Friday, May 22, 2009

My New Friend Rick

Written, but not posted, last night: 

NOW I'm back in Boston. I actually got in yesterday. 

So before I left, as per (the now) usual, I did not sleep at all... but my mom, who gets home at 2am sometimes and I went for a walk and she ended up staying up with me until after 4am. That was great. I don't feel like telling this uninteresting story play by play (Really Blythe? Yes really. ) but I ended up getting to the bus station two hours early for my bus at 9am. I got a soda and sat down, reflecting on how you usually don't meet interesting people as much in the morning as you do at night. So I started reading my book and this guy asks me to borrow a pen, so I obviously give him one. A few minutes later he asks me about where I live etc. 
We end up chatting for over an hour and we discussed the following things: 

1. Stuff about me. My major. Loans. Boston..  Whatevs. 

2. He dropped out of college after 2 years. 

3. He's trying to get a job but it's hard in this economy. At the time, he was sitting there trying to get a job AT the greyhound station. 

4. He's interested in designing t-shirts. 

5. He told me that you can get a free email address if you go to the library. That it's something like yahoo. I couldn't decide if I should explain that you don't need to go to the library to have a free email address and run the risk of sounding arrogant or if I should just nod. I went with the latter. He told me that I should do it and I told him that I get a free email address from my school. I need to say that this guy was pretty young, maybe late 20s and NOT crazy... how many people do you think don't know about email?

6. He also told me that he really likes horses because he got to spend a week riding one and learning about one when he did the reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg. I asked him how he got that opportunity and he asked me if I really wanted to know. I told him I did and he said it was because he was in a juvenile detention center for a while. 

7. At some point during our talk he took out a little packet of raisins and asked me if I wanted some. I told him I was alright but he told me they were great for you. So I agreed and told him I'd have a raisin. He ended up giving me half of the packet. "50/50" he said. It was really nice. 

When I had to get in line for the bus, he asked me if there was any way he contact me later. As always, I have a difficult time knowing the safe distance to be from strangers so I ended up giving him my hotmail email address because my BU one has my last name and I thought that probably would be wise (in accordance with 3rd party perspective... because he seemed great to me). He told me his name was Rick and he would email me in a week or two. But since he doesn't have an email address yet, I can't put him into my contact list... and it's almost 100% likely that my email will filter him into the junk mail. So now I have to remember to check my junk box for something that looks like it might be from Rick. I just hope I remember so he doesn't hate me forever. He also gave me his phone number and told me that if I get an answering machine, I should definitely leave a message and he'll get it. In my head I wondered what he thought I would possibly call him about.

Anyway, that was nice. 

Then I got back, exhausted. I waited at Caroline's until I could get my key. Then I went to my apartment and briefly put some stuff away. Then I went right back to hang out with Caroline and Wolf. Before I came home for the last time, I got a packages of yogurt, a bunch of bananas, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and a coke (my last one?). 

Miraculously, I actually slept through the night!!!!! For the first time in weeks!!!

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