Thursday, January 29, 2009
Beatles and Sundance Teases!
(because I know my blogs are getting CRAZY long.. and that long day one was ridiculously unnecessary... so ... yeah...)
But 1. I AM going to do my documentary on Chords. Buh.
2. My obsession with the Beatles is mounting. I've been exclusively listening to Beatles interviews for a over 36 hours, I bought nearly $50 worth of Beatles books off of amazon spontaneously, and... well I usually wouldn't share these things, but I fantasized about having my wedding vow things to "Maybe I'm Amazed." And this is even MORE special that... whatever I'll tell you... I'm not ashamed... but there were tears involved in this live-action fantasy. Whatever. I can do what I want when I'm alone in a room... watching late night TV... whatever.
I went to Campco today, and I was looking through magazines and nearly EVERY magazine had Obama on the front. I know it isn't shocking... but like... People, EW, US, Time, Newsweek, Madd... and ones that I don't know.
So I bought Time and Entertainment Weekly and in EW they have some of the Sundance Film Festival movies and listen to this!
a) A Michael Cera movie with him and his girlfriend and some other kid! It's called Paper Heart.
b) The HUGE tease is "Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are an on-again, off-again couple in the hip comedy 500 Days of Summer."
There are some other really neat ones... but like... those two would be my dream movies to see!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Mary Kate and Ashley, Proust Questionaire
Also, I need to say that a LOT of Claire's answers are like... PERFECT and it IS going to be hard to not just say "samesies" on a lot of them (I won't though!! I'll put in the effort! I'll commit!!).
1. Favorite actor: Leo DiCaprio-- I'd watch ANYTHING he was in and Ewan McGregor
2. Favorite actress: Even though Claire already said it... DEFINITELY Kate Winslet. AND Tina Fey... but not for acting so much as general awesomeness...
3. Favorite Book: Even though it's cliche... The Harry Potter series... I just can't get over it and I can't not give those books credit just because everyone does it! But I really love David Sedaris books (I'm going to include them all as well because they are all basically the same and one isn't particularly better than the others)! And A Tree Grows in Brooklyn-- I just honestly can't get enough of this book. If I could only keep ONE book, it would be that one!
4. Favorite Author: David Sedaris, definitely.
5. Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride, officially... but also Fight Club, Moulin Rouge, When Harry Met Sally, Titanic, and Trainspotting
6. Movie you would watch if you only had one movie to watch for the rest of your life: I wrote this question because DEFINITELY Titanic! It has EVERYTHING!
7. Book you would read if you only had one book to read for the rest of your life: Oh, I already answered! A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. But Harry Potter if I could have seven!
8. Favorite Quote: I'll tell you, there are three quotes that I actually use a lot because I need to remind myself. First, "You can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights." --Maya Angelou
"Reality, for an animal, is whatever it's brain needs it to be in order to assist it's survival and because different species live in different worlds, there will be a discomforting variety of realities."-- Richard Dawkins
And "True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing." I don't know who said that.
9. The meaning of life: "I think all you can hope for is to do the best you can do to be happy yourself while helping others do the same." That's what Claire said and I'm going to say she's right. I also feel like you should try to be as present as you can with just enough reflection and planning to satisfy you.
10. A vivid memory that pops into your head: In first grade we made animal habitats, and my friend Kylie and I did kangaroos (and I was pissed at my best friend because she did lions with her boyfriend and that was our favorite animal) and the habitat we made was vegetation and water within a concrete enclosure... which now that I'm thinking about it, is kind of sad because we didn't think that animals could be wild first... we just assumed that their habitat involved concrete. But then my favorite animal was officially kangaroos for years after that.
11. Favorite song: ummm VERY HARD. "Freedom" by George Michael, "Head Over Feet" by Tears for Fears, "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt, "Crazy/Beautiful" by Hanson, and the "Cumbia Medley" by Selena.
12. Favorite band/musician: Okay... I KNOW it's lame but Hanson and... The Beatles. Now I KNOW that sounds like... the worst answer you could EVER say. Hanson is a 90s boy band and the Beatles is the most cliche answer. BUUUUT Hanson is TOTALLY underrated. They really consistently make amazing music! I just can't deny them. AND I only JUST realized that I really LOVE the Beatles. Like... before I just ASSUMED I liked them... and I knew and liked a few of their songs... but really, all of there stuff is just... so GREAT! I just love how much variety they have... like NONE of those songs sound the same and they have such an amazing variety of like... uncovered emotion and they do an amazing job mixing almost silly melody songs AND making really intense somes and some are SUPER complex! And they were such funny humanitarians who really had so much awareness and compassion. So there! And the thing is... you can't get OVER them because there is SOOOO much and it's the OPPOSITE of "if you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times." AND I love Michael Jackson.
(how is THAT for a committed answer?!)
13. Album you would listen to for the rest of your life: Pieces of You by Jewel... even after all I said, I don't think I could live without that album.
14. The key to being happy forever: "Appreciating what you have and deciding to be happy." Okay... I can't even add to Claire's answer. That is EXAAAACTLY what I think.
15. First crush: Celebrity--Macaulay Culkin, when he got married when he was 17, I cried. The first crush I remember was a boy named Michael in 2nd grade. I know that's pretty early, but I'm positive it was 2nd grade. Although I'm not sure that counts because... I'm pretty sure I didn't want to make out or anything. I think I just wanted to like... talk to him on the phone. Whatever. I stand by Michael.
16. Most important traits in a significant other: Compassionate, trustworthy, kind, interesting... and also I like people who are really inspiring, who make me want to better myself.
17. Most important traits in a friend: open and fun.
18. Dream job: Sitcom writer. But I would LOVE if I wrote ONE great screenplay. Like a life-work sort of thing. That would be AMAZING!
19. Biggest personal flaw: I, again, have to agree with Claire. I would say that I'm lazy about starting new things (I mean... we both can't drive... it would seem we do share a "flaw").
20. Biggest pet peeve: Entitlement. To an extent, I've never met a person who on some level didn't feel a little entitled... but people who have no perspective make me crazy. And also when people seem to try to be unhappy-- where they can't see the good in anything and/or they seem to look for problems.
21. Relationship deal breaker: Homophobic--cliche but I would not tolerate or ever understand them. Also, I agree with Claire that if they don't like movies, that might be too big of a problem. Or if they're overly argumentative. Or disrespectful to other people a lot.
22. Favorite talk show host: I would say Jon Stewart, then Stephen Colbert, then Ellen Degeneres, then Craig Ferguson, then David Letterman... and if I was Australian, I bet Rove would be in there. He's super cute! And Ant and Dec if I was British
23. Celebrity you’d pick to adopt you: Tom Hanks or Ellen Degeneres... or Michael Keaton... I don't know why but I always feel like he would be an awesome dad.
24. Favorite song at the moment: "Soon We'll Be Found" by Sia
25. Favorite visual artist: William Bouguereau, John William Waterhouse, Alex Grey
26. Craziest dream in seven words or less: My baby drowned in salad dressing bottle
27. Celebrity you would pick to play yourself in a movie: Pat told me Janis Joplin, who I know is dead but I'm flattered by that.
28. Food you would eat if you could only eat one food forever (and not thinking about nutrition or whatever): Alaskan crab legs!
29. The current state of your fingernails: all the same length except the left middle finger because it just broke. But fairly clean.
30. Favorite time of day: I have to say twilight. I love when buildings make silhouettes on the deep, but still distinctly blue-- not navy, sky.
31. Dream residence: A condo in either Seattle or New York City.
32. First commercial that comes to mind: The one where the like... 20 year old guy gets and icecream and the lady puts on like... 6 sprinkles, so he gives her this funny sexy look and pulls the first button of his shirt unbuttoned and the lady dumps the entire scoopful of sprinkles on it and he takes a lick with the same funny sexy look. And it's actually for clearasil and having confidence! It's really funny!
33. Sum up your life so far in six words: Lucky, and trying to appreciate it
34. Goal for the year: Getting an internship.
35. Mary Kate or Ashley: Like Claire, Mary Kate, DEFINITELY... although Ashley IS great... but Mary Kate is awesome!
Long Ass Day
So I decided to go to the computer lab and print out the reading I was supposed to do for screenwriting, ALSO for Wednesday. Unfortunately/predictably, the wait for printing was over an hour, and I fiddled around until like ... 1:45pm before I decided to print in the first place. So I pressed print and then decided to have some lunch at Warren and come back later. Did that. Then, as I was leaving, I saw Pat. He invited me over and I obviously can't resist a chat with Pat.
So we hung out for like 40 minutes... and we decided to go to west to get quickie jobs. So we walked down there (and saw Lucy on the way). Then I turned in my plea, couldn't do the quickie job because you have to take an online quiz first that takes 24 hours to process... but I did learn HOW. Then pat went to the gym and I went back to the computer lab. I took the quiz, fiddled to leave again for Chords in west and b) that I didn't have to cancel my dinner with Amanda and Jenn because... I never went home to begin with. So I ate, went to Chords, returned at about 10:20 EXHAUSTED!
I watch an episode of The Office on TBS and then put on The Daily Show. I realize I might fall asleep and set an alarm for 12:30am, just in case. I get through the beginning of The Colbert Report when I pass out. Unfortunately my alarm doesn't wake me and I wake naturally at 1:30am, freaking out because
1. My class is at 10am and I NEED to have read the stuff and have talking points on the chapter AND have articles.
2. The computer lab is unreliable and I HAVE to get there at least 1.5 hours early to make sure I get it printed on time.
I decide to go back to sleep until 2:30am. Then I wake up and rationalize that I can sleep until 3:30am. BUT at 3am I wake up suddenly and have a heart attack about the time! I chug my energy drink that I bought on the way home from Chords. Then I start reading. It took me 3.5 hours to read from pg 33 to 95... but it was CRAZY interesting/SUPER depressing. BUUUUT more importantly, I finished the reading it in it's entirety... and it was VERY thought provoking (it was about ad bombardment to American kids).
So I took a shower, downloaded 2 cds to my computer and uploaded them onto my iPod (... I don't know why...) and got to the computer lab at 7:30am. It took me until 9:15am to type out my points and get the articles printed. Then I went to Warren, had breakfast, and tried to read the Aristotle for my screenwriting class. The thing is... there isn't any excuse for not doing it because... these classes are only once a week! Totally my fault! Anyway, the Aristotle was too weirdly written and I decided I should probably use my ONE hour of break to sparknote it. BUUUUT I also had to read 3 chapters of a book for the class! BAH! I got ANOTHER energy drink (but didn't drink it) on my way out.
So I get to my television and childhood class and it was a great discussion and I'm really glad I read the stuff (I briefly thought I would be pissed that I read it because... ... teachers usually can't tell and/or can't tell enough to accuse you of anything... but I was definitely glad I read it!). Plus we handed in our talking points and mine were a little over 2 pages long, single spaced... which I thought was pretty great.
I get out of class at 1pm and I see Pat as I'm leaving. I WANT to eat lunch with him, but I have to go to the computer lab. Fortunately, sparknotes DOES have the Aristotle, so I take notes on what I think is important. I don't even KIND OF feel bad about this because with ancient writers.... you straight up DO get more out of the sparknotes, in my opinion/experience. Then I go to my Chinese anthro class. I'm a half hour early so I read the book, and fortunately there isn't too much. I read an entire chapter and skim the other 2. No prob.
BUT I go to anthro, and I'm SOOOO EXHAUSTED at this point that I can't keep my eyes open... which SUCKS because I really like his lectures! AND even though I got the stuff on the board and SOME of my notes make a LITTLE sense... I still don't really know what he talked about. Damnit. But he DID let us out on time, which is good because it was CRAZY snowy all morning, but after anthro it started to rain. And we ALREADY had several feet of snow on the ground! So it ALL turned to slush and HUGE puddles. But I have to say... I do really like slush domination... except sitting around with soaking feet in class... that part kind of sucks.
Anyway, survived screenwriting. I knew exactly what I needed from all the books. Plus we watched one of the sweetest short films ever! It's called "The Lunch Date" and I'll try to find it and post it.
You know what's really funny though? And I KNEW it would happen (which is probably why it did), but I'm not tired at ALL anymore. Even though I've been awake since 3am this morning. And I have to say... even though having days like this is exhausting (although I must admit that it's unusual for me to have days like this when I really don't even have a project due or a test or anything)... at the end of the day it's SOOOO satisfying!! Both knowing what my body and mind can and will do AND the fact that I saved SOOOO much time by not doing my work in small clumps. I'm not saying it's the best method for everyone... but it certainly is satisfying for me!
Anyway, I'm going to have dinner now with Amanda and then I'm going to pass out (/probably stay up until like 4am... as per usual).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Acrostic Obama
O is for Oh my god, you're so handsome!
B is for Big hugs
A is for Awesome, which you totally are!!
M is for the M sound at the end of "awesome"
A is for --nods and whispers-- awesome!
I Was a Shithead in Middle School and More
Over the past few days, several of our buildings have been littered with false Window Washing postings hung on each residence door. We know of some buildings which have received these postings, but not all. If you have noticed these signs posted in your building, please know they are FALSE - Neither residence life nor facilities has made arrangements for any inside window cleaning to take place. Please inform your residents of the following:
1.) No one should be entering their rooms to wash windows and they should not let persons unknown to them into the building at any time.
2.) Residents do not need to post any sign on their residence door stating they do not want their windows washed.
3.) Residents should lock their door (including the deadbolt) at all times to prevent unwanted persons from entering their residence.
This is a LITTLE unfortunate since we DID get window washing signs about 2 weeks ago. And we DID put a notice on our door saying we didn't want our windows to be washed.... buuuuh...
So last night I emailed my mom a shit-ton of pictures. While I was on that email address (the one I use for my relatives... and I guess the one I WOULD use for my friends if I ever wanted to email them... hard to say), I decided to look through my folders because I've had this address since 6th or 7th grade and I used to write a LOOOT of emails! Anyway, I had a folder entitled "interesting convos"... and I used to save AIM conversations like it was my job!
So I went through reading them and they were SOOOO EMBARRASSING!! The kind of embarrassing that makes your stomach churn even though no one else is witnessing it! And it wasn't just my actual words, which were awkward but fine... like my excessive use of the word "coolio." But also the things that I was enraged by! AND ALSO what emails I used to give and receive. Like I would have conversations with people about someone and then send that conversation to the person we were talking about. That's BAD! What a terrible person I was in middle school! And I don't even remember the issues... nor do I remember feeling particularly shitty about things that I did. Rough. But you know... I look through my old blogs, which were a little later than these conversations... and they are a perfectly reasonable read. They are positive and nice. But anyone who reads this, do you remember that Hannah fiasco freshman year? I totally forgot until I read all of those emails!
In other news, my boss that I'm not REALLY working for called me into her office while I was waiting for my other boss to be finished with someone. I THOUGHT she was going to remark on the fact that I forgot to put my time sheet in last week (which I was fully intent on ignoring... as always) BUT she actually wants to more than double my hours and she wants me to apply for more money from the work study people, who she called and confirmed that they DO have money to give. So instead of working 5 hours a week, I would work 10.5... which would be GOLDEN and I wouldn't have to get another job!! BUUUUT my aid for the YEAR right now is $1466. Now she wants me to apply for $2500 more... which obviously doesn't make sense. I did the math and I only need like $720 more... She told me that I should ask for $2500, but $1000 is fine. Does that make sense though? I don't want them to think I'm greedy! I mean, if it were up to me, I would ask for $1500 assuming they would give me half. But asking for 4+ times the amount I need seems ridiculous. And I asked her if she for sure means $2500 MORE and she confirmed. And I feel like she made a mistake but I can't ask her a third time! And if I just ask for less then she might think that I didn't understand her instructions and won't like me as much. Although PERHAPS she is thinking of increasing my money for twice as much so that I can work have that big budget and work that much next year. But that isn't what she said...
I understand that this isn't an actual issue though. But I do have to go to the office today. I guess I WILL just ask for $2500 and then they'll just have to cut it way down.
BUUUUUT if it works out, and I don't see why it won't since Sandra (my boss) seems confident that it will, this will be great motivation to start working on the internship thing... because it's hard to have two goals. It's much easier to have one problem solved (obviously, Blythe).
I'm going to TRY not to go home for a while today... because as soon as I go home I'm going to take a nap and I REALLY want to do my reading for two reasons:
1. I have to...
2. At the beginning of sememsters, I pretty much always do most of my work because I don't know my teachers well enough to know which work I don't have to do. Although at some point I will probably neglect at least one class because reading for all classes is exhausting and often quite unnecessary. BUT that's not the story. The story is that every time I actually DO my readings, I always feel like I've gained so much. I guess that's obvious and why they ASSIGN the reading... But still, even while I feel like I'm gaining so much, I would still rather watch 3rd Rock from the Sun....
Tonight I have to AT LEAST read page 32-95 of a book called Consuming Kids, which is what I wrote about last night. And I have to type up three good points about each of the 5 chapters. And I have to print out and at least SKIM two articles about... something. And THEN I have to come up with like... a two sentence thesis on what I want to look for in my reseach on childrens programming. Pretty easy. Fine. I HAVE to do that.
Then I have to at least SKIM my stuff for screenwriting because there are only 13 people in the class. Fine.
BUUUUT on WEDNESDAY I have to at LEAST know this book that is like 275 pages, and I've only read 40.
You know what always sucks though? Is that I REALLY want to read this Chinese book. Like... I enjoy it quite a bit right now!! BUUUUT if I don't finish it (and I'm not saying I won't... but there is only a 17% chance that I WILL finish...) then I have to look up a summary of it online and then I'll NEVER read it! Lame. That happened to me with 1984, Julius Caesar, POSSIBLY Brave New World (but I don't remember because I ALMOST finished that one if I didn't actually finish it).
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thoughts About Anger and Children
The things that annoy you most about other people are reflections of what you know and dislike about yourself.
(not exact words, but definitely exact concept)
Now... when he first said that, I tried to think about all the stuff that annoys me and all of the things that don't particularly annoy me... and I have to say it's probably a great practice for when you're annoyed. Am I annoyed because I have a personal problem with avoiding this activity? And I'll tell you what else... it makes me much less annoyed and much more self-reflective!
Sometimes, when I'm trying to think about things that I want to change, I put my thoughts in the form of what I am going to want to tell my children. Like... "is my thought so generally true that I want to instill this idea in the thoughts of my children?"... this is knowing that when children learn things... it's MUCH closer to permanent than if you tell an older person things.
So I've been reading this book for my class about how we're all of the commercials and ads that kids get bombarded with that not only teach them to be huge consumers of things that are not necessarily good for them ... but also teach them values with regard ONLY to profit. It's a very horrifying book. And while I agree with most of what the book says, I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind sometimes. For instance, when they said that kids play with traditional toys for less time because of the video games.
Now I can't even KIND OF say whether this is good or bad. What worries me is WHY we think that training our children (and I'm refering to the generation before us... as we don't have children) exactly like we are... with the same TRADITIONAL toys and ... more importantly, VALUES. I just think that ... I don't particularly WANT another generation like that one... like... those values, which weren't AWEFUL for sure... aren't the TRUTH... because... there isn't a TRUTH. But people always try to make their children like them. And the children are responsible for rebelling against them enough to make sure that we're changing and improving along with our environment. Because no matter how much we try, our environment will NOT be stagnant. We have immigration. New rights for new minorities. New technology/medicines/scientific discoveries.
Whether or not early stimulating things like video games cause ADD or any other issues in children... I can also tell you that some of the people who I know who played a LOT of videogames, while often times "nerdy"... they usually end up being extremely creative, EXTREMELY smart, VERY outside-the-box thinking, and they understand a LOT of technology. I mean... you know all of those valueable hackers were video game people.
Of course, I don't want kids to become consumer machines. I just HAPPENED to think about it because of that book...
Anyway, as of now, I think I want to tell my children to QUESTION EVERYTHING!! Even everything IIII tell them. And anything I can't support... they shouldn't believe. So there!
(also, I have enough forsight to understand that there is about a 50% chance that I'll be like every single parent right now... and maybe my kids will read this and be like "what the fuck, mom! When you were 20 you wanted your kids to question everything you say! What the fuck happened to that?" And I'll be like "IF YOU SAY 'FUCK' ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, I'LL KICK YOUR ASS TO CANCUN!! NOW CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM!!"
JK... except not...)
Friday, January 23, 2009
My Oscar Predictions
(I'm not going to type all the nominees, so you can look HERE for that)
(Also, this is who I think the ACADEMY is going to pick... not what I personally think (which I couldn't say because I haven't seen all of these movies)
Performance by an actor in a leading role: Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler
Performance by an actor in a supporting role: Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Performance by an actress in a leading role: Kate Winslet for The Reader
Performance by an actress in a supporting role: Penelope Cruz in Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Best animated feature film of the year: WALL-E
Achievement in art direction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Achievement in Cinematography: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Achievement in costume design: Australia
Achievement in directing: Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon (could EASILY change to Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire though)
Best documentary feature (no clue): Man on Wire
Best documentary short subject (no clue): The Final Inch
Achievement in film editing: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Best foreign language film of the year: Waltz with Bashir (Israel)
Achievement in makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score): A.R. Rahman for Slumdog Millionaire
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song): "Jai Ho" from Slumdog Millionaire
Best motion picture of the year: Slumdog Millionaire
Best animated short film (based on this one being the only one I saw): Presto
Best live action short film (no clue): The Pig
Achievement in sound editing: WALL-E
Achievement in sound mixing (I don't know the difference): WALL-E
Achievement in visual effects: The Dark Knight
Adapted screenplay: Slumdog Millionaire
Original Screenplay: WALL-E
I will accept that Benjamin Button deserved 13 nominations ONLY if it doesn't win best picture. If it DOES win... I shall be pissed. In case you can't count, I'm predicting 4 wins each for WALL-E, Benjamin Button, and Slumdog Millionaire.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Geriatric Production and More
I'm nervous that I won't come up with an idea in time to print it. If it's another 2 hour wait situation, what do I do? There IS a good chance that it won't come down to that... but it's what I'm thinking about right now. I think worse comes to worst, I'll just explain the situation to whomever is conducting the discussion since it's not really a procrastinating situation if the assignment was yesterday.
In other news, I will NOT be doing a documentary on Chords. There are only 6 people in my class and essentially four ideas were being considered:
1. Chord's going through ICCA rehearsal
2. The life of street performers (one street percussionist already on board)
3. Examination of some women's dependency on cosmetics
4. Profile of a guy who learned tattoo artistry in prison and does work for gangs (but he lives in New York).
Long story short (rare occasion), we have 6 people in the class and the professor didn't want to disappoint anyone. I had to REALLY struggle to keep from throwing my idea out right away because I just wanted everyone to be happy... and giving in is a very strong urge for me sometimes (hmmm...). BUUUT I stayed in the game for quite a while because... honestly it's the easiest project to do. The competition is a built in story. B-roll is unlimited. We rehearse twice a week, and we'll do even more as time goes on. At least 17 willing interviewees. But the other ideas were pretty great. However, I was finally the first to crack and am now doing the tattoo one... which I am excited about. I would be WAY more excited if I could be a part of the interview process. I'm just going to be doing a TON of editing... which I enjoy, but I already know all about that. I would like to interview.
Hilariously, because my professor hates to disappoint people too, he asked me how old I was. When I told him I was a junior, he told me that I still had time to take the full documentary class, whereas everyone else is a grad student. He called the class "geriatric video production." They don't SEEM that much older than me!
Zodiac Obama
August 4: The Day of the Guiding Light
Those born on August 4 are often the guiding light to whatever social group, political movement, family or business they belong. Not always cut out to be leaders they must nevertheless occupy a principal position; indeed, they make their influence felt and philosophy known to all with whom they associate. Often they are useful to their group in a largely symbolic role, as they may perfectly represent its aspirations and embody its ideals in their external appearance or lifestyle.
Being able to go their own way is important to the restless and active people born on August 4. Too often they are hot-headed and somewhat irascible when encountering resistance. Because of these traits as well as their tendency to be in revolt against established systems they can only remain central to the group for a limited time, unless of course revolution and activity are the business of the group also! Being strong-minded and strong-willed, they do best to establish themselves in a position in which they are free to speak and do as they wish.
August 4 people are quick and clever, and perhaps from childhood have developed as adeptness at avoiding punishment and censure which serves them well as adults. Not getting caught may prove to be a constant theme in their lives—in a sense, avoiding the extinguishing of their light. Being free to shine, to radiate their ideas and ideals to those around them is of the utmost importance to them. They can suffer no greater pain than being ignored by the closest to them.
August 4 people often seek to exert influence through their physical presence, which can be cloaked in anything from outrageous to highly conservative garb, depending on what impression they are trying to effect. Those born on this day are masterful at sizing up their environment; nothing in their surroundings is lost on them and they generally respond to it quickly, as they have a decisive, if not impulsive, mentality. Their tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable, however, can lead them into delicate and dangerous situations.
If they can maintain a precious balance, August 4 people have a determined strength that is formidable. However, if off center they can cause great harm, usually to themselves, but also to the ideals they serve. They must remember to act in a responsible fashion since so many people may be depending on them.
As time passes, August 4 people can learn to channel their rebelliousness in a more constructive direction. As they themselves get older, they are likely to acquire a bit more respect for the elderly than they had when they were young. Learning to accept the onset of seniority with equanimity and grace is perhaps the most challenging lesson for them to learn. Many born on this day display a marked love of nature and of the great outdoors, which only deepens with advancing age.
Advice: Remember your responsibilities. Try to temper your dislike of authority and be more tactful in dealing with your superiors. Your freedom is not always the most valuable thing. Learn acceptance, concentration, awareness.
Note: I also looked up Cheney and Bush Jr. but I can't put them on here because I'm in a lab and don't have them readily available. I'll try later because they are also amazing.
Also, I have to say that I can't decide whether the zodiac book really DOES have some wisdom and insight that is true OR if my brain believes and thus associates all the information with the person. BUT, just to not sound really crazy or anything, bajillions of people have studied this stuff for centuries, and even though it goes against my logic... I don't think it needs to be dismissed...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Who Sings at the 7 Eleven?
I'm pretty friendly with the 7 Eleven people (I'm a very loyal customer). So today, one of the especially friendly workers was on the side of the register and the older man (like... 45-50) was doing the actual register. Now the people that work there are from another country... I'm not sure where, but I imagine they are middle eastern. So the younger guy tells me something that sounds either like "he's single" or "he's a singer." I asked him to repeat it, but the older guy told me the same thing... either "I'm single" or "I'm a singer." So I just smiled and said "yeah?" although I was a little worried that the younger guy was trying to set me up with a middle-aged man. But then the guy says what I ASSUME is "Yeah, I love to sing. I think everyone should sing." At this point I'm pretty confident that he's talking about singing because it would make no sense if the word was "single." So I respond, "Yeah, me too." And the guy goes, "I know."
How does he know I like to sing? Have I been unintentionally singing in the 7 Eleven? Mysterious.
Pissed About Paper
1) I'm really hating this computer situation. Actually I'm not specifically upset at MY computer situation... but the reprocussions of it.
First of all, COM is no longer allowing the professors to make copies, so instead we have to print out our own syllabi and articles and whatever. That's fine. Now, I not only don't have internet, but I also don't own a printer which has never been a problem. So I had to print out my syllabi in the library. I had to wait 45 minutes though. Which isn't THAT bad. Did it.
Then a few days later I had to print out ONE SHEET. So I went to the library and it was backed up with 250+ people!! And the wait was over 2 hours! Obviously I had to leave. Whatever. I went to the South campus computer lab-- computers were all full. I went to the Warren computer lab and the wait was 45 minutes. I went to lunch and then picked out my one sheet. I didn't touch a computer after that.
Then today I went to class which was fine. I had my book for one of the classes, which isn't something I would usually do, but we actually used the books a lot.. so I felt REALLY lucky that I had it. After my dinner with Amanda and Rachael, I decided to go on the computer in Myles and I find out that she emailed us this morning telling us we needed our book. I still feel lucky... but that is annoying! If I last checked my email at 5:30pm the day before... that should be sufficient I think!!
But that's not the ONLY email. My professor for tomorrow wants us to read these 3 pdfs (which he gave to us in email). So, thankfully the wait isn't long here in Myles. BUUUUT the computer is really slow, so there is this drag getting all the documents. And then I print out the pdfs, which are 10, 13, and 17 pages respectively and they won't print because the computer is now WATCHING for pdfs. So the guy at the lab (here) tells me that I should break them up into smaller pieces. Well it STILL didn't print! I think it prints up to 5 pages (which is dumb because double-sided you leave that entire blank side. It should at least be up to 6 pages).
I'm just really annoyed at the inefficiency. Although I'm TRYING to appreciate the fact that they are trying to save paper. I almost DID give up... and I WOULD read it on my computer except that my computer is so flakey... and sometimes if it's on a site for a while, it'll just disappear... and I bet I'd go insane! I just need to remember that this is the very LEAST of what we should be doing.
I am NOT entitled to unlimited paper.
ANYWAY. Over it.
More importantly, I still haven't decided if I want to try out for Songs for a New World.
1) Matt is directing it, and he wants me to try out
2) It would be PRETTY cool to be a part of it
1) I genuinely don't WANT to do it
2) I wouldn't be able to get a job
3) It might stress me out
I think I just shouldn't do it... and Matt will have to understand.
In other news, I had been thinking about what story idea I was going to do for the entire week. I finally came up with the one (where a girl named Elena breaks her roommate's T.V.) and today in class she told us to come up with TWO MORE for FRIDAY!! I guess it's not a HUGE deal... but I was a LITTLE annoyed.
Although I WAS lucky because we got to choose our discussion time on Friday of either 10:30am to noon or 3pm to 4:30pm and EVERYONE (essentially) wanted the 10:30am one. Lucky! Because I really would rather sleep in!! And I didn't even have to KIND OF compete!
I think I'm going to call my grandpa tomorrow.
Also, I'm sad because we changed Chords rehearsal to Thursday this week because of inauguration... but actually, I'm pretty sure nothing inaugural-y really happened between 7pm and 10pm on Tuesday. BUUUUT now I'm going to miss The Office and 30 Rock!!! And how will I watch them online!!!!!!??????? BAAAAH!!
Sorry I'm a pisser today!
Later update: I just put ALL of the two documents into groups of 4 pages. About 14 out of the 30 pages printed in what appears to be random order and now it's telling me that I need to break it up even smaller!! And I've been here for over a half hour!! And it HAS been printing the other groups of 4 pages!! I am TRYING not to be frusterated, but I can feel my pulse rising. And I really want to smack the kid that works here even though it is completely out of his control, and he's actually very nice. This sucks!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Yadda Yadda... Just Blabbin' Away

2. Watched the Golden Globes. Actually, even MORE accurately, I stayed in, despite two invitations, on a Saturday night (9-midnight) to watch the RERUNS of the Golden Globes. Issue? Maybe...
Also... I cried during NEARLY everyone's acceptence speech. Issue? Yes.
3. Saw my OCS buddies! Twas a regular fiesta!
4. Got the solo for "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" for Chords, which was EXCELLENT because I didn't feel I would do justice to any of the songs we have right now (except I DID want to try out for "Soon We'll be Found" and the Amy Winehouse one we're doing... but c'est la vie). Anyway, for the competition we do, the ICCAs, we're singing:
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
"Zoot Suit Riot"
and "Somebody to Love"
AAAAND there is a 50% chance that I will be doing a documentary on the ICCAs!!
SUPER excited about the inauguration though!! Although I honestly haven't watched any of it yet. That's a long-ass television committment!! I don't want to demean the amazingness of the event by not talking about it... but I'm sure after I watch it, I'll have more to say about it than I do now.
Can I also just say (yes you can, Blythe, this is your blog!) that I know I must KIND of be in the right major because I was reading a book for class and I came across this quote:
"The wonderful thing about how art functions in our lives, especially in literature-- film, novels, short stories-- is that it gives us what often eludes us in real life-- a meaningful emotional experience of the world."
I admit that everyone understands and knows this, not just me (which I must add, is one of the only annoying things about being a television major-- that everyone has the same feelings and experiences... or at least indeciferable experiences with regards to television and movies... because we basically ALL watch and enjoy television and movies... whereas... we did not ALL excell at organic chemistry)... but ... I still think it's neat that I was JUST reflecting on that after the Slumdog obsession (still happening, by the way).
There was another quote that went:
"In life, experiences become meaningful with reflection in time. In art, they are meaningful now, at the instant they happen."
Not the same at all... but something to think about.
P.S. The painting that is now my banner was painted by a girl who was my best friend from kindergarten to 3rd grade. I stole it from her myspace because I thought it was unbelievable. So if she ever sees this, thank you Emilie/you're a wonderful talent!!
ALSO, I had to come up with an idea for a 7 minute movie with no more than 2 lines of dialogue. Originally I was going to track some ingrediant of a dish or some part of a piece of clothing to show how much work goes into everything that we have. And then at the end it would be like some girl stains the shirt and throws it away or someone doesn't like the meal too much or something. But then I decided that's more of a PSA. Instead, I wrote it loosely (/kind of tightly) based around me breaking Katherine's T.V. Although instead of using my name, I used the name "Elena" (wink) instead. Although I kept Katherine's name. Also, I had to reread it several times to make sure I didn't accidently write "Blythe" in my treatment. I think the story's fun though! And it's a little fictitious and it makes me feel better about my own situation.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Classes/Baby It's Cold Outside
First of all, the books have been located!!! Thank goodness!
Second of all, I officially have about $130. Thank GOD!
Fourth, video production 2 seems awesome!! We're going to make a mini documentary, then I think we're going to produce our own version of a Twilight Zone script, and THEN we're going to have a final project. But even COOLER is that there are only 6 people in the class, myself included, and I'm the only one who isn't a grad student!! But, I didn't FEEL like I knew significantly less than the grad students AAAAAND I'm pretty sure this will be a REALLY awesome learning experience!
Actually, I just realised that I didn't say anything about my other classes. So I'll tell you!
Chinese anthropology: I could not be more thrilled and inspired to learn. Over last summer, I manically tried to get in this ritual anthropology class because on ratemyprofessor, this professor got like... AMAZING reviews. I did not realize when I chose Chinese anthro that it was the same professor!!! But also, when do you EVER get to really learn about China? I'm super excited!!
Television and Childhood: Really fun in terms of work!! Already had the professor and I know she really likes me (btw, I already had my video production 2 professor too... and I'm REALLY in love with him!!). Although, I do imagine, based on the first class, that I will be whole heartedly against children's television by the end of the class. All my other classes make me feel like television is pretty great and has integrity. This makes me feel like we're just making children fucked up consumers....
Screenwriting: PRETTY fun... I'm still actually reserving judgement. I don't really know yet. She's a middle aged woman and the first thing she said when she got in the room was for everyone to turn off their cellphone... which seems a little... ... obnoxious. Certainly more annoying than someone's phone accidently going off... which hardly ever happens anyway! But aside from that... it was perfectly fun and interesting.
So tomorrow/this weekend, I'm going to:
a) Try to do my homework. My screenwriting discussion was canceled so I only have an hour of Chinese anthro tomorrow. I have SO MUCH READING to do!! 100+ TECHNICALLY due tomorrow for anthro (but he said Monday is fine), 2 chapters of a book for screenwriting on Wednesday, and 5 chapters for 2 weeks from now. Plus I have to come up with a documentary idea (I have an idea that I can't divulge quite yet)/ get permission to actually shoot said idea, a thesis I might want to prove about current children's television due in 2 weeks, and an idea for a script for a short film that should be about 7 pages and can have only 2 lines of dialogue due next Wednesday. Crazy.
b) Think about that job. I think I just have to bite the bullet and see if I can get a job at Warren dining hall. I just don't forsee an easier job to get that will be regular and flexible. And THEN I can just save the money from that job and spend the money from the one I have. I honestly don't want to do it though. But I'm sure it will be fun-ish when I actually do it.
c) Vaccuum the TV stuff/clean my room.
d) Get groceries so I don't starve.
e) Get MORE books from the library.
f) I'm DEFINITELY watching Slumdog Millionaire at LEAST one more time before it's out of theaters. So ... that's going to happen.
g) I'm probably going to watch Bride Wars because... why not? I want The Reader to come to my theater, please!!
Last thing... it's COLD, DUDE! Like the kind of cold that gives you a brain freeze from the outside. The high is like 5 degrees tomorrow!! That's BEASTLY!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Let's Talk MORE About Slumdog!
Do you ever just want to absorb things into your body so you can have them forever? But there isn't any way! Sometimes I just want EVERYTHING from a movie... and I can't be satisfied. I used to cry after plays because I would never be able to see them again. A nd some movies I HAVE to own because... they are so brilliant and meaningful and beautiful!!
I'm so glad there are artists. I'm so glad that there is a J.K. Rowling and a Danny Boyle and a David Sedaris and a Rob Reiner and a Kate Winslet. In your life, how often are you REALLY touched on your own accord? REALLY think about it ... in the way that something actually ruptures into you body without physically making contact? In my life, that almost NEVER happens on it's own. But these people make it there job! They find their tale and they tell it in a way that will define everything to you!! I don't have the eloquence to give justice to how much I love beautiful movies and mind-altering books. I'm just so glad that I live in this time. I'm so grateful!
(I don't mean to not mention painters and sculptors and musicians. I only gave examples and I can't honestly say that music often does for me what a movie or book does. But that doesn't mean that they aren't equally important and wonderful and beautiful. I know that some people gain so much from any different
Tomorrow is a new semester... and it's a BIG day! I have class from 10am to 6pm with a one hour break from 1pm to 2pm! Got me some notebooks that are all recycled paper. Still haven't found the books that I sent away for... hopefully I'll find them tomorrow.
Today was a GREAT day for seeing people! I had a lovely lunch with Matt, Elena, and Matt's roommate, Riley. Then I hung out with Rachael and her boyfriend, Rafi, for a bit. Then I had a nice visit with Pat for an hour or so. Then I saw Slumdog Millionaire again with my roommate, Sonya, and her friend, Regina. It certainly made up for my lack of social contact yesterday!
Ok... I just have to show you some Dev Patel because he's SOOOOO CUTE!! This is NOTHING like his character from Slumdog though... so ... but he's... LOOK AT HIS SMILE! He's the most excited person EVER!
Dev Patel is adorable!
Monday, January 12, 2009
I also watched Revolutionary Road, thankfully first, so that I didn't dislike it... because you can't follow a movie like Slumdog Millionaire (although... I almost definitely wouldn't have watched 2 films in a row if I saw Slumdog Millionaire first... so ... that was lucky). That said, I would rate it a B (exactly like Amanda). It was quite good. Although I did find it interesting that I read an interview with Kate and Leo (who are like... BFF, which I hate to say... makes my life a little bit) and they said that they wanted to do another film together but they knew that had to make it something completely different than Titanic... and that's why they waited so long. Anyway, the movie IS a lot like Titanic... MAYBE because I was LOOKING for connections... but the whole movie was basically about Kate being trapped and them wanting to be free and going to Paris... which if you don't recall... is exactly how Kate felt and where they both wanted to go in Titanic. There were other similarities, but I won't give the movie away.
Also, I definitely feel like period time is the best time to watch movies!! ESPECIALLY new ones. I'm not trying to be weird... but I get soooo much more emotional. I'm SO much more in it!
So last night/this morning (8am bed yesterday/today... which was slightly inevitable) I finished the last Harry Potter book. Man... J.K. does NOT let you down (even though I already knew what would happen). She IS a genius. I'm glad she has so much money (even though NO ONE should really have THAT much money)... she's brilliant! That CERTAINLY won't be the last time I read those books!
I woke up today at 2:45pm (whatever whatever) and immediately took a shower and went to the movies. Then I had some dinner. Then I decided, fuck it, I might as well go to ANOTHER movie. I didn't really need to dwell on Revolutionary Road anymore, AND I have that $50 gift card. Good decision. OH what a good decision!
Here are the real life things I'm thinking about:
1) Money. I have approx $12 left. BUUUUT I should have $120 at my job when I pick them up AND my dad is sending me $150.
2) Getting another job. I'm just worried that I'm not going to think about it and then it's going to be too late... and then what will I do when I want to live in New York and have no money?
3) Need to find said internship. PRONTO. I NEED this and I CAN'T FORGET!! Otherwise I KNOOOOW that I'm going to work for OCS again... and I REALLY can't have that happen... although it's good to know that it's there.
4) Also, I both need to buy the books I didn't get online AAAAND I need to find where the books I DID get online went. I got two of them but I'm sure I should have more than that! Are they at the post office?
I JUST saw a commercial about starting your own alpaca farm. That's hilarious!
"Wanna raise alpacas?"
"... yeah."
Also, an amendment to the last one entry... but it isn't Doubt I really want to see... it's The Reader. Although I'm sure Doubt is fine.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Very Poor Summary of the Last Several Days
The Golden Globes also made me appreciate the fact that my grandpa convinced me to see Happy Go Lucky... because otherwise I'm sure I would NEVER have seen it... and that was such a glorious movie.
I am also nearly done with the 7th Harry Potter... so my goal is to have finished the entire series before school starts.
(When we were in Breckenridge, CO, dad, Asiana, and Indigo all went to bed around 10:30pm and we all slept in the same room... thus I had to find a way to stay up. So, for both nights, I read in the lobby for several hours. The first night several drunken people stumbled in the lobby in the middle night. Then the second night, I recognized some 50 year old drunken ladies from the night before. One of the ladies apparently recognized me too because she came over to me, while I was reading Harry Potter, and goes
"You readin' the Bible again? Say a prayer for us. Lord knows we need as many prayers as we can get.")
Also, Sonya is an AWESOME ROOMMATE ALREADY!! She just made jumbalaya!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
RIGHT Before the Flight
Anyway, this is how retarded I am:
First of all, I hadn't actually talked to anyone in a really long time... so while I've been singing at the top of my lungs every five minutes, I ALSO started to talk to myself a lot. That's irrelevant to the story... but I just think it's interesting.
Second of all, remember how I didn't get out of bed until 5pm the other day? Well I did it BASICALLY again... because I obviously didn't fall asleep until like 7:30am the other night.
I ACTUALLY woke up at 2pm because I THOUGHT I was going to do something. But I really stayed in my room for MOST of the day. Then I picked out some pictures to put on a disk to potentially print out. Then I fell asleep again from like... 7pm to 9pm. Lame.
Then at around 10pm, I started to be starving... because my schedule is SOOO FUCKED UP!! But I didn't have any money or food. So I went into the kitchen and looked for anything I could eat. So I found some potatoes and put them in the oven to bake. Then, I realised that Katherine left a lot of eggs, so I made some scrambled eggs. And after my eggs, I made some chicken noodle soup that Katherine also left. And as I was struggling to finish my soup, I remembered that I still had 2 potatoes in the oven... which I did eat. I vaguely considered the fact that if I vomited, it would DEFINITELY be yellow... which I know is disgusting, but I apparently can't eat a jillion foods of the same color when I've had no other human contact or stimulation without thinking about the color of my theoretical vomit. I guess that's just who I am.
Around 2am I thought about how I probably SHOULD do my laundry. At 2:30am I actually picked out the clothes I wanted to wash and did it. At 4am I picked up my clothes again.
At 7:30am I CONSIDERED going to sleep.
At 8:30am I REALLY thought I should probably go to sleep. But instead I called Kinkos to see if I could get my four pieces of paper with my flight information printed out.
At 9am I actually turned out the lights and everything... but I didn't fall asleep.
(By the way, I know there are huge gaps of time in this tale, but just know that it was all watching TV and reading... damn those Harry Potter books for being so amazing!!! / long live queen J.K. Rowling (and King Obama))
So I woke up and organized my books... I don't know why... and actually PACKED the clothes into the bag. At 10am I went to sleep. But I woke up at noon worrying about all the OTHER STUFF I had to do.
I cleaned up the TV mess (no broken glass... lucky).
I washed the dishes.
I semi-cleaned the kitchen. And took out the trash.
At 2:15pm my dad called to make sure everything was going well.
At 2:30pm I panicked about getting my errands done. So with an hour and a half to go, I went and got my pictures printed (like... $3.50! I LOVE that), got my four pieces of paper (they didn't charge me!), and then I deposited my check of $50. It took EXACTLY a half hour. On the dot. I'm RETARDED with time! Why did I think that would take an hour and a half?
And now I'm waiting four minutes before I decide to leave 4 hours early to get to the airport. I hope nothing goes wrong. I'm pretty excited! Also, now that I can't even predict when I'm going to be tired next, I think it'll be fine! I'll just go to bed no matter WHAT when my dad goes to bed (hahaha... did I fool you? You know that will NEVER happen!!).
BUT it WILL be 2 hours earlier there... so it'll be like technically 11pm when I get there... but in my brain it should be 1am... so that's good news.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
As for the things I DO need to do...
1) laundry... like whoa!
2) clean up that damn TV. Here's the deal on that. So, Katherine is going to New Zealand and I BELIEVE she left that TV here so that someone else could pick it up. Now, she ALSO left her desk chair, which she put seated at our "dining room table," which was what the TV was on. Shortly after Katherine left, I went into the kitchen and when I came out, I tripped over her desk chair, which is too big to push under the table. The chord to the TV was wrapped enough around the chair handle, apparently, to be disturbed by the jerky movement of the chair. Thus, the TV fell and completely shattered.
Now, I don't know what to do about it. But I refuse to feel guilty.
a) She should have been more careful about where she put the TV, clearly. As far as I'm concerned, that accident was unavoidable for me.
b) It's not a brand new TV, and whoever she was giving it too survived without a TV for at least the summer and first semester.
c) She shouldn't be leaving her shit, like that chair, for me to get rid of. She also left a broken mirror, and a huge beanbag chair.
I just hope I don't get guilted into paying for it. I have no money as it is, and I honestly don't even feel KIND OF responsible.
3) I need to deposit my check so I have a SMIDGEN of money when I'm in CO.
4) I should also tell my mom how to buy my other books because I don't know if I'll have the opportunity when I'm in CO.
5) I need to find a way to eat a last meal. I think I might go to McDonalds as I'm pretty sure I can afford nothing else.
6) Also, I PROBABLY want to print out my flight information, but I can really just copy it down.
My flight is at 7:55pm. I think I'm going to leave at 4pm, which sounds both too early AND too late at the same time, if that makes sense. On the one hand, it shouldn't take me 4 hours to do anything. On the other hand, I don't know EXACTLY how to do it. I mean, I've ESSENTIALLY been to the airport once, when I picked up Claire sophmore year, and I don't recall having issues. But what if I have some security problem or something. I think 4 hours will be fine (except I'll almost definitely leave at like 3:30 or 3:45 tomorrow).
But I DID buy a SHIT TON of comedy. I got 1 Bill Cosby, 2 George Carlin, 1 Chris Rock, and 1 funny ladies thing including Janeane Garofalo and Caroline Rhea. PLUS I'm 1/4 through the fifth Harry Potter book so... basically I shouldn't get bored!! I'm actually pretty excited.
But ALSO happy 2009!!
And yesterday was my 100th entry!