Oh man, life just got intense.
First of all, I got my second internship on The Young and the Restless (CBS)!! Which is basically the opposite of Present Pictures, experience and content-wise.
Where to start?
Here is my schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10:30am-6pm- Present Pictures, 7:30pm-10pm- class
Wednesday, Friday: 9am-6pm- Y&R
I feel VERY involved in Present Pictures and I feel like I'm making real contributions. Basically they are trying to reach college students to have colleges book screenings of their films. When the website for that is up, I'll send it to you. But... they obviously want to know what I think about how to reach college students prone to watching movies... about which I definitely have some insight. I had a meeting with them the other day and it was intense and awesome.
They also want me to do a lot of stuff outside of when I'm actually there. The stuff is interesting, but at this very second, it's a little overwhelming. Although it's not like there is a due-date... but I want to be the very best intern I can be, so I'm setting mental due dates that are ... a little nuts. Basically I have six movies to watch (one completed), read a 175 pg book on marketing in the digital age, and read a script and do coverage on it.
PLUS I have to read two scripts and do coverage on one for my class that IS to Monday. I am resentful of this, although I'm trying not to be. These are long days though! But at least scripts are interesting. It's not like I'm forced to read the complete works of Homer or something.
Yesterday was my first day at Y&R. They obviously relied on me WAY less... especially since I don't know my way around at all. That place is HUGE and there are a JILLION people that I need to interact with. On the plus side, I'm supposed to be meeting everyone and learning about everything they do as a general internship rule, and... I kind of already know everyone at Present Pictures (although at some point I will for sure question them about some specifics). Although I must say, it's difficult because I consider remembering names and having a sense of direction to be specific weaknesses of mine. I tried to write down all the names and positions and places these people might be located that I could remember when I got back to the office. Having written down 21 names (I counted), I can confidently say that that is about half. Right? Get the gravity of the situation?
Nevertheless, I get to interact with editors, directors, APs, sweeteners, the person who does the music, a writers assistant, the actors... and more! Also, I don't have to answer phones, it seems, which is great because I had a lot of anxiety over contemplating that task. Mostly I just have to deliver stuff to people. But I will get the chance to look over any of the parts mentioned... including watching the tapings. Although in the office, the TV plays the taping of the show.
Yesterday I mostly read and did a synopsis of one of the scripts in between all of my runs. I also read a few letters of general fan mail. That was interesting, although I'm not comfortable talking about what it said on a public forum. Lot's of confidentiality on stuff, which I'll say again, is going to hurt this blog.
I will say that every is SO nice! In general! In CBS and Present Pictures and the people I meet on the deliveries and pickups that I've done for Present Pictures.. and even people I've met in my building. Everyone smiles as you pass them. I've had a jillion conversations with people on the elevator both in my building AND at CBS. Plus, literally EVERYWHERE you go, people will offer you a drink. I went to pick up something at a warehouse and they offered me a drink. Amazing.
A few more things about CBS. I'm not working on the lot, I'm working at the studios. So the shows that tape in the building include but POSSIBLY are not limited to (but... maybe it is just these few shows... impossible to say):
The Price is Right
The Bold and the Beautiful
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (YES!)
The Young and the Restless
Also... I'm pretty sure The Wanda Sykes Show tapes there.
Which brings me to:
Wanda Sykes

AWESOME! I just smiled at her when I saw her in the CBS building. She smiled back.
Kate Linder (Esther on The Young and the Restless)

Michael Muhney (Adam on The Young and the Restless)

He also came up to the office, although I didn't really look at him directly. The script I read had a lot about him, but I can't divulge any of it. Also, to me he kind of looks like Justin Kirk, who is actually in one of the Present Picture movies that we're bringing to the colleges (Four Boxes). I may watch that one next.
Sorry to keep going (except it's my blog!), but for one of my classes we had to watch The Deep End. I watched it and ... didn't really care either way because television dramas don't interest me. Well my class ripped it APART! But I couldn't really see the nuanced reason why this show was so much worse than a Grey's Anatomy, although I've admittedly never REALLY seen an episode of Grey's. It just bummed me out because they are all far too Joni Mitchell to me... and this makes me think that maybe I should lean towards movies after all, since I seem to only understand the entertainment value of sitcoms. Or maybe I should just overcome the Joni Mitchell and watch the dramas so I have an idea of why people watch them.
No new Office this week. LAAAME.
Also, I haven't watched The Daily Show or Colbert Report or any late night show in probably two weeks. I am resentful of this and it needs to stop. The problem is that roommates are still around at 11pm. Bummer.
1 comment:
Your internships sound AWESOME! It all sounds very, very exciting, and like a fantastic opportunity.
And it is so cool that you see celebrities for real!
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