Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pissed About Paper

I'm not sure how long I'll be able to write comfortably here (Myles computer lab... buuuh)... so we'll see. But here are some important things.

1) I'm really hating this computer situation. Actually I'm not specifically upset at MY computer situation... but the reprocussions of it.
First of all, COM is no longer allowing the professors to make copies, so instead we have to print out our own syllabi and articles and whatever. That's fine. Now, I not only don't have internet, but I also don't own a printer which has never been a problem. So I had to print out my syllabi in the library. I had to wait 45 minutes though. Which isn't THAT bad. Did it.

Then a few days later I had to print out ONE SHEET. So I went to the library and it was backed up with 250+ people!! And the wait was over 2 hours! Obviously I had to leave. Whatever. I went to the South campus computer lab-- computers were all full. I went to the Warren computer lab and the wait was 45 minutes. I went to lunch and then picked out my one sheet. I didn't touch a computer after that.

Then today I went to class which was fine. I had my book for one of the classes, which isn't something I would usually do, but we actually used the books a lot.. so I felt REALLY lucky that I had it. After my dinner with Amanda and Rachael, I decided to go on the computer in Myles and I find out that she emailed us this morning telling us we needed our book. I still feel lucky... but that is annoying! If I last checked my email at 5:30pm the day before... that should be sufficient I think!!
But that's not the ONLY email. My professor for tomorrow wants us to read these 3 pdfs (which he gave to us in email). So, thankfully the wait isn't long here in Myles. BUUUUT the computer is really slow, so there is this drag getting all the documents. And then I print out the pdfs, which are 10, 13, and 17 pages respectively and they won't print because the computer is now WATCHING for pdfs. So the guy at the lab (here) tells me that I should break them up into smaller pieces. Well it STILL didn't print! I think it prints up to 5 pages (which is dumb because double-sided you leave that entire blank side. It should at least be up to 6 pages).

I'm just really annoyed at the inefficiency. Although I'm TRYING to appreciate the fact that they are trying to save paper. I almost DID give up... and I WOULD read it on my computer except that my computer is so flakey... and sometimes if it's on a site for a while, it'll just disappear... and I bet I'd go insane! I just need to remember that this is the very LEAST of what we should be doing.
I am NOT entitled to unlimited paper.

ANYWAY. Over it.
More importantly, I still haven't decided if I want to try out for Songs for a New World.
1) Matt is directing it, and he wants me to try out
2) It would be PRETTY cool to be a part of it
1) I genuinely don't WANT to do it
2) I wouldn't be able to get a job
3) It might stress me out

I think I just shouldn't do it... and Matt will have to understand.

In other news, I had been thinking about what story idea I was going to do for the entire week. I finally came up with the one (where a girl named Elena breaks her roommate's T.V.) and today in class she told us to come up with TWO MORE for FRIDAY!! I guess it's not a HUGE deal... but I was a LITTLE annoyed.
Although I WAS lucky because we got to choose our discussion time on Friday of either 10:30am to noon or 3pm to 4:30pm and EVERYONE (essentially) wanted the 10:30am one. Lucky! Because I really would rather sleep in!! And I didn't even have to KIND OF compete!

I think I'm going to call my grandpa tomorrow.
Also, I'm sad because we changed Chords rehearsal to Thursday this week because of inauguration... but actually, I'm pretty sure nothing inaugural-y really happened between 7pm and 10pm on Tuesday. BUUUUT now I'm going to miss The Office and 30 Rock!!! And how will I watch them online!!!!!!??????? BAAAAH!!

Sorry I'm a pisser today!

Later update: I just put ALL of the two documents into groups of 4 pages. About 14 out of the 30 pages printed in what appears to be random order and now it's telling me that I need to break it up even smaller!! And I've been here for over a half hour!! And it HAS been printing the other groups of 4 pages!! I am TRYING not to be frusterated, but I can feel my pulse rising. And I really want to smack the kid that works here even though it is completely out of his control, and he's actually very nice. This sucks!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

That would drive me INSANE! I really commend you on your efforts to stay calm and positive. Because I would be murdering someone by now.