Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 2 of New Apartment

I am kind of my own hero these past couple weeks.

Obviously the move was huge (understatement in my brain). Saving a SIGNIFICANT amount of money on gas. I think I cut the cost by half.

My diet did a 180 with the ability to cook and refrigerate. My conservative estimate is that I cut my meat intake by 4/5, but it's probably more than that. I don't know how to cook meat (really) is what I'm saying. I've supplemented with eggs. By the way, I have eggs for breakfast! Or at the very least, toast with peanut butter. Breakfast, guys! And I go an entire day without spending a cent. Two days even! Maybe 3!

Then I worked on set last weekend! That was a coup. Especially since I was actually paid! In money! And it was my first commercial shoot, which was an experience. Pretty fun, super exhausting, and as always, kind of painful since it's SUPER high energy for at least 12 hours per day on the weekend. But, as always, you feel pumped and proud and heroic in retrospect.

I also went to Target (on a weekday!) and got a LOT of things I'd been putting off.
1. Pair of brown pants (half of my shirts require brown and not black pants)
2. bras (2)
3. Razors
4. Sunglasses (mine broke yesterday)
5. Shoes. My DSW ones lasted a MONTH before the holes were unbearable and the pavement scorched my feet. 6 weeks before I replaced them. My new ones KILL. We'll see if my feet can build strong enough calluses or if I'm going to have to squander MORE money into foot protection.
6. Milk (gallon per week is the count so far)
7. parmesan cheese (in block form)
8. Shower soap

I even wrote the list before I went to the store!

My standard for heroics is actually quantum small, it turns out. But I'm very happy. Mostly, I'm in the mode again. My attitude is of the go-getter, push-yourself-to-be-better variety.

Also, I want to share a hilarious LA tidbit. My very least favorite highway in the WHOLE WORLD (emphasis because I'd never even considered not liking a highway, let alone despising a highway, before this one) is the 405, which I've spent significant portions of my life on. Stand still, 6 lane traffic that makes you want to drown everyone in your pee (a short sighted solution to an implied problem). They are closing the 405 down this weekend-- 8pm Friday to 6am Monday and we are all actively calling it Carmaggedon. Expected delays of 3 hours!! I'm kind of scared, but much more curious. I am supposed to be somewhere on Saturday, but if it looks too crazy, I'll shut in. I don't care. Stock up on some spaghetti-os and watch the madness from my balcony.


Esha said...

Your last couple posts make me miss you so much! I'm glad you found a new place. You sound so much happier and back to your normal self!

Blythe said...

Thank you SO MUCH Esha!! I miss you too!!!! But next time you visit, we are FOR SUUUUUUUUURE hanging out because you can just come to my new place!! And have margaritas!!! It's very central!

I miss you so much!!

Claire said...

I heard about them closing down 405 on the news! And I actually knew what it was! It was an exciting moment.

I'm so happy you have your new apartment!!!

The Lady Me said...

Hahaha I particularly like the part about you wanting to drown everyone in your pee. HAHA.

Congrats on the life upgrade! New things make you feel so nice, right??

Esha said...

aaaah i miss you too Blythe!! that is why your blog is such an excellent thing, i get small doses of blythe-ocity