Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Was a Shithead in Middle School and More

First, there's this email from my RA:

Over the past few days, several of our buildings have been littered with false Window Washing postings hung on each residence door. We know of some buildings which have received these postings, but not all. If you have noticed these signs posted in your building, please know they are FALSE - Neither residence life nor facilities has made arrangements for any inside window cleaning to take place. Please inform your residents of the following:
1.) No one should be entering their rooms to wash windows and they should not let persons unknown to them into the building at any time.
2.) Residents do not need to post any sign on their residence door stating they do not want their windows washed.
3.) Residents should lock their door (including the deadbolt) at all times to prevent unwanted persons from entering their residence.

This is a LITTLE unfortunate since we DID get window washing signs about 2 weeks ago. And we DID put a notice on our door saying we didn't want our windows to be washed.... buuuuh...

So last night I emailed my mom a shit-ton of pictures. While I was on that email address (the one I use for my relatives... and I guess the one I WOULD use for my friends if I ever wanted to email them... hard to say), I decided to look through my folders because I've had this address since 6th or 7th grade and I used to write a LOOOT of emails! Anyway, I had a folder entitled "interesting convos"... and I used to save AIM conversations like it was my job!

So I went through reading them and they were SOOOO EMBARRASSING!! The kind of embarrassing that makes your stomach churn even though no one else is witnessing it! And it wasn't just my actual words, which were awkward but fine... like my excessive use of the word "coolio." But also the things that I was enraged by! AND ALSO what emails I used to give and receive. Like I would have conversations with people about someone and then send that conversation to the person we were talking about. That's BAD! What a terrible person I was in middle school! And I don't even remember the issues... nor do I remember feeling particularly shitty about things that I did. Rough. But you know... I look through my old blogs, which were a little later than these conversations... and they are a perfectly reasonable read. They are positive and nice. But anyone who reads this, do you remember that Hannah fiasco freshman year? I totally forgot until I read all of those emails!

In other news, my boss that I'm not REALLY working for called me into her office while I was waiting for my other boss to be finished with someone. I THOUGHT she was going to remark on the fact that I forgot to put my time sheet in last week (which I was fully intent on ignoring... as always) BUT she actually wants to more than double my hours and she wants me to apply for more money from the work study people, who she called and confirmed that they DO have money to give. So instead of working 5 hours a week, I would work 10.5... which would be GOLDEN and I wouldn't have to get another job!! BUUUUT my aid for the YEAR right now is $1466. Now she wants me to apply for $2500 more... which obviously doesn't make sense. I did the math and I only need like $720 more... She told me that I should ask for $2500, but $1000 is fine. Does that make sense though? I don't want them to think I'm greedy! I mean, if it were up to me, I would ask for $1500 assuming they would give me half. But asking for 4+ times the amount I need seems ridiculous. And I asked her if she for sure means $2500 MORE and she confirmed. And I feel like she made a mistake but I can't ask her a third time! And if I just ask for less then she might think that I didn't understand her instructions and won't like me as much. Although PERHAPS she is thinking of increasing my money for twice as much so that I can work have that big budget and work that much next year. But that isn't what she said...
I understand that this isn't an actual issue though. But I do have to go to the office today. I guess I WILL just ask for $2500 and then they'll just have to cut it way down.

BUUUUUT if it works out, and I don't see why it won't since Sandra (my boss) seems confident that it will, this will be great motivation to start working on the internship thing... because it's hard to have two goals. It's much easier to have one problem solved (obviously, Blythe).

I'm going to TRY not to go home for a while today... because as soon as I go home I'm going to take a nap and I REALLY want to do my reading for two reasons:
1. I have to...
2. At the beginning of sememsters, I pretty much always do most of my work because I don't know my teachers well enough to know which work I don't have to do. Although at some point I will probably neglect at least one class because reading for all classes is exhausting and often quite unnecessary. BUT that's not the story. The story is that every time I actually DO my readings, I always feel like I've gained so much. I guess that's obvious and why they ASSIGN the reading... But still, even while I feel like I'm gaining so much, I would still rather watch 3rd Rock from the Sun....

Tonight I have to AT LEAST read page 32-95 of a book called Consuming Kids, which is what I wrote about last night. And I have to type up three good points about each of the 5 chapters. And I have to print out and at least SKIM two articles about... something. And THEN I have to come up with like... a two sentence thesis on what I want to look for in my reseach on childrens programming. Pretty easy. Fine. I HAVE to do that.
Then I have to at least SKIM my stuff for screenwriting because there are only 13 people in the class. Fine.
BUUUUT on WEDNESDAY I have to at LEAST know this book that is like 275 pages, and I've only read 40.

You know what always sucks though? Is that I REALLY want to read this Chinese book. Like... I enjoy it quite a bit right now!! BUUUUT if I don't finish it (and I'm not saying I won't... but there is only a 17% chance that I WILL finish...) then I have to look up a summary of it online and then I'll NEVER read it! Lame. That happened to me with 1984, Julius Caesar, POSSIBLY Brave New World (but I don't remember because I ALMOST finished that one if I didn't actually finish it).


Claire said...

Hahahaha, I DO remember the Hannah situation, but I have NO idea why I cared, because I don't think I was even very good friends with her... like, ever. I especially remembering one time when she wore a tank top over top of a T-shirt, and it was SO scandalous! I don't know why.

Claire said...

Also, who wasn't a shithead in middle school? Besides Elana.