In other news, I got me a guitar and I found me a great site to learn how to play. BUUUT I need a pick! It's such a small thing to prevent me from playing right now. I can put my hands in the right places right now, though. BUUUT I can't tell if it's right because I keep missing strings when I strum with no pick. Whatever though... I'm on a role.
I rented this movie that Bob Dylan stars in and co-wrote called Masked and Anonymous. John Goodman, Val Kilmer, Luke Wilson, Penelope Cruz, and Jessica Lange are all in it. Gotta say though... it's not very good at all. It's hard to watch though because it's kind of like... a weird preachy plot and then there are all of these monologues spouting semi-cryptic, broad wisdom about animals and people's lack of freedom and morality... which is OFTEN stuff that is in his songs... but it just sounds pretentious and silly in a film. I want to say that those thoughts and words are not for the medium of film... but on the other hand, who am I to dictate what should and should not be in a film or a song? BUUUT I know that I'm questioning my ideas because Bob Dylan is in it.. and I want to understand and appreciate everything he does because... I'm quite invested in him. Whatever... it's not that big of a deal though.
Also, I never mentioned this, but I'm also OBSESSED with Pete Seeger. Not in the same way as Bob Dylan because Pete Seeger is just a saint-humanitarian that's INFINITELY admirable but equally unrelatable. I rented this documentary on him called The Power of Song... and it was very powerful. That was the day I decided to learn how to play guitar.
On the school front... I didn't really do anything this week. I don't even care. I probably will in the next few days.
It totally looks like two guys making out to me, too....
I just read that it depicts two "lovers" embracing in the back seat of a bus, but it doesn't say if they're both men or not.
On yet another note, that looks like a really awkward position for making out in a moving vehicle.
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