Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dear Repubs, Sarah Palin? REALLY??

I went back home for a few days, primarily to retrieve the rest of my movies, only to be reminded of my WONDERFUL decision to stay in Boston this summer. Also, my house is still a zoo.

ALSO, Superfresh, my former employer, had a carbon monoxide leak and had to be evacuated while my friend Elana was there!!! That was exciting.

Also, I'm a little pleased by McCain's choice for VP because I think/hope that people will see how fucking retarded that choice is!!! I mean... McCain really isn't the worst as far as the repubs go... except on his stance of Iraq which is CRAZY AS FUCK!! But Sarah Palin is just ridiculous. She has zero redeeming qualities. She just had her 5th child, who has down-syndrome. Which, by the way, should we being having a VP who has 5 young children? I mean, what if one of them gets sick or something? Does she NOT do her VP duties? Does she call in sick? Also, if she is still of child-bearing age, is she really experienced enough to be VP? The answer is no, a governor of 2 years in fucking ALASKA is NOT experienced enough. Don't even get me started on her pro-life, FOR oil drilling in Alaska, FOR creationalism being taught alongside evolution in schools, FOR capital punishment, ANTI-gay marriage bullshit! And I don't even vote on social issues.

I'm just saying, if anything happened to McCain, who would be the oldest president in America's history, she would be our FUCKING PRESIDENT!!! Was their only criteria to get a woman? Come ON now, repubs!!

Read up on Joe Biden, by the way, who is VERY cute for an old man... but also satisfactory in my required fields-- environment, Iraq, budget balancing (well... he really liked Clinton (Bill, but also Hillary)).

Note: I was reading my friend Claire's blog, and she brought up her support for Obama, and that made me need to talk about my political feelings ... so I copied off of her again!


Claire said...

OMFG SARAH PALIN. Most riduculous thing ever, I agree. And my mom brought up the issue of McCain's age and health, too, so it makes me a million times more nervous about Sarah Palin possibly ever becoming the president. How is she qualified for that AT ALL? She's NOT. It's crazy.

And Joe Biden is cute for an old-ish guy.

Elana said...

I agree with you. PLUS with Palin's daughter being 5 months pregnant, I love how they are STILL talking about how she is such a good mother. This whole thing just reminds me about Britney Spears' sister who is preggers. Remember how she said she was planning on marrying the father of her baby. And now they aren't together anymore (information from my brother)!! So I think Palin is a hypocrite but I hope good for Obama. If they say anything again about Obama being inexperienced, Obama can be like Palin and silence them!!

Also, I agree with if anything happens to McCain, his VP choice is a huge issue. And agree that Joe Biden is cute! lol