2. Watched the Golden Globes. Actually, even MORE accurately, I stayed in, despite two invitations, on a Saturday night (9-midnight) to watch the RERUNS of the Golden Globes. Issue? Maybe...
Also... I cried during NEARLY everyone's acceptence speech. Issue? Yes.
3. Saw my OCS buddies! Twas a regular fiesta!
4. Got the solo for "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" for Chords, which was EXCELLENT because I didn't feel I would do justice to any of the songs we have right now (except I DID want to try out for "Soon We'll be Found" and the Amy Winehouse one we're doing... but c'est la vie). Anyway, for the competition we do, the ICCAs, we're singing:
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
"Zoot Suit Riot"
and "Somebody to Love"
AAAAND there is a 50% chance that I will be doing a documentary on the ICCAs!!
SUPER excited about the inauguration though!! Although I honestly haven't watched any of it yet. That's a long-ass television committment!! I don't want to demean the amazingness of the event by not talking about it... but I'm sure after I watch it, I'll have more to say about it than I do now.
Can I also just say (yes you can, Blythe, this is your blog!) that I know I must KIND of be in the right major because I was reading a book for class and I came across this quote:
"The wonderful thing about how art functions in our lives, especially in literature-- film, novels, short stories-- is that it gives us what often eludes us in real life-- a meaningful emotional experience of the world."
I admit that everyone understands and knows this, not just me (which I must add, is one of the only annoying things about being a television major-- that everyone has the same feelings and experiences... or at least indeciferable experiences with regards to television and movies... because we basically ALL watch and enjoy television and movies... whereas... we did not ALL excell at organic chemistry)... but ... I still think it's neat that I was JUST reflecting on that after the Slumdog obsession (still happening, by the way).
There was another quote that went:
"In life, experiences become meaningful with reflection in time. In art, they are meaningful now, at the instant they happen."
Not the same at all... but something to think about.
P.S. The painting that is now my banner was painted by a girl who was my best friend from kindergarten to 3rd grade. I stole it from her myspace because I thought it was unbelievable. So if she ever sees this, thank you Emilie/you're a wonderful talent!!
ALSO, I had to come up with an idea for a 7 minute movie with no more than 2 lines of dialogue. Originally I was going to track some ingrediant of a dish or some part of a piece of clothing to show how much work goes into everything that we have. And then at the end it would be like some girl stains the shirt and throws it away or someone doesn't like the meal too much or something. But then I decided that's more of a PSA. Instead, I wrote it loosely (/kind of tightly) based around me breaking Katherine's T.V. Although instead of using my name, I used the name "Elena" (wink) instead. Although I kept Katherine's name. Also, I had to reread it several times to make sure I didn't accidently write "Blythe" in my treatment. I think the story's fun though! And it's a little fictitious and it makes me feel better about my own situation.
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