to rent a car.

Things to do:
1. Talk to my dad about the arrangements. Mostly ask him if I can stay with him.
2. Actually buy tickets and reserve car.
3. I'm pretty sure I can get this other REALLY awesome thing for my sister, if only I have the balls to ask.

Got $25 to Amazon from my bank!

I'm feeling pretty good. Although housesitting for so long makes feel like you can't really plan. Like... I CAN go to the beach but I can't leave the dogs for more than 5 hours. Not that I ever go anyway, but I can't plan on it. I don't know, it makes me feel my mortality. 1/6 of the year has past since I turned 23. 1/3 by the time I finish housesitting. Bah bah bah.

But mostly money!


Claire said...

I understand about the housesitting. Sort of, anyway. I always want to get out my own house (for various reasons...), but then staying overnight anywhere else just starts to seem incredibly inconvenient.

When is your trip for the wedding?

Blythe said...

Exactly. On the bright side, I think I'm going to spend a portion of this extra money on an official traveling bag and additional toiletries. ESPECIALLY because my boss almost got me a ticket to a convention in Kentucky (fell through so it's irrelevant) but I would love to have a BUSINESS TRIP bag. BUSINESS TRIP!!

I'm going to CO in the last weekend of October.

Claire said...

Awesome! You definitely should buy a business trip bag; you sound so professional and business-y!