Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Change of Plans at 3am

I've decided to stay in PA for an extra day for the following reasons:

1. Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances (not really a series... just one), I am extremely low on moneys. But I have checks that contain some. So I decided to wait until I get the checks in the bank so that I can buy shampoo, toothpaste, and sheets and not awkwardly try to avoid them for a few days.

2. Along the same lines, I would like to eat.

3. There's no reason why I have to go back tomorrow except that I greatly dislike (hate) being at home (unless I'm with my friends which, unfortunately, cannot be all the time) (sorry for the pessimism... but if I didn't say it, I would straight-up be lying by omission...)

4. ... uh... The Cougar is on tomorrow... and I won't have a TV when I get back (more of a factor in my decision than my ego enjoys...)

5. It's 3:52am and I don't feel like doing my laundry...

6. I'm a flexible lady who does not have to abide by my own plans if something wiser comes up.


(Also, I forgot to mention that the Sims 3 is coming out on June 2. That will be the end of the outdoors for me. Except that I have a laptop... so it'll be the end of people respecting me when they see me outdoors, playing the sims for hours, trying to remember to reapply my sunscreen...)

1 comment:

devon said...

omg! did you seriously nod to my TWO blogs on your side-panel? you're amazing. come back soon so we can jizz over my amazing netflix queue that you've probably already seen all of.