Monday, August 25, 2008

Moving Success

Yesterdays crisis is complete. Obviously I did eventually finish packing... although it was very early in the morning. Tomorrow I will journey to PA and visit the parents... and the cats... and the sibs... in that order, I'm sure.

Last night I ended up finishing Breaking Dawn, the last book in the Twilight saga. Obsessed! For me, almost infinitely more fun than the first three, which were pretty frustrating. Didn't get great reviews though, So after I finished, I read the reviews and then ranted about why the reviews are wrong to a friend on her wall at 4am. I made it sound like she had suggested the critique... and not the reviewer. Crazy.

So I couldn't have moved without my friend Caroline today. She came over at 8:30am this morning to pick up some stuff before work, and then totally ditched work when she saw that I was going to need help. She stayed with me until I PASSED OUT at 4pm. Luckily I don't have too feel bad for too long because she's moving on the 31st and I can help her!

New apartment: AWESOME! My room is small but very cozy. I have 3 outlets in like... the PERFECT places. And I love being able to decorate all the wall space with my own stuff. AND I have a very deep closet! I LOVE it.

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