Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bob Dylan, Specifically.

Ok... not to be going back and forth on the matter... but I was reading my Bob Dylan interviews and here are some things I came across today: 

"I hung around college, but it's a cop-out from life, from experience....they're all just in it for the money and for resentment. They put in their time and they're going to get it back."

"Don't you understand? If you're smart, you just gotta keep going, you're just not going to stand still. Everyone else is going to die. I don't mean die. I mean, they are going to decay and go crazy. If I could help them, I would love to see them straightened out. But I know in my heart that it is impossible to straighten all these people out, because they are all so nine-to-five, and so involved with that life that it is impossible. I don't want nothing to do with it."

And here are some other things I've underlined on other days:

"...all the lies that people get told on their radios and in their newspapers. All you have to do is think for a minute. They're trying to take people's brains away. Which maybe has been done already. I hate to think it's been done. All the lies I consider poison."

"It's like, when somebody wants to tell me what the 'moral' thing is to do, I want them to show me. If they have anything to say about morals, I want to know what it is they do. Same with me. All I can do is show the people who ask me questions how I live. All I can do is be me. I can't tell them how to change things, because there's only one way to change things, and that's to cut yourself off from all the chains. That's hard for most people to do."

"He didn't have to use adjectives. He didn't really have to define what he was saying. He just said it. I can't do that yet, but that's what I want to be able to do."

"People talk about trying to change society. All I know is that so long as people stay so concerned about protecting their status and protecting what they have, ain't nothing going to be done."

"... They throw Shakespeare at some kid who can't read Shakespeare in high school, right? Who digs reading Hamlet, man? All they give you is Ivanhoe, Silas Marner, Tale of Two Cities-- and they keep you away from things you should do. You shouldn't even be there in school. You should find out from people. Dig! That's where it all starts. In the beginning-- like from 13 to 19-- that's where all the corruption is."

"Who cares about tomorrow and yesterday? People don't live there, they live now."

"Hey, when I left there, man, I knew one thing: I had to get out of there and not come back. Just from my sense I knew there was something more than Walt Disney movies. I was never turned on or off by money. I never considered the fact of money as really that important. I could always play the guitar, you dig, and make friends-- or fake friends. A lot of people do other things and get to eat and sleep that way. Lot of people do a lot of things just to get around. You can find cats who get very scared, right? Who get married and settle down. But, after somebody's got something and sees it all around him, so he doesn't have to sleep out in the cold at night, that's all. The only thing is he don't die. But is he happy? There's nowhere to go."

"I'm not about to go around changing anything. I don't like anybody to tell me what I have to do or believe, how I have to live. I just don't care."

"It's just absurd for people to sit around being offended by their own meaninglessness, so that they have to force everything else to come into the hole with them, and die trying."

Two notes: 
1. That's obviously not ALL  he talks about... I picked those carefully out of 100 pages of interviews. AAAAND he's not THAT aggressive monumentally... but since they ARE interviews, that's the nature of the beast. There is obviously going to be frustration. 
2. I think this is one of the first times that I've been more concrete about why he speaks to me. Although, like I said, this isn't all he is. 

ALSO, I wrote this out (/am currently writing this) at work. So, my boss called me into to do something and her and this other School of Education professor and she were talking about this her friend's son. Apparently, he went to Florida for spring break/ his 25 birthday (I'm not sure why he was doing spring break at 25... maybe he's a teacher too). I guess when he went down to the beach to get his sunglasses, he was shot and died. Obviously extremely unfortunate. So my boss, in sympathy, says "all you can think of is WHY did he have to go back and get those sunglasses?!" And the professor says "WHY did she even let him go?! I won't let my kid go for anywhere for spring break. 'You're not going anywhere. You're coming home.' Why didn't she make him stay and get a job?" And my boss says "true."

If my mom did that, I would slap her right across the face. My mom would NOT do that. 

Also, as a side note, I have been having SUPER scary dreams all week! Like the screaming kind. Last night, in my dream, I was at/having (not sure) a party in a swimming pool, and everyone was drunk and high and then while I was laughing in the pool with my all clothes on and everything, I turn over and a girl, who I know in life but won't name, was half-floating on a pool toy next to me, dead. Blue. Eyes open. 

ONE LAST THING: The cover on the new Bob Dylan album is NOT two men making out. It's from Bruce Davidson's Brooklyn collection (and a tribute to Larry Brown because he used the same image as the cover of his book Big Bad Love (and I guess Bob Dylan loves him/ said he read everything the man's ever written)). Anyway, the person is the same girl from the rest of the photos. And I agree with Claire that it does NOT seem like the most comfortable way to make out in a car. 

ALTHOUGH here is ANOTHER thing Bob Dylan said in 1966: 
"Love and sex are things that really hang everybody up. When things aren't going right and you're really nobody, if you don't get laid in one way or another, you get mean, you know. You get cruel. Now, why in the world sex should force this is beyond me. I truthfully can tell you that male and female are not here to have sex, you know, that's not the purpose. I don't believe that that's God's will, that females have been created to that they can be a counterpart of man's urge.... Sex and love have nothing to do with female and male, and it might not be male and female. It might be female and female or it might be male and male. You can try to pretend that it doesn't happen, and you can make fun of it and be snide, but that's not really the rightful thing. I know, I know."

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