I'm being a shitty post-er and I tell you why. Surprisingly little is happening. I keep thinking I'll just wait until something worth writing about happens... but it never comes. So today I'll tell you the tidbits that I've been saving up. Be prepared, they may be far less interesting than you would hope from an early post from my new life in L.A.
1. I made an AWESOME breakfast the other day (yeah! Exactly! THIS is the stuff I've been saving up! Damnit...)! I made myself hash browns, bacon, scrambled eggs, and I placed fresh orange slices around the plate. Then I added home made guacamole to the eggs (from the third of FOUR batches of guacamole that I've already been a part of) and some hot sauce. Then I had a glass of milk and a glass of coke to go with it. It was AWESOME!
2. I went to the Getty Center, which is an art museum but they are really thrilled about the architecture and the gardens. It IS very cool.
Doesn't this part of the garden kind of look like the one in Coraline?

Here's part of the building. I chose these two pictures because I didn't want to upload any from my phone and these ones were on my roommates facebook. But you get the gist.

When we went through orientation, we went through a lot of emergency procedure. This covered earthquakes, terrorist attacks, and fires... but I've never been given so much detail about fires before. When we went to the Getty Center, they casually mentioned some areas that got caught on fire. What I'm saying is, fires are everywhere. I'm really glad I listened to the fine detailed emergency procedure carefully.
We even had TORNADOES and a FLOOD WARNING yesterday! Crazy!
3. I am 2/3 through the SECOND season of How I Met Your Mother. Obviously I'm growing attached. Also, I may start watching The Wire through no fault of my own. My roommate Meggie got the entire first season on netflix and says we should make a day of it. My willpower and curiosity may be too weak to turn down such a request.
4. I accidently started reading the Harry Potter books again! DAMNIT! I really only started with book five, which I have now finished. Thank goodness I didn't start with one again or... I'd never go out and learn about L.A. The problem is, every time I see a glimmer of one of the movies I'm like "I MUST remember how this REALLY goes!! Baaaah!!" And what am I supposed to do when all of the books are just waiting for me in the car?!
Amazing though. Just fantastic!
5. Funniest thing so far. Medical marijuana ads! Go ahead and count them.
14! They are ALL dispensing weed! Even the ones that don't totally look like it (go ahead and look it up online!). Oh the money you save, coupon clipping for pot!
Let's just take a closer look at one, quickly.
My other roommate, Diane, and I are going to In-N-Out today. PUMPED!
Also, I can't neglect to mention the Globes. I just want to point out how unfortunate it is that a JILLION great GREAT movies came out last year and for this year... The Hangover is a winner. And I'm really all for those kind of comedies getting picked! And I didn't even see the movie and I'm sure it's great. But... It's Complicated was also a contender! And also... Avatar, which absolutely deserves every art direction and cinematography award there is... is NOT a best picture. So we'll see what happens at the Oscars but... this is kind of a dull year.
(While I was writing this, I got another interview for tomorrow! That's called good blog karma, people! Keep the blogs coming and good fortune is sure to follow! (that sounds right...))
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