First of all, this is the picture I just took from the desk in my living room!!! Please note the abundance of children and beauty (see the fountain?!). Also, in the bottom left, covered in a clump of trees is a little cafe.
Here it is. It sells coffee, pre-made sandwiches, and SMOOTHIES!! Also the man is very nice and allegedly remembered my roommate's name when she went back the next day (he said he pretty much knows everyone) (my roommate is the one ordering in the picture-- she's dressed VERY California!).
I was going to take more pictures of the apartment... but I couldn't decide if that was appropriate or interesting. I got bored whilst deciding so I'm just showing a picture of the living room. To the right you can kind of see the black desk and there is also a dining room table (the yellow sweater is on one of the chairs). That is the window through which I took the first picture. To the right is the kitchen and through the door is the hall that leads to the other rooms.
Here is one of the pictures I took at the beach the other day. It's KIIIND of sunset-y although I thought it was closer to magic hour while I was taking the picture because I forgot I had sunglasses on. When I took them off, it didn't really seem like sunset at all.

This is my picture of the Tar Pits (as featured in My Girl 2). It looks more like a pond and doesn't REALLY smell too much... definitely not as much as you would think. What amused me was how violent the only statues are within the pits. Look at how this sad mastodon family (allegedly... they look an awful lot like regular African elephants to me...) gets slowly and painfully ripped apart for eternity. Meanwhile, people play all over the park and visit the museum full of only fossils they removed from the pit.

ANYWAY, I went to my first interview. Naturally I was terrified and arrived an hour early (it only took me 15 minutes to get there...) I don't feel I can talk about it for two reasons:
1) I don't know what I'm allowed to say about ANY of these matters or any scripts or any people... and as this blog comes up first when you google my name... I feel I should just keep everything to myself. Lame as I feel that would significantly enhance the quality of this blog.
2) I don't know if I'll get the job... so better not divulge until I know.
ALSO I had my first celebrity sighting! I saw Jane Lynch (Role Models, Glee, 40 Year Old Virgin) at The Grove (shmancy) while we were on our way to the farmer's market during orientation.

If any Chords people read this, I was wearing my Chords shirt at the time and felt it was appropriate.
Got to pick my classes. Weeeell... I got to pick ONE class, which was a bummer because I HAVE to take two of the classes that are taught by the same guy and seemed a little Joni Mitchell. I wouldn't care except there were three other classes that seemed AMAZING but I was only able to pick one. And it was tough because one class seemed most helpful to learn about all the different jobs in TV-- good for if I don't want to be a writer and also good for understanding the whole process. One class was a VERY in depth about writing right NOW which is great for if I DO want to be a writer (my alleged dream (I WILL stop using the word "alleged")). The last, and most interesting seeming one, was about representing talent which is KIND OF good for knowing about your own agent and the choices they make... but mostly a LITTLE useless. I chose the middle one. Hope it works out... (I'm sure it will).
Made guacamole yesterday. Heavenly. Suddenly I am obsessed with avocado in a way I have never been before. I can only attribute this to brainwashing at the border.
Watched the latest, and my first, episode of How I Met Your Mother. LOOOOVED Neil Patrick Harris! Buuuut... I was especially unhappy with Jason Segel, who I ADORE in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Freaks and Geeks (although not SO much in I Love You, Man). I was also disappointed in Alyson Hannigan... although I can't compare her performance to her other works (didn't watch Buffy and ... how can I compare to American Pie?). But, I can't judge the show solely on this episode. Further research is required.
Lastly, I must mention that my roommates are so far both early sleepers. One goes to bed promptly at 10pm (TEN!) and the other seems to be much more flexible, going to bed any time between 10:30pm and 1am. Regardless, we have many doors and thus they don't mind that the TV is still on. I watched Stewart and Colbert in peace (meaning without the anxiety of someone wanting to watch something else. I wouldn't mind anyone watching with me, of course). Brilliant.
Double lastly, my only complaint: The water tastes like DEATH! For REAL! And I ALWAYS drink my water from the tap! I filled my water bottle the other day, took one sip, and was forced to pour my water bottle out immediately, fearing the taste would stick even when I poured in fresh water. Even through the brita it tastes terrible. So far, I've been forced to buy gallon jugs at the store (as is at least one of my roommates). It's really too bad. But if that is the only problem, I'll ABSOLUTELY take it!
Blythe! I just wanted to comment to say the following:
2) See? I do read your blog!
3) While an excellent episode, that particular episode did not do Jason Segel's and Alyson Hannigan's characters justice. They are both awesome, Marshall especially.
<3 Esha
I MISS YOU (singular and plural) TOO!!! SOOO MUCH!!
Also, if you say to keep at the show, I absolutely will!
The pictures are gorgeous, your place looks huge (sweet!), and it sounds like you're having a wonderful start! I wish you all the best in your interviews and classes, and do keep us posted on your adventures! Miss you!
Awesome awesome awesome!!
My dad wants to know: what is the driving like?
The driving is WAAAAAAAY worse than any I've experienced in terms of traffic. The highway is ALWAYS packed... although it seems better on Sunday mornings.
But... it's not so unimaginable that I can't do it. I just have to be braver and trust that people will let me in... they really do. But before I often wait to merge until no one was in the lane, but now I have to shove my way in. But it took me like.... a half hour to go 4 miles the other day. At 11:30am!
Blythe- I am really reeeeeally glad that you are enjoying LA and california life! I can't wait to see you there!
Also, I really appreciate that you were wearing your Chords shirt when you saw Jane Lynch. I hope she saw and appreciated the acamagic. Corina and I wore our Chords shirts when we were in the audience at the tonight show with conan. ps- are you upset about conan going off the air this week? i'm really bummed.
Anyways, we really miss you. I am glad though that you are loving LA and establishing yourself there in the TV world. That just seems like an amazing way to get your foot in the door there.
Keep posting pictures and stories, so I can check up on you :)
I am TOTALLY sad that Conan is off air. Especially because I feel like he's going to become offscreen talent (I think he'll contribute and make brilliant shows... but I'd really like to be able to see him PERFORM which... doesn't seem TOTALLY likely) Plus it was VERY lame to everyone, including him, who had to move from NY.
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