Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Weird Celeb Dream

Last night I had a dream where I went to mass with my family. My brother wasn't sitting with the rest of them, he sat in a different pew across the aisle so I went to sit with him. He sat on the opposite end of the pew and I didn't want to cross over people to get to him, so I went around and on the way something weird happened with my pants so I took them off. When I got to the other side of the pew, these twin girls who were dressed like they got their first communion were sitting in the seat, talking to my brother. So I decided to just sit in the empty back pew alone, not wearing any pants, but I was wearing a long button down shirt. Then I look over at my family and they're sitting with Paul Rudd and B. J. Novak. They all wave at me, and my mom turns to Novak and explains why I'm not wearing pants. 

Then Paul Rudd and I go to chat with David Letterman and Rudd and I are talking about Jay Leno with Letterman and I felt like a total kiss-ass telling Letterman that I only watch his show. Then to prove it, I was going to tell him what guests he had last night, but I couldn't remember so instead I told him how I love when he has the wild animal guy on and then I did an impression of the way Jungle Jack Hanna talks to Dave. 

Then David Letterman stops laughing for a minute and goes "Do you ever feel like you're in the calm of a storm?" I turn to Paul Rudd and then I wake up. 

Gotta say, that was a better celebrity dream than when I dreamt that Candace Cameron was my writing teacher or the time I dreamt I talked to Molly Ringwald on a plane about The Secret Life of an American Teenager. Both of those were absolute wastes of having celebrities in your dreams. I guess this one actually wasn't THAT much better. Marginally. 

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